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Posts posted by Gramps

  1. That was pathetic. Everyone on the field, both teams, knew the game was over after the 3&out following the raiders quick strike to make it 24-16.


    Don't want TT on this team. Any other year he spends here takes away from one trying to find another qb that can play. Don't care if we lose more than we did the past two years. TT will never QB a team to the playoffs.


    Don't put it all on TT ... defense gave up 29 straight f*in points ...

  2. I like Rex, I'm not sure he's a good coach but I have seen way worse at One Bills Drive. I just don't know how many great coaches are out there. Or for that matter, are coaches really great or have the ones we call good just been huge beneficiaries of right place right time.


    Bill Walsh, Bill Belicheck, Mike Holmgren, Mike Tomlin, etc.


    Great players starting with the QB make coaches great ... where would Belichick be if the Pats had not drafted Brady ? Or Walsh without Montana ? Holmgren without Favre ? I'm going with majority right place right time. 

  3. Sportsclubstats has the Bills with a 20% chance of making the playoffs going a minimum of 6-1 to get to 10-6 and have a decent shot. 


    More likely for them to go 8-8, 9-7 as they could easily lose this week on the road, most likely to the Raiders and maybe Pittsburgh. 


    Even with all of the injuries, I'd be surprised if the Ryan bros are kept around.

  4. I hated the Rex hiring and after last night's game I had had enough of the Rex era. Roman was correctly fired, but that wasn't enough. King Rex and his equally incompetent brother should have also been shown the door. There is no excuse for what we saw last night. On either side of the ball.


    The strange thing is that despite the terrible coaching we have been in both games and probably could have won last night if the team could have executed a 4th and one play.


    I like Taylor. I think he is a pretty decent player and good enough for us for now. We also have talent on both side of the ball. Although the additions of Rex guys like Bush, Harvin, amongst others is a problem.


    TBN blames the Pegulas for this mess. I don't necessarily disagree. They hired the shiny toy in Rex and therefore bare the responsibility. However, like with the Sabres, they will bite the bullet by season's end and start over. Hopefully they'll get it right the second time.


    We all know what a real organization looks like in Buffalo. The Bill Polian run Bills are the best example. I think the current Sabres regime is getting to that point. GMTM has made mistakes, but so far so good overall. Sadly we have to endure Rex for at least the remainder of the season, but by then Terry and Kim should be ready to move on.


    You won't have to wait that long ... losses to Arizona and the Pats will seal his fate.

  5. The start of Thomas Vanek‘s time as a Canadien hasn’t been great — the team has lost all three games with him in the lineup, and he’s only managed to register one assist.

    According to Habs head coach Michel Therrien, Vanek needs to change his style of play for the team to have more success.




    You mean he can't coast through some of his shifts anymore ?

  6. Because as long as buddy Patty is in the front office, he know's he's got someone pulling for him and doesn't worry about what the rest of the staff thinks; he knows Patty's got his back. Now Patty's gone and he has to seriously consider whether he can really trust GMTM and the rest. Nolan is all about relationships, I think, and it will bear on his decision to stay or go.


    If the Teddy is really the coach most of us think he is, why does he need Patty as cover ? Why not just let your performance speak for you ? If TP really cares about a Cup and Teddy produces toward that end, that should be enough. I think Teddy is more concerned at this point with the well being of his good friend.

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