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Mustache of God

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Posts posted by Mustache of God

  1. My completely unbiased opinion:


    Where do the Sabres finish: (3rd)

    Eastern Conference Finals: (Washington vs. Sabres)
    Western Conference Finals: (Anaheim vs. Calgary)
    Stanley Cup Finals: (Anaheim vs. Sabres)

    Stanley Cup Winners: (Sabres)


    Rocket Richard Trophy: (Eichel)
    Hart Trophy: (Eichel)
    Vezina Trophy: (Lehner)
    Norris (defenseman): (Risto)
    Jack Adams (coach): (Blysma)

    Calder Trophy: (Eichel)

    Bonus: Who will be the biggest name moved during the season? Eric Staal

    Bonus: How many Buffalo Sabres participate in the All Star Game? (4: Eichel, Kane, O'Reilly, Girgensons)

    Bonus: Biggest bounce back season by any player? (Cody Hogdson)

  2. Zadorov may not be a top two, but he will be a top four for along time. He needs coaching and I suspect a tighter leash, but he will have an NHL career. I think Grigs is a going to need to find a better situation. The Avs have too many talented forwards. I am in the camp that a rebuild wasn't going to happen overnight and we as fans would need to be patient as a new core found its,legs. Every other team improved through the offseason as well and I don't see ROR as the overhaul many do. We will be young and make young mistakes. I would like to see us get better while still filling our pipeline and creating the optimum development program in Rochester. We offered serious dough to some FAs who turned us down some are not yet the destination we want to be.


    Something interesting I heard in regards to Zadorov today in between beer league games:


    One of my teammates happens to be from Buffalo and he mentioned that during the draft one of his buddies was watching with Cody McCormick who was relieved when he heard that Zad was part of the ROR trade on accounts that the team wouldn't have to "babysit" him any longer and that his maturity issues go well beyond just being late occasionally. Of course I have no way to substantiate any of this and I still think once he grows up he'll be a great player but I figured I'd throw it out there anyways. 

  3. Yep. I would've taken the money too, but he chose not too and that's his choice. I'd rather not have him at all then to have him signed for longer than 3 years though so I'm just happy Murray was willing to walk away.


    We definitely have a hole of LHD and a glut of bottom 6 forwards but the problem is that I don't think packaging up our overflow players would get us the piece(s) we need and I'm afraid Murray would have to add other picks and prospects that we don't want to see get moved out the door to get what he needs.


    I agree, I don't want to see Murray moving any more prospects for the time being in this situation. The bold moves he has made so far have come with some criticism saying he overpaid which I feel is valid to an extent. I'd like to see if Murray is capable of pulling a Darcy-esque trade now where he's able to pull of some GM magic.


    Given the situation, I simply can't see this team going into the season with all the forwards we have. I think McGinn & Foligno share the same role and I can't envision a role for Larsson on this team anymore. He was upset with the 4th line minutes last year and shined when he was given a chance at the end of the season but now with the new additions coming in (Kane, ROR, Eichel, Reinhardt) I don't see him carving out a spot on this team. Does anyone else think Larsson will get moved?


    What about trading Legwand to a cash strapped team and eating his entire salary if we can get a good defensive return? Is that legal?

  4. I really hope there is no trade. Just see what this team has this year and plan B starts again next Summer. No reason to rush and get rid of future pieces right now.


    I don't see how Murray doesn't make a trade given the current state of the composition of the forwards in the line-up. In the bottom 6 they have the following players competing for a limited amount of roster spots:  McGinn, Foligno, Desluariers, Larsson, Legwand, & McCormick. I just don't see all these players on the team by the time the season starts as some of them will inevitably have to be sitting on the sidelines each night. 


    - Got wanded by security prior to being admitted. Seriously? For a rookie practice. PS Their wands suck. I had keys, coins and my phone in my pocket and no alarm.




    Those wands ain't looking for spare change, they're they're to ensure no nutjobs bring in any guns into the arena. Could you imagine Eichel being assassinated during the prospect camp by some crazed self proclaimed #1 McDavid fanboy? 

  6. After the past 8 years I'm having trouble coming to the fact that we just locked up a true #1 center for the next 8 years and have a "generational" player about to enter the NHL and also Sam Reinhardt. This team is going to be scary sooner than we think. My only hope is that we're able to win a cup before RJ dies and preferably have him call the game (even if that means he steps out of retirement (as long as he's well and able to call the games)).


    This is the first year ever I want the summer to end so hockey can start. GO SABRES!

  7. Who do you think might be available?


    I honestly don't follow the rest of the league like many people here to have any specific player in mind. Ideally we don't need a big name defenseman but a young D-man who can hit and play a responsible game. I'm sure there's a team that could use a little of our forward depth that has an extra blueliner in their system. My two cents. 

  8. I know everyone is leaning towards Murray acquiring a D-man through Free Agency but what about the prospect of a trade? Currently we have a glut of forwards and the players I see as expendable are Foligno, McGinn, Legwand, McCormick, Larsson, Hodgson (assuming he's not bought out in the next 8 hours which I find unlikely) and the stockpile of 3rd round picks next year. I don't follow the league closely enough to have any specific L shot D men on my wishlist but I think it's a good possibility we see another trade.

  9. The biggest question for me is whether or not Larsson will be comfortable playing on the 4th line. Last year there was some sort of "falling out" with Nolan about the minutes/opportunities he was given and he did put up some decent numbers at the end of the season. Now that we have a new coaching regine will he accept being pushed down the depth chart to the 4th line or is something else going to be in play for him?

  10. I like Soderberg as a player, but I think that was a mistake. You don't give a 5 year contract to a 2nd line winger about to be on the wrong side of 30. They did fine in the O'Reilly trade and I liked Rantanen...but they're still coached by Roy. Don't see how they got better.




    If Talbot can give Edmonton league-average goaltending, I think they're a playoff team next year.


    Talbot is still somewhat unproven. Sure, he can play lights out behind the Rangers defense but how is he going to fare with Edmonton? 

  11. I really don't understand why he added another Center to the team, especially a 34 year old center when Murray has stated the plan was to not bring in veterans but aim for young players.


    While it's not 100% official yet, I'll but the pitchfork out of storage and start honing the tines just in case. 

  12. That guy is a dweeb.


    This topic has also been discussed in reddit.com/r/hockey and one of the users had a very good rant about this which I'll post below. He makes a lot of good points and while I understand the Sabres games pull in pretty good ratings the lack of exposure for "good" teams really drives his point home. Another thing of note is that I believe NBCSN gets to broadcast 2 of the SC Final games this year which is a complete joke. Can you imagine any other sport broadcasting their finals on cable TV? It's a joke.



    rant courtesy of /u/PNWQuakesFan


    "I'm going to go off for a minute here

    This idiot who runs NBC sports is worried about star players not being recognized on the ice? I'm sorry no. He's wrong for multiple reasons.

    Beards and helmets do not prevent me from seeing the BIG ASS NUMBERS ON THE BACKS OF THE JERSEY. If you want the casual fan to be able to recognize players, how about you make sure the color commentator notes "Hey there goes #88 Patrick Kane on the ice". The responsibility for recognizing players isn't on the player. Its on you, the broadcaster. While I'm on that note, you know what would help casual fans recognize the players in the Stanley Cup Finals?

    If your idiot network would show them on TV. Two of the NHL's final four teams, the Tampa Bay Lighting and Anaheim Ducks were on NBC a grand total of ZERO TIMES during the regular season. There were more BUFFALO SABRES GAMES on NBCSN from February to April than there were games for Top-8 teams the Montreal Canadiens, Tampa Bay Lightning, Anaheim Ducks combined. I'm pretty sure I could throw Washington or Minnesota on that list and it would still be accurate. SHOWING THEM PLAY WOULD HELP CASUAL FANS LATCH ON TO PLAYERS MORE THAN MANDATING SHAVING. Show the teams. Show all of them, and show them more than once. You air like 110 games between NBC and NBCSN during the regular season and you show the Sabres 75 times and you are legitimately blaming THE PLAYERS for being unrecognizeable?

    YOU, NBC, for having the gall to show only 7 teams 90% of the time and then wonder why the NBA can come out with "mid-market" teams that haven't made the finals in a combined 45 years and outdraw a Lakers-Celtics series.

    You want casual fans to be able to identify bonafide stars like Steven Stamkos and Victor Hedman? Maybe try SHOWING THEIR GAMES BETWEEN OCTOBER AND APRIL. All the shaving in the world won't make the players visible if they are invisible to you for the entirety of the regular season."

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