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Posts posted by DumbPuck

  1. How far out were they trying to pull the walker? When it got stuck, it was out far enough to smash its head without it bleeding into the water supply. Instead they pulled and pulled until it was drawn and halved.


    Well, that whole scene wreaked of "We need to put a zombie in this episode SOMEHOW ... Oooo here we go."

  2. Walker in a well - excellent.


    Sending a guy into a well to tie a rope around a walker in a well - simply ridiculous.


    Searching for a little girl lost in the woods during a zombie apocalypse for 4 (I think?) episodes - Zzzzzzzz.


    Pregnancy test positive cliff hanger - Zzzzzzzzz.

  3. I think the depiction of the kids in the TV series is disappointingly unrealistic compared to the depiction of kids in the comic. In a zombie apocalypse, I believe kids would need to grow up a lot quicker (much like they did in the past). Anybody trying to shield his or her child from atrocities and "not for kid's eyes" as they are doing with Carl would end up as zombie bait in my opinion. I really hope the TV group finds a way to portray this better.

  4. I thought the show was good. With the missing girl and the fallen boy and the different faction ready to split off from the group I think episode two is set up to be pretty cool. My thoughts on this are the girl will be found with the group of 'humans' that shot the buck/boy. Maybe the a$$ that had to cut off his hand in the first season leads the second group of 'humans' that may or may not materialize in episode two? And obviously I've never read these books either. I like the suspense.


    Ahh.. good call. I had completely forgotten about the assholde who cut off his hand to get out of the cuffs. I agree with your "guesses"... let's see :-).

  5. Aside from the twist ending ... I thought the season premiere was pretty boring. Not much going on. Usually season premieres and season finales are huge plot changing (or plot setting) episodes. This one felt kinda hum-drum like a mid-season episode to me.


    I'll keep watching though :-D.

  6. I agree. They don't make shows on the telly like they used to (although Firefly was halfway decent). So much recycled garbage and the people who do reality shows give me the impression that they actually like the attention they're getting.


    As Neil Peart wrote in "The Big Money", It's the fool on television/getting paid to play the fool.


    Help Nathan Fillion Buy Firefly!

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