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Johnny DangerFace

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Posts posted by Johnny DangerFace

  1. Yes, it's all visual up to this point. We know he has his weaknesses, so does Miller. But he also has his strengths. As long as Enroth continues to put up a comparable save percentage I have no reason to doubt he can replace Miller. Miller's hot streak is over now, he's coming back down to Earth.



    This is my issue with you.


    Here is the spectrum of reasonable-ness


    Enroth can't be an nhl caliber goalie

    Enroth Can't be a good starting NHL goalie

    Enroth may or may not be able to become a good nhl starting goalie.

    Enroth will be a good starting NHL goalie

    Enroth can come in and replace a franchise goalie and there is no reason to think otherwise.


    Sorry, but you are on an extreme end of the spectrum, and its just not reasonable. Do you also think eddie lack can simply replace luongo, they have simliar save percentages. Do you think gustavsson can replace jimmy howard? Greiss in phoenix? Raanta in Chicago. Jones in LA. Hutton in nashville. I'm not sure if you realize this, but backup goalies tend to put up pretty good stats because they get long stretches of breaks, and coaches have a strategy of when to play their backup goalie where it will cost them less.


    Im not saying enroth cant be better than miller, but no one knows. Being a starting goalie is very different than being a backup goalie. And for the record im in the camp that says you don't know what you have until you see it. Enroth has been great as a backup and I think he has potential to be a grat starting goalie. But it won't be easy to replace miller

  2. Got it. I didn't know that there was a deadline today for that (and why?).


    I think I figured out the reasoning, but I could be wrong. It is too prevent teams from "flooding" the ahl with non-olympic waiver-exempt players that normally wouldn't get sent down to the AHL ever. So they made up this date (january 24th) and the time until that Jan.24 date and the olympic break start is roughly the same length as the actual Olympic break. So if you want to send down one of you nhl players (they qualify someone as an nhl player as someone who plays 75% of the games before jan.24), you have to do so before January 24th and can't bring them back up again (or they get an Olympic break with no ahl).


    Now I realize what i typed made no sense (it makes sense in my head). But let's take Nathan Mackinnon of the Avalanche. The avalanche can either leave him in the nhl, and then he gets a two week break during the Olympics OR send him down now and he misses two weeks of NHL time due to this Jan.24 date. Since the Avalanche actually want to use nathan mackinnon, they are going to keep him on the roster past this deadline meaning he has earned an olympic break from hockey. If they didn't have this rule 2 weeks out, the avalanche could use mackinnon, and then send him down right before the break, and then mackinnon could play in the AHL. The NHL doesn't want this as they view mackinnon as NHL player, and therefore he gets an Olympic break along with the rest of the nhl players


    Does that make sense to anyone else but me?!?! I can't express this for whatever reason haha

  3. Ruheeeeedel can be sent down during the Olympic break while psysk wouldn't have been able too. I suspect he will play. Sulzer can sit xd


    Players who have been up for 3/4 of the season had to get sent down today to be ahl eligible during the Olympic break



    I really do love the D potential that we have coming through the system. Also I would make that trade again because from what I've read Compher should be a good player. But let's just not completely write these guys names in pen as top end Dmen yet.


    It sounds silly now but I remember when we were 'loaded' on D a few years ago with the likes of Sekera, Butler, Brennan, Schiestel, Persson and Gragnani. How many other than Sekera and to a lesser extent Butler panned out? Now IMO Risto and Zadorov have shown real promise and were picked in the top 15 within a deep draft so they should have obvious more potential then the aformentioned player. Just saying that nfreeman's point may be that let's not start trading away top 4 Dmen on this team until we know what we have.


    I mean I kind of get it. But those players aren't close to this core. None of them were drafted higher than pysyk. I just think scoring is what we need badly, not d. We traded a defenseman for a scoring prospect.



    What's annoying is people here want us to trade for young players, but don't grasp the concept we have to give up talent as well. If we trade away a player , we are going to have a three year old thread still whining about the potential of a player we gave up. If we traded away pysyk for o'reilly, then we are going to have a pysyk thread that gets updated every time he gets a point for all eternity




    There is such thing as a good trade for both teams.





    If the Sabres' D is so strong, why are guys like Sulzer, McBain and (to a lesser extent) Tallinder in the top 6?


    Ristolainen - AHL

    Zadorov - OHL

    McCabe - NCAA

    psysk - rookie



    That's why. No one is saying their d is strong now, but we are going through a rebuild. Young D is the only thing we have a surplus of. Scoring talent is a need. We traded a young defenseman for scoring potential. Pysyk, Myers, ristolainen, zadorov, McCabe, and Erhoff are worth more than sekera



    The deal only makes sense if Compher becomes a better NHL player than Sekera is now. That is possible but not likely.


    That was quietly one of Darcy's worst moves.


    Hey can I borrow your time machine???



    I liked the trade then and I still do. You seriously look at this rebuild and think we need that defenseman instead of a scoring prospect....really? Nvm the fact we are stacked with defenseman and lack scoring prospects....

  7. Why are we still talking about him? Go join a Canucks forum. He was a first round pick and is showing potential....good for him I hope he has a great career. We traded him years ago, Hodgson has been developing just fine and filled a bigger hole for us and has shown more promise. What's the deal with the obsession over kassian

  8. There are rules on who can be sent down to the AHL during the Olympic break.


    Rule 1 (87-day player): If a waiver-exempt player has been on the NHL roster for 75 percent of the season (87 days) before this Friday at 5pm, and remains on the NHL roster past 5pm Friday, then they cannot play in the AHL during the olympic break. Another part of the rule is they cannot play in in their NHL team's last game before the break. So this means that they need to be sent down before 5pm on Friday and not play in the sabre's last game.


    Rule 2 (16/20 game player): Waiver-exempt players who play in 16 of the last 20 nhl games before the olympic break, cannot play in the AHL during the olympic break regardless.



    So that's confusing, but what this means is a player like Varone doesn't qualify for either of those rules, and can be sent down to play in the AHL during the break regardless of if if plays after the Jan.24 deadline. And for a player like pysyk (who I believe has been on the sabres for 87 days), they would need to send him down before this Friday at 5 if they want him to play throughout the olympic break.

  9. @Numark

    Thanks for the ranking update.


    I have a few quibbles:

    1) To me, Armia has been our most disappointing prospect. I can see Grigorenko dropping, but for all the debate around him, he has shown more this year than Armia has.

    2) Possler got hurt, but his play prior to his injury was way above his draft.

    3) Baptiste (see above) has shown more than Bailey and Hurley.


    Curious to see your logic with these guys.


    They way I did the ranking is to group players from similar rounds together. So Compher, Hurley, and Bailey are second round draft picks doing what they are expected to do, so they are still ranked fairly high. While Nick Baptiste is having a great season so far, he is still a lower draft pick only a half a season after he was drafted. So while he skipped above similar players like nelson and kea. If he keeps playing like this the rest of the season and into next season, then he will continue to move up. Same with Armia and Grigorenko. Armia is in his first professional season, which is a big adjustment in all prospects, so since he is a 1st rounder in his first pro season, I don't think anything has happened to drop his stock. However grigorenko had a rough second professional season, so he dropped below the other 1st round draft picks.


    In my opinion, a prospect is going to play in minor leagues for years before they hit the NHL, so their rankings should go up or down too much. However, its when they hit the AHL that big changes should occur. If they perform well there, then they should go up a bit. But if they don't perform in their second ahl season (hackett, jerome gauthier-leduc), then their stock stops to drop more and more.



    Also as for possler, he is a 5th rounder who had a major injury. I didn't so much drop him, but I moved up other players who are having a solid year so he dropped as a result of getting skipped. I hope he comes back next year and picks up where he stopped

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