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Posts posted by LastPommerFan

  1. People who complain the complaint thread isn't open then their only complaint is the complaint thread isn't open. :nana:


    You know very well I wanted it open because other posters needed a place to vent.


    Your apology, however, is accepted. ;)

  2. Sometime in mid-December, I will have a complete line of forwards. Heard BabyPommerFan #3's heartbeat last week :-D


    F'n Fantastic!


    (Now all I need to do is sell my house in Cinci so we can move out of my parents basement before then)

  3. I'm not much of a Gamer, but if there is one series that hooks me to hours of play, it's Blizzard's Diablo. The third installment came out this week (10 year, and I will likely be trading sleep for Demon Slaying in a significant way this weekend.

  4. I'm in the process of relocating back to upstate NY, and as was anticipated, the sale of my old house in Cincinnati is taking forever. What was not anticipated, was that my Realtor would come back to me 45 days after the initial listing and say she overestimate the market value of my home and I will likely need to take a $20-$30k short sale to unload the house. On top of that, the temporary home I had found for my Beagle bailed on me (the third time this has happened) and I finally had to surrender the Family Dog to a shelter for adoption. Breaking the hearts of a Mother and 4 year old boy.

  5. I don't want to lower anyone's mood on a great Friday. Maybe it helps me to write it out to you folks that I'm so good "friends" with. I just learned one of my best friends od'd last night and died. We all tried to help and nothing worked, interventions, the whole nine yards. I guess there comes a point when you can't face life anymore.


    Thanks for listening.


    I'm sorry chz. Addiction is powerful. It's bigger than any one person, and it can be bigger even that a strong group of loving people. That you put yourself out there, and tried, is a testament to your strength and your love for your friend, regardless of the result. My prayers go out to you and your friends family.

  6. You'll learn to love that phrase as time moves along!


    I don't care when my Boss or another executive uses it, but what pisses me off is when my "peers" use it. Technically I outrank all of them (based on our grade and title), but since they all have 20 additional years spent mired in mediocrity, they feel like they get to decide which projects are worth their time, and which dung piles get put on the "kid"

  7. Lazy people. Bugs the hell out of me when someone is more than capable of doing a job or two that they had assigned to them, but they are too lazy to complete the tasks. Instead they procrastinate, hand it off, try to delegate, or do whatever they can to get it off their plate. Instead of wasting all that time trying to get rid of said task, JUST COMPLETE THE DAMN THING! GAH ! :wallbash:


    I do not want to do your work for you...I have enough of my own!! :death:


    To go along with this, I hate the Phrase, "I'm gonna let you take the lead on this."


    90% of the time what they meant to say was, "I don't want anything to do with this boring/useless/destined to fail project, but, in my head, I out rank you, so I'm going to throw this flaming bag of ###### over this imaginary fence and drop it squarely in your lap...loser."



  8. They put chili on spaghetti there, so I'm not sure I can trust their opinions on anything else.


    it's "chili" in name only, it's actually much closer to the "hotsauce" that comes on a garbage plate, and it is delicious.


    However, that city has had a larger role in choosing the Presidents of the United States than the states of New York, California, and Texas, combined. So not trusting their judgement is probably a good call.

  9. This story from day 1 however centered around a young, talented player who didn't make sense to be moved.


    This statement is incorrect. It made all the sense in the world to move a great asset that you didn't need. He wouldn't see top 6 numbers for another 4 years. The canucks didn't need him. Fortunately for the sabres, Gillis's judgement may have been clouded on 2 fronts. The "problem" of a top 6 player wanting some assurance he would have a chance at top6 minutes, and his assessment of the impact a certain developing big-bodied winger might have.


    No ###### Hodgson wanted to be moved. Just like whoever the starting quarterback for the team Manning landed on would want to be moved.

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. Gillis's mistake was drafting a top line center with the 10th pick when he had H.Sundin and Kessler already on the team. The very earliest Cody was going to see top 6 minutes was going to be 2017. Whether Hodgson wanted to be there or not, he was more valuable to the Canucks in a trade than in the lineup. His short term problem is that Kassian didn't have immediate impact. His longer term problem will be ensuring Kassian develops.

  11. The most important name as it relates to Cody Hodgson is not Mike Gillis, Zach Kassian, Chris Hodgson, nor Lindy Ruff.


    It's Gary Roberts.


    And that name matters because of names like Stamkos, Seguin, Neal, and Skinner.


    In 2 years this kid could be one of the top 10 centers in the league.


    When that happens Gillis will need cover for the fact that he couldn't make Cody want to be a perpetual thrid-liner, and traded him for a huge maybe.

    • Like (+1) 2
  12. Parliamentary systems always are command oriented. The chief executive and the legislative are always aligned. If they are not constrained by a constitution and a court, well what then? As for sinking ships...I am opposed.


    The three things you mention are all stupid. The war on drugs...if people want to take drugs, and they do, they will. Alcohol prohibition required a constitutional amendment. The drug prohibition did not. Why not?


    Home ownership? Who cares? Especially why does the government care?


    War in Iraq? Why did we do this?


    Exactly, yet, long after they proved to be terrible, people were/are still tying their banners to the cause. It kills me every time I hear a Dem defend the clinton era homeownership policies or a conservative defend the war in iraq. But ever admitting a mistake seems to be a poison in todays political climate.

  13. FDR had a rubber stamp congress (except for the supreme court packing project). He had a compliant supreme court during and after the 193? (I think 1935 but maybe 1936) term. How much command oriented do you need?


    Parliamentary sytems always have this. Would you claim them all to be command oriented? There is a difference between single party rule and a command economy.


    The best lesson I take from FDR was his pragmatism. When something didn't work, he often moved on to something else. I wish politicians today would take such an approach, rather than tying them selves to a sinking ship and trying to spin it into a great step forward for the country (i.e. the War on Drugs, all the crappy Home Ownership initiatives, The War in Iraq, etc.)

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