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Johnny DangerFace

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Posts posted by Johnny DangerFace

  1. Went for a walk around the neighborhood at half. Just got back. Glad to see nothing has changed. Keep doing you Bills.

    Oh you missed a lot. We can now move the ball at will! But not near the goaline, that would be weird
  2. Do they really need to go to a commercial break when there is a handful of seconds left in a quarter. I have no idea how people can watch this stuff.

    The amount of penalties in each game is crap too.


    Also hate the new xp range.

  3. This offense has to throw to be effective. The OL is not good enough to impose our will in the run game. Let Tyrod sling it, and live or die with it.

    I think that's both true and obvious. Why the play calling in the first half happened is beyond me. Unless it's Taylor not throwing the ball

  4. For there to be a game the Bills have to score a TD this drive. Time is running out and another Giants score, if the Bills do not score on this drive, puts the game away.

    3rd quarter

    Interesting insight into your version of celebrity ... nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more ...

    I'll provide a breakdown later

  5.  Because ya know, heaven forbid the broadcast analyze this type of thing.


    At least they aren't annoying.  I'll take an announcer that adds nothing to the game at this point


    Eli's face really is so derpy

  6. I really don't wanna get in a liger/tank no chance zero chance argument.


    Every football team does dumb things. Saying there's an increased chance of something dumb happening because it's "the Bills" makes no sense when the deicision makers for the Bills have been in place for 3.5 games.

    I think you do actually. I said it would have been a disaster if they snapped, and there wasn't a zero percent chance. If you want to argue over 0 percent chances then continue to go for it. I made the statement, your arguing the chance is zero.



    Anyways, When are we gonna get rid of sideline reporters?


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