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I am Defecting

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Posts posted by I am Defecting







    Just PM it to him or something.


    Nah... I think I owe it to him.



    Well, this is just a bunch of incoherent psychobabble.


    Pardon me for taking so long to follow up. I was just about to respond, when my phone started vibrating. It was my alarm, signaling to me that it was time to go and pick up the chicken wings that I had ordered.


    I got into the car, and headed out to the bar. There were a lot of people drinking there, but my order was take-out. I don’t drink anymore, and I feel a little uncomfortable around that scene. I had a vague fear that somebody would buy me shot. Worst case scenario, they’d get in my face about it. They were all drunk and merry, and I may have looked emotionless, like someone who could use a stiff drink. I didn’t want to take any chances, so I beat a retreat for the door as soon as soon as a paid for my wings.


    They were hot wings. The sauce was good, but the wings were soggy. Why is it that I have to ask for extra crispy wings in order to get crispy wings? I remember as a teen, going out with friends for 10 cent wings, and they were big, and crispy, and the sauce would burn your face off. I paid 75 cents a piece tonight, and it’s like someone boiled and threw some sauce on them.


    I would have been better off cooking my own wings. Tell you what, to save some money, I’ve been known to fry up some chicken legs, wing style, and it isn’t bad at all. It’s all about the oil temp. It’s funny, how legs cost so much less than wings nowadays. Someone ought to put wing style legs on the menu, and call them ostrich wings, or something like that. What do you think? Crazy?


    I wonder what Ted Nolan would have done in my situation. He probably would have been polite about it, but he would have brought the wings back. He's not willing to put up with lack of effort, but he has his image to think about too. Do you think the cook at the bar was drunk? I would probably drink all the time if I worked at a bar. What do you think Nolan would have done if he found out? Do you think he would have put his arm around the guy, and been like, "we've all been there, but you've got a fryer to think about," or do you think he would have been hard on the guy?


    I'm surprised that the Secret Service guy that was found passed out in the hallway didn't lose his job, but I'd be interested to hear how you think that Ted Nolan would have handled the situation.




    Well, this is just a bunch of incoherent psychobabble.


    That's an important point. I don't think that it was unintelligible, but I'll give your criticism the attention that it deserves later this evening in a well-reasoned and structured response. Kudos

  3. I won't pretend that you were asking about Pegula's personal income. You were making the point that he wouldn't invest in the Sabres and the Harbor Center on a profit motive. That's the point that I will address, but it's worth noting that Pegula's estimated worth is 3 billion. That's not all in the bank, but if 2 billion of it were earning 2.5%, then he brings home $50 million every year, or an estimated $155 million interest since he bought the team. For a Florida resident, there's no state tax on that income. From what I understand, the NY state income tax for his bracket would be 8.82%, equaling $4,410,000 yearly, or an estimated $13,597,000 taxes that he has evaded, since he bought the team, by residing in Boca Raton, "Rat's Mouth," Florida, rather than Buffalo, "Beautiful River," NY. That's beside the point.


    The real reason that he lives in Rat's Mouth, as he was quick to point out, is that his daughter plays at tennis. That doesn't explain why East Management LLC has supposed headquarters in Florida, when much of their business is way up in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Our Fair City. I will spare everyone the trouble of looking it up, when I say that the corporate income tax rate (5.5%) in Florida is lower than in all of these other states. That's great if you're trying to make a profit, but if you're receiving $37 million in tax breaks, from Buffalo, and NYS, for your HarborCenter project, then it pays to also be headquartered in New York State. I'm not an accountant, and the lines are getting all blurry. If I were to guess, then I'd say that the profits get funneled to Florida, and the expenses get filed in New York. But that's beside the point.


    Want to work for the Sabres? This job was posted 5 days ago.




    "East Management Services, LP (EMS) is seeking an engineer with extensive drilling and production experience for a position based in its Pittsburgh, PA oil and gas headquarters. The position requires regular travel to fields within the Appalachian Basin and EMS’s Denver oil & gas office."


    That's the company that Joe Battista and Ed Kilgore now work for. I thought Pegula said, that if he wanted to make a profit, then.. why that carpet baggin' son of a... for God's sake Kilgore, why?!


    Now, at last, I will address the contention, that Pegula bought the Sabres as a dream, and is building the new ice complex, not for profit. And you say that I am crazy. If you believe that the NHL that has forced him to raise ticket prices; If you believe that $7 nachos, and $9 pints are the price of doing business; if you think for one minute that parking, ice time, room and board will be free in Hockey Heaven; and that the only way to win, is to lose with a league minimum salary cap figure, then you are the crazy one. He is not losing money, no, actually, he is taking what was yours.


    For those of you who live in the real Buffalo, and not the imagined Buffalo that will crumble without Terry, you know that the price of homes on the West Side are eclipsing 100k. They are talking about the Fruit Belt becoming gentrified. Warren Buffett is going to buy the Sabres, and we don't need no stinking-tax-evading, fake-write-off taking, guilt-trippin' wannabe-fanbois mooching off our hard-working, tax-payin', die-hard Sabres-cheering city. We don't need Pegula's greedy minstrels, telling us what to buy, and how to think. So go back to yer coal mine, chumps! We got windmills!

  4. Who wouldn’t leap to sign a multi-year contract for a position in which they are being set up to miserably fail? Who wouldn’t rejoice at being contractually obligated to take the blame, and face the music, for every game in which your blatantly deficient roster fails to miraculously win? Who wouldn’t immediately sign the papers to ensure beyond a doubt that you’ll be the first man sent to the guillotine, and your head will be kicked to the curb, by an owner who will reap many profits, but never take any blame? Who wouldn’t wish for each inevidable loss to be engraved upon their tombstone without fan protestation? RIP Ted Nolan: It was HIS fault!

  5. I'm looking at the Blackhawks 2009-2010 roster as a template. If we can get our Toews and Kane in the next two drafts, and add a bunch of solid free agents, and develop and resign the best of our young talent, then we could be serious contenders in 2018. It would be nice if the Islanders pick expedited the process. Maybe we'll make the playoffs in 2017.


    Hmm. Looks like Scotty Bowman was involved in their front office. I wonder if that matters. I hear that he's difficult to work with.

  6. Oh yeah?! Terry told me, that he thinks the prosecution is a bunch of poop-stains!

    As far as Terry's concerned, you can all sniff his rotten underwear!

    Like Ted Black keeps telling us, it's Terry's team, so he can do as he likes. If the fans don't like it, then they're not REAL. Who needs FAKE fans?!

    If the players don't like it, then we got like a jillion future all-stars we could draft.

    If Ted Nolan doesn't like it, then he's finished in this league. Hope he likes eating caribou.

    If Pat Lafontaine doesn't like it, then he's a mentally soft, impossible to work with, two-faced quitter!


    What's with the culture of negativity, coming from the press-corps? If you don't like the way that Terry is doing things, then why don't you go and suck it?!


    So there! You like that? I thought so. No?! Well, Uncle Terry don't give a damn. Case dismissed, bioches. Me and the judge gotta go drink Scotches.

  7. Why do we think he's a meddler???


    Here's what TPegs bragged to Kevin Sylvester about his influence on player personnel. I submit this as evidence:


    "Maybe someone was holding the painters hand, while he was doing the painting. / It's just my way of doing things. I'm not saying it's the right way. / You might talk to, um, some of the other owners around the league, and they'll tell you, you know 'who is this new owner? what, is he crazy? You know, why give this guy money, or that?' And y'know, hey, it was my decision. It was something I wanted to do. / It's my style, so I'm going to do things my way. / Nobody's got the market cornered on hockey brains." -Terry Pegula, June 18, 2013


    Great investigative journalism by Sylvester, by the way, coaxing this confession out of Pegula, without tipping him off to the fact that he was being recorded.



  8. I share in the perplexity. Hasek's in the argument for best goalie of all time. Best career save percentage of anyone.


    I used to watch every game back then, to see what Hasek would pull off. He was unbelievable. I remember actually hoping for higher shot totals. Never before has a goalie more vehemently insisted that his defenders not try to block shots, "Can't see!" He had a 70 shot shutout. It felt similar to watching Michael Jordan.


    One of my favorite quirks of his, was when he would flip the puck in the air with his glove hand, and then smash it like a tennis forehand down the ice, with his stick, to kill penalty time.




    You just won SabreSpace. Well done.


    Onward, Sausage Fanbois!

    Marching as to war,

    With the cross-ed Sabres

    Going on before.


    Mars, the royal Master,

    Leads against the foe;

    Forward into battle,

    See those fanbois go!


    At the sign of triumph

    Terry's host doth flee;

    On, then, Sausage Fanbois,

    On to victory!




    Onward, Sausage Fanbois!


    Marching as to war,


    With the crossed Sabres


    Going on before!







    Boston fans were saying the same thing about Jeremy Jacobs about 10 years ago. It kinda worked out for them just fine.

    Following the NHL lockout, about ten years ago, Jeremy Jacobs' team, the Boston Bruins, finished with 74 points, tied for 5th worst record in the NHL. Things looked bleak, but the Bruins kept trying to win. The following year, they finished with 76 points, seventh worst in the NHL, which was slight improvement, but still, a major disappointment, so the Bruins kept trying to win.


    The next year, 07/08, Jacobs fired Harry Sinden, and hired Bruins legend Cam Neely as Vice President of the team. They kept trying to win, and made the playoffs that year with 94 points. The next two years they made it to the conference semi-finals, and Neely was promoted to President of the Boston Bruins, not Hockey Operations, or Hockey Related Business, but the Entire Organization, because trying to win was of sole importance to Jacobs. The following season, the Boston Bruins, won the Stanley Cup. It took Neely four seasons.


    Way back in the day, in 1975, under Jacobs' new ownership, the Bruins experienced immediate success, finishing first in the Adams division for 4 consecutive seasons. Under Jacobs' ownership they had appeared in 4 Stanley Cup Finals, but never won it all with Jacobs, prior to Neely's arrival.


    If we are comparing owners, Terry Pegula inherited a team that finished first in the Northeast division with 100pts the year before he bought the team. The following year, while the Bruins were winning the Cup, the Sabres regressed to 96 points. Having failed to capture any top free-agents talk turned to drafting well. The following year, the Sabres regressed further to 89 pts, and talk turned to rebuilding. The following year, the Pegula's Sabres finished with 48 points in 48 games, and there was talk of intentionally tanking. This season, the Sabres are on pace for 55 points, and 23 wins, among the worst totals in franchise history. We already expect next season to be worse.


    Intersting factoid: Cam Neely won the Bill Masterson trophy in 1994, and won the Stanley Cup as Bruins team President in 2011. Mario Lemieux won the Masterson trophy in 1993, and won the Stanley Cup as co-owner of the Penguins in 2009. Pat LaFontaine won the Masterson trophy in 1995, and I've never heard of Joey Battista, but he sure as hell ain't Patty Lafontaine.

  11. Well, you know, the effort from the Blackhawks game really took it out of them tonight, and, and, they were missing Girgensons and Stuart, which are two or our best, best, players, and, and, they weren't exactly trying to win, cause it would be stupid to win this, and, and, it's better to lose, better to lose, better to lose.


    Our front office is so smart, so smart, for being so patient, so patient. So much patience, and so smart in the way they've assembled this team. We're building a champion here, folks. This team is a bunch of champions here, folks, so smart in the way that this team is assembled. So patient. So smart. So dumb.

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