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Posts posted by dudacek


    Latvia had a beautiful system for their talent. They clogged and gave up shots but sludged the front so no good rebounds were available. Then on transition they just pushed with numbers all the way and had a drop pass in effect while trying to get traffic in front. It was simple but perfect considering the odds. They were certainly not a team running around like chickens with their heads cut off.


    Kinda sounds like the Hardest working team in hockey.

    Now if we can only find a Hasek...

  2. All the 50-1 shots, plus Toronto, Vancouver, Washington and Philly can make a case for bottoming out this year.

    A lot of them won't, but when you factor in the lottery, the tank derby is wide open this year.

    The Sabres will get a very good prospect and likely two of them, but the rapture of McEichel is no sure thing at all.


    Ryan Pulock, Scott Mayfield, and Ville Pokka are all younger defenders who along with Reinhart have a shot at making the team. Hard to say how good they will be.


    Jake McCabe, Brayden McNabb and Mark Pysyk weren't going to make the Sabres defence good last year and Pulock, Mayfield and Pokka aren't going to make the Islanders defence good this year.


    Has there ever been a team with three rookie defencemen that was any good?


    On paper, I think the Islanders have the worst blue line in the league.



    I beg to differ. Rico had 45 goals the year he turned 28, and 21 pts in 23 games the following year before he wrecked his knee.


    And just so we're all clear, Vanek isn't half the player that Rico was.



    Rico averaged 47 goals and 83 points a year in his first five seasons.

    It was 34 and 65 in the next four.


    On point two, couldn't agree with you more.

  5. LIndros trade '91. Lindros to the Flyers and the Nords get back Peter Forsberg, Steve Duschene, Kerry Huffman, Mike Ricci, Ron Hextall, Chris Simon, Philly’s first-round pick in 1993 and 1994, and $15 million in cash. Jocylen Thibault with Philly’s 1993 pick.


    Great example of the point I was trying to make in the Summer Trades thread.

    Even if you absolutely love the player you are getting, if you trade away enough decent prospects, odds are good you are going to lose the trade.

  6. Sure, but that's highly unlikely.

    Like Vanek? Myers? Drew Stafford? Connolly? The Sabres have a long history of teases.


    I'd certainly take Johansen over Risto, or Hodgson, but there is a reasonable chance one of those guys will end up having a better career than Johansen. There is a small chance both will, plus you are throwing in two good picks.


    I know I'm being argumentative here — I think Risto, Hodgson and a second (but not the first) is fair value.


    It's not really your post that set me off. I'm just a little tired over posters (on other websites more than here) who value prospects over real NHL hockey players.

  7. I'm not bashing Johansen. I like the kid a lot. But there's no guarantee he hasn't already peaked.


    Thomas Vanek looked like the second coming of Richard Martin in his second season.

    He's never matched those numbers.


    Hell, all of Rico's best years were used up before he turned 25.

  8. Myers is more likely to emerge than a 6'3 230 pounder who just put up 30/33/63 and stayed healthy the whole season? Only because Johansen has already emerged.

    Just like Myers emerged in his rookie season? Because that is what I am talking about.

    There isn't a poster on here (well, maybe Drane with the Marfans) who would have traded him that summer for the kind of offers you floated for Johansen. And there's not a poster who would not have regretted failing to pull the trigger.

    There are very few sure things.

  9. There is this irresistible lure to slap a next-big-thing sticker to certain young players as they start to emerge.

    I'm going to call it the Hockeysfuture.com syndrome, where every 21-year-old prospect is a messiah and every 25-year-old veteran is an over-the-hill disappointment.

    You can swing for the fences with Johansen or Kane picturing there is a Toews there ready to emerge.

    But a Tyler Myers is more likely. Real GMs have to be very careful or they will look like Mike Milbury.

  10. I have no idea why anyone would think acquiring Kane would ruin the tank.

    We are talking Evander Kane, not Patrick are we not?


    Hell, trading Myers to get kane would leave our defence in such a shambles it would probably cement the tank.



    Nikita is an untouchable to me. I believe he will be the best we ever had on D.


    This is interesting to me, because I don't think you are alone.

    Rasmus was drafted ahead of him has achieved more than him, is further ahead in his development, and is ranked higher by most scouting services.

    Yet I read fans posting how Risto should start the season in the minors and Nikita should be with the big club.


    I love the kid, but I am scared we are close to creating the concept of Nikita Zadorov.



    One person you tankers always seem to overlook in your cellar dweller aspirations is Chris Stewart. He is on our team. Doe she light it up? Don't know. But Drew Stafford probably does in a contract year.

    And what if they traded Myers to the Peg for Kane? Tanking boys, is over.


    I'm really interested in seeing what Stewart does. I don't think he is here to stay, but he is talented and he should be motivated.

    I think everybody agrees on Stafford. He will be god-like this year.


    Anthony Mantha 6'5" 205lb RW/LW 57goals in 57 games played last year in the Q. If that is part of the package you are getting a player that makes Myers expandable.


    Mantha also had 24goals in 24 playoff games in the Q.


    Now imagine in 2 years Tyler Myers. Now imagine in 2 years Mantha getting set up by Reinhart. One of those makes me warm in fuzzy.


    Exactly. If Murray is holding out for Mantha-plus, he is doing the right thing.

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