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Posts posted by LastPommerFan

  1. That's the problem ...


    I never go out for coffee. I make Bosnian coffee at home. The only exception I will make is to go to a new cafe run by Palestinians, who make a passable Turkish coffee, to support them.


    Comparing Turkish or Bosnian or Armenian or any coffee from that part of the world to typical western roast and brew is apples and oranges. Like comparing Parmesan Cheese to Chocolate Ice Cream, the only thing that's the same is the main ingredient.

  2. Lol sorry, weave... I'm still new enough to tasting that I'd probably just be copying the distiller's notes, haha. I will say that you'd probably be unimpressed with the Glenlivet Nadurra 1991 I mentioned in the Santa thread. As unfamiliar as I am with scotch, I remember tasting and thinking, that's it? Not bad by any means, but for the price point and age I expected a more complex flavor.


    And yeah, where IS Braedon? And LastPommerFan for that matter... Both seem to have disappeared. :(


    I'm back! Been busy getting a new job... in WNY! I start in 2 weeks. :D I will be sad to leave bourbon country, but liquor travels well, and there is no place like home.

  3. Ladies and gentlemen I give you the MIA fan of the captain.


    Welcome back to the board and WNY!




    Yeah, Turns out trying to land a new job while constantly leaving the country for your current job is a very time consuming process, I have (apparently fortunately) missed most of the games over the past 2 months and really didn't have much time to post. But now that I've lost all motivation to accomplish anything for my current employer, I should be able to partake in the conversation a bit more.

  4. My complaint is the smell of feces and piss when I walk by a city park. :P



    My real b!tch today is that we've been interviewing nearly every day for an open position for 3 weeks now. I have lost all enthusiasm for interviewing. I am more convinced than ever that the downsizing that occurred across all industries was nothing more than a needed weeding out of dead weight. Every, and I mean every, interviewee that isn't working right now looks terrible in their interviews. Ditch diggers shouldn't be in the engineering fields. I anin't got time for this shyte.


    I was just up your way interviewing for an engineering job :( :bag:

  5. I have a confirmed final interview on Wednesday for a job that would let me move back to Upstate! Finger Lakes region. Job is right in my wheel house. My Uncle works in another part of the plant. My wife's work said they will transfer her to their store in Rochester. One last hurdle to jump, then after a decade long exile, I might get to return HOME! My excitement is getting the better of me, and if I don't get this job, I'll have a nice long profanity laced post for next Thursday.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. For the first time in five and half years I find myself without a confident in whom I could entrust everything and fear nothing. All I will say is that my relation has imploded completely with no possible reconciliation. I started applying for jobs anywhere but NY. Other than the Sabres, this town holds nothing but memories veiled in the shadows of a broken heart. In the aftermath of one of the worst weeks of my life I find myself forced to go about my day as if nothing is wrong. Everything is wrong, everything is lost, everything that once was is now nothing more than a desolate void that will take me years if not decades to overcome.


    Goog luck man... It gets better. Hearts break, but the beauty of the human body is it's ability to heal. That goes for the spirit as well. I caution you about leaving though. I left. I've spent the better part of a decade trying to get back.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. You get your hair cut at a chinese massage parlor?



    Maybe he gets his hair cut at Friendly's?



    bought precisely 2 shares of Groupon's new IPO. got in on the ground floor--$20. It's up to $29.26 right now. F'N Fantastic!! lunch for a week. :)



    Nah, I think he goes to Henderson's.



    Since you're a stockholder and all, can we get a groupon for Henderson's?



    That'd be a grope-on.



    well played, gentlemen. i'll bring it up (so to speak) at the next stockholders's meeting.



    Today is the Aud Club equivalent of a happy ending. Honestly gentlemen, this stuff makes me proud to be a part of this fine institution of Hockey Knowledge and Hilarity.

  8. Working on it. I think there is money to be made on the Juvy Turf if I can get a beat on which Europeans to throw out.





    Not this year. I waited until the last second and decided not to make the drive. The weather looks great too. Everybody wants to go to the Derby but only hardcore folks want to go to the Cup. I had seats at the finish on the rail, and just sold them for face. For the Derby you can get 8x that.


    Horses and Bourbon are the redeeming qualities of this God Forsaken Smog Catching Valley. I don't know if I could go on without them.


    EDIT: Actually being able to be employed is also a redeeming quality of this place.

  9. Breeders Cup today and tomorrow.


    It's like Christmas Day for horseplayers. Giant, million dollar pools to bet into where you don't have to worry about killing the odds. Races with tons of horses that have a chance to win at a big price. If you are right about one race and bet it correctly, you will make a year's salary in 2 minutes. If you are wrong for 2 straight days, you lose a month's salary.


    You heading down this way?

  10. Do yourself a favor - get together with your girlfriend this weekend and watch "A Few Good Men" starring Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Keifer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Noah Wylie.


    It is a must see film from the 90's. You will miss quotes and jokes for decades if you don't watch this movie.


    Consider this your code red.


    I second this motion. You will be a better man for having done this.

  11. Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be climbed over by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Dennis the Menace? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for chz and her girlfriends, and you curse Jerry Korab. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That chz's stalking, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me outside that window, you need me outside that window. We use words like peep, sneak, stalk and leer. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent stalking someone. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the watchful eye that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you whip out your weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.


    Slow Clap :clapping: .... FASTER :clapping: ..... Cheering :lol: .... :worthy:

  12. Woke up this morning to a treat. The smell of chocolate permeating my entire house! My wife and 3 year old got up early to make me chocolate truffles for my bday. My wife, being the most amazing wife on the planet, figured out she could substitute bourbon for the vanilla in the recipe. She bought Bulleit (a rye whiskey from the Four Roses distillery in Lawrenceburg, KY) Delicious. She made 5 varieties by changing the topping on the truffle: Sea Salt, Coconut, Cocoa Powder, Chili Powder, and...wait for it... BACON! Absolutely amazing, and now I have 7/8ths of a bottle of Bulleit to get through, I think I'll start with my coffee. Bourbon Truffles and Absolutely no work/housework to do today. Wish it was Friday, it would be F'N ...



  13. For some odd reason, around this area they insist on doing Trick-or-Treating from 6-8pm on the Thursday before Halloween. When I lived in NY it was always on 10/31, regardless of what day of the week that happened to fall. Not sure if it's supposed to encourage more people to be home for candy distribution or what, but it's kind of silly.


    This would be reason alone for me to quit my job and move elsewhere.



    On an F'N Fantastic note: Sunday is my birthday, and it is the only day of the year I can get my wife to go to a big chain restaurant (she prefers to support local independents). It's ShrimpFest at Red Lobster, and Ungodly Amounts of Terribly Prepared Seafood is my favorite treat in the world.

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