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Johnny DangerFace

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Posts posted by Johnny DangerFace

  1. They can buy him out at anytime, the compliance buyout is only to get away from cap hits and spread it out.


    Again, if he turns things around and plays up to his contract, whats so wrong with keeping him around?


    You just assume that if he does anything, he will just go back to playing how he is playing now next season.


    Because it's an extremely safe assumption? His one good nhl season is a complete deviation from every other season. I'd much rather the team use the compliance buyout and gain the benefits of doing so.


    One does not simply turn it around if they play like Leino! Anyways who cares if I want Leino to turn it around or not. I don't want goal scorer who can't score, has no hustle, doesn't hit, and only turns the puck over. I want the sabres to use the compliance buyout on him this offseason, and him turning it around doesn't benefit our long term rebuild

  2. yeah, because if Leino turned things around and played up to his contract that would be such a horrible thing.

    Seriously, I would love it if Leino and Stafford and other whipping boys here played better, it would make this team much better and not require years of rebuilding


    Ville Leino is 30 years old and has one year over 25 points.


    Ville Leino is a goal scorer who has one year with double digit goals.


    Ville Leino has only played one full season of nhl hockey


    Ville Leino has three more years left on his salary with a cap hit of 4.5 million dollars.This is the last year we can use a compliance buyout.


    Villar Leino leading stat this year is his turnovers.


    Ville Leino can't play up to his contract because he isn't good enough. He is injury prone. He has a large contract. And for sh**s and giggles if he plays good for 30 games this remaining year, and the sabres keep this guy, it means we have him for three more years. That's why I don't want him to turn it around because I think it would be bad for the sabres. Ville Leino won't turn it around because he is ville leino.



    (I am pro stafford though lol)

  3. Checked the wildcard standings today at ESPN




    Can't be too much longer until the Sabres are shut out of the 2014 playoffs - we're already 24 points behind the 2nd tier wildcard team, Detroit. In the last month, 14 games played, Sabres only made 12 points out of 28 possible. And there's 27 games left in the season, so only 54 points left.


    At the current pace from the last 14 games, 12/28 = 43%. If the Sabres stay the same, projecting ahead, 43% of 54 = 23 points. Even if Detroit didn't earn another point all season, we would still come in one point behind them.


    I'm guessing by March 18th, Sabres will be playing only for pride - they'll be eliminated.


    Ah then we can go on our winning streak!



    Contracts go up over time. Some of those guys making that money would be getting raises if they happended to be pending UFA's now. Plus who else are we going to spend it on after Miller, Ott, and Moulson get traded away? Maybe there's a chance we can bring back Ott or Moulson, but without overpaying a guy like Callahan the roster is going to be twice as pathetic as it is now. If we go into next season trying to field a lineup that looks something like:


    Adam Hodgson Reinhart

    Omark Ennis Girgensons

    Foligno Flynn Stafford

    Scott McCormick Kaleta

    x Konopka/D'Agostini


    Ehrhoff Pysyk

    Tallinder Myers

    Weber Ruhwedel

    x McBain






    The league will probably make us forfeit our lottery pick. Signing Callahan shows we're at least trying and without Miller the tank would still be on next season. Hell, short of renting out and re-signing Ott, Moulson, and Miller then signing Callahan and adding Reinhart, I don't really see any way other we'll be a competitive team next season.


    Gahhhhhh! Keep our 1st rounder next year away from that



    OP and two others said they like the Olympics less with pros involved. I think there is some misreading of sarcasm if it feels like more feel that way.


    Oh no it wasn't anything specifically about you or anyone. I got your sarcasm haha. I was just saying I think people who like fighting and hitting who truly like hockey still like the Olympics as everyone. My point was those who complain about it either just prefer nhl hockey or are complainers XD



    Agreed. I'd think the people complaining are the ones that like a ton of hitting, fighting, and 2-1 games. The Olympics are almost like an all-star game but the players care and play hard; that's some good stuff. I just wish I had some sort of DVR/cable to record the games.


    I don't think the style of preferred hockey has anything to do with who likes Olympics. At all. I think people who complain about it just really like the nhl which I guess is understandable OR they just like to complain and have a pattern of complaining (shocker it's probably the latter)


    Supposedly the top Swedish and Finnish leagues are comparable or slightly above the AHL. But then we're seeing with Armia that success in one doesn't mean success in North America.


    Different rink size is suppose to be a big transitional factor but from what iv read the SHL is comparable talent to the AHL

  8. Not sure what thread to post this in but with Ekblad emerging as a possible consensus #1 what about this scenario. If we end up getting the #1 pick do we take Ekblad or the forward we desperately need? If we go the forward route we are not drafting the best player available which i believe is not ever a good idea.


    So here is another option. Are there any picks from last years draft that would be considered stronger players than Reinhart/Bennett? Yes there are. Now would any of those teams trade that player for Ekblad? Could we get Druin out of Tampa for Ekblad? Maybe add a 2nd or something if last years #3 is that much better than this years #1.


    Or Ekblad to Ottawa for Lazar and another top prospect.


    Just a thought.


    I don't think you take the consensus #1 and then trade him (I see what you are saying and I'm not saying its a bad idea, but I don't think it would realistically happen). If they think ekblad is that much better, then that gives us Myers, Ristolainen, Ekblad, Zadorov, McCabe, Pysyk. That's six potential top 2/top 4 defensemen. I think one or two would be traded, but it wouldn't be ekblad

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