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Posts posted by Drunkard

  1. I remember posters from here getting banned on the Canes board back in the day without even attempting to troll. The admin on the board even admitted at one point there was no egregious behavior necessary, simply identify yourself as a Sabres fan and you were likely getting banned.


    I never posted on any of their boards but I remember you posting a link to one where they were whining about me and my antics. The legends of Sabres fan baby eating, mugging old ladies, etc. are still going strong in Canesland. I remember one time I missed a game in Raleigh because something came up so I wasn't even in the area and apparently I was still spotted out in the parking lots causing problems and instigating fights. Apparently the Ghost of Drunkard did my bidding and went out there to wreak havoc. Good times.

  2. I think that overstates the case for Gerbe, and I very much liked having the guy as a Sabre.




    C'mon - don't hate on a spectacular goal. You make your own luck in that situation - it was a beauty.




    Above average, high-average is right.




    I don't watch Hurricane games. But his advanced stats (yeah, sorry - I went there; I don't watch, so TM says they're a useful tool) says that Gerbe is in the bottom half of the forwards on O-zone starts (just above 50%) and is top-4 in the relative quality of competition he faces (only the Staals and Dwyer are better than him).


    So, he's not being sheltered.


    I've said it before: We stink, and Gerbe would not change that, but I wish we had him on this squad, playing his guts out in a north-south game for TN, and engendering goodwill among suffering fans.


    I'm definitely not one to rag on advanced stats but how can he be in the bottom half of the league with respect to other forwards if his ozone starts are over 50%? How can the majority of them (Carolina forwards or NHL forwards in general) get more than 50% of their zone starts in the offensive zone?

  3. Many people on here are saying the team should focus their efforts on the 2015 draft. Do we really want to do that? I mean, top draft picks usually take 1-2 years to develop, or sometimes longer. Do we really want our team to start becoming competitive in 2017-2018?


    Sure, there are no blockbusters like McD in this year's draft, but isn't that why we went out and got Murray and Patrick to help identify these lesser known players? I'm sure there are going to be some excellent players that develop out of the 2014 draft and we should focus on identifying and developing them.


    Plus, we're never going to get McDavid. Let's get it out of our heads. We're having trouble even tanking this year, it's not going to happen next year, especially if we have Zadorov, Risto, possibly Grigs, and a much better Girgs.


    I doubt we land McDavid either, but it's definitely possible, especially if we move Miller or stupidly allow him to walk in July for nothing.

  4. My question would be... If the Oilers offered you their Conditional 1st rounder in 2015 for Enroth, the condition being he signs an extension next season, would you do it? You either get a 2015 1st rounder or you get a 2015 2nd rounder if he doesn't resign. What is your play?


    Darren Dreger@DarrenDreger

    Sounds like Craig MacTavish is hard at work today. Dubnyk trade to Preds and perhaps, more action on the goalie front. Stay tuned.


    I don't trade Enroth unless Miller signs an extension first. If he does, I'd make the deal though.

  5. i was thinking about this as well this morning...but in regard to all of our 2nd round picks. do you think we could trade a couple of our seconds for a teams 1st next year?


    This would likely only happen as the draft is going on if a player that a particular team really likes falls further than expected and the team wants to move up and take them. It's definitely possible though.

  6. We trade or don't re-sign Miller for next season and all bets are off. Enroth is a decent starter but he's no Miller. We don't win or lose in OT in those games we let up 45+ shots like this year.


    I agree. If we lose Miller we're gonna be bottom feeders for a while. Even if the Islanders deferred and tanked right along with us to a 29th and 30th finish though, we'd only have a 43.8% chance to land McDavid. Plenty of wiggle room for the league to screw us over without anyone other than Sabres fans batting an eye to it. In that case I'd take Eichel though.

  7. What are your thoughts, since the Islanders pick is top 10 procted and assuming they finish bottom 5 this year, do we wan them to keep the pick and then we have 2 tickets in the Conner McDavid sweepstakes. Or do we prefer getting two picks in the top 5 this year? I'm leaning towards 2 tickets for the 2015 draft but would be interested in what others think.


    It really depends at this point for me. If we can manage to hold on to finish at the bottom and are able to draft Reinhart, I'd prefer the Islanders to give us the pick in 2014 so we can draft another forward like DalColle, Draisaitl, Nylander, or Bennett just because the sooner we start selecting players the sooner they'll be able to play for us whether it's next season or a few years from now.


    I don't think we'll be drafting top 5 next season unless we move out all our UFA's and don't replace them or worse yet replace them with Leino type acquisitions. If we do that, I'd hope the Islanders defer to give us twice the odds.


    Call it the eternal pessimism of being a Buffalo fan, but I don't see us landing McDavid even it we end up with the worst record next season. The NHL doesn't even show the damn ping pong ball coming out of the machine to give the appearance of everything being on the up and up, so I imagine one of the favored teams will perform a mini-tank next season due to injuries or something along those lines, land a top 5 pick, and beat the odds to win the "lottery" so I'll take the pick as early as possible.

  8. Let me guess:

    He's becoming a SEC announcer while maintaining his virginity amidst a slew of unbelievably gorgeous women and at the same time leading the construction of the LHC and campaigning for rights in Darfur and China's air pollution after having revived Ghandi, right?

    Sorry, I watched some espn today and that's the impression i left with


    You forgot to add that he's teaming up with Tedy Bruschi and Chuck Norris to overthrow Kim Jong Un, end Iran's nuclear energy and weapons programs, and bring piece to the Middle East.

  9. He seemed pretty invisible last night - didn't help, didn't hurt.


    And as bad as he played LAST year, with only 6 goals in 46 games played, he's only got 2 in 31 games! 6 in 46 is terrible - 2 in 31 is beyond words! And he's already a -6 for the season.


    No worries. He's due for another big season next year since it will be a contract year, ha ha!


    In all seriousness though, I hope he does break out next year so we can unload his expiring contract for something good at the trade deadline next season.

  10. People really underestimate the value of veteran leadership, especially on a team with such young defensemen. I think Hank has played pretty well. But think about how much he has helped the others improve their game. They've even pointed out a few times this year where Hank had taken another defensemen aside, during the game, to talk to him. At this point his performance level is completely outmatched by the experience he brings to these young guys.


    I don't underestimate the value of veteran leadership at all, I just haven't been impressed with Tallinder this season. He's clearly lost a step and I think we could use an upgrade. I prefer to have an even mix of puck moving, offensive type dmen like Ehrhoff and Myers to go along with hard nosed stay at home types like Robyn Regehr, Jay McKee, and Craig Rivet (back in their primes and later primes obviously). Tallinder doesn't have the grit to play that way and he's way past his shelf life to be an offensive dman at this point. Nothing against him at all. He was a great player for us the first time around. I'm over it, though.

  11. I'm still trying to figure out why Hank is here. I mean I like the guy, but he's not contributing a whole lot.


    I'll be ready to see him moved at the deadline for a 3rd round pick or something along those lines. The sad things is that's he's scored as many goals as Ehrhoff, Stafford, Myers, McBain, and Grigorenko. Tallinder is decent at best now. His best years are clearly behind him, but he would be a smart pick up by a contending team to fill in if there's an injury.

  12. I don't understand what takes so long in this discipline process. Do they just prolong it so they can defend themselves with "due process"? In today's day and age, a case like Shawn Thornton's should be handled the next day. Fly him to the league offices for a meeting and then make a decision. I understand they might have a lot of cases to deal with, but when it's this major it should be handled immediately. Act swiftly and strongly. It'll get the message across.


    They need to drag it out so it won't be as fresh in everyone's memory that way there will be less outrage when they give him a slap on the wrist or sweep it under the rug completely.



    You forgot to include Mr. Psycho himself, Zdeno Chara, but other than that, I agree completely.


    Chara halfway took Pacioretty's head off, John Scott decked Loui Eriksson, but got suspended "cause he was too big". I'm not even going to comment on how ridiculous this is, and I don't give a flying ###### if Zdeno Chara were the second coming of Gretzky - He's still a pyscho cheapshot artist, who'll wind up killing somebody one day, unless the league finally hands him a huge suspension for one of said cheapshots.


    We can think what we want about caharcters like John Scott, but that's pretty much what they're around for. As a deterrent. And it works. Ask the Bruins.


    Other teams are starting to take liberties with them now, and I'm loving every second of it - They've been a bunch of cheapshot artists for years, and they're finally getting a taste of their own style of play.


    Karma's a bitch, Boston.


    Yeah. I left off Chara because apparently climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro once a year for African kids gives you carte blanche to be a dickless masshole on skates with permanent "no history" status. If there was a just and loving god in this world, that piece of s.h.i.t. would die a painful death of ass cancer, but that's just my opinion.


    As much as I hate Chris Neil seeing him punking Chara a few years ago was the funniest thing I had ever seen until dick nosed Marchand took that knee to his cranium. I mean I hate Shittsburgh as much as anyone, but I'd root for a team from Baghdad before I ever root for that region of Massholes to ever win at anything ever again.


    You guys are hilarious. Scott has, twice this season, gone after star players on teams that have no shortage of tougher players he could have gone after. Pretending that Scott plays by some code or moral barometer is embarrassing and is nothing more than a sad attempt to revise history and to excuse away two of the most embarrassing incidents in recent Sabres history. I really hate to burst the bubble of denial for you guys, what Thornton or any other player does will not excuses away what Scott is and what he has done. We can argue Thornton's place in the NHL, it doesn't mean there is or should be a place in the NHL for John Scott.


    Dirty players like Thornton and Lucic coupled with zero support from the biased joke of a disclipary system are the exact reason players like John Scott still have a place in this league. Thornton doesn't pull that bush league crap against Buffalo unless he's willing to get his face bashed in again by Scott and that's the reason we pay him to play for us.

  15. The team is on pace for 40 points now (39.58). Six teams currently have more than that. 23 of the 30 teams have at least twice as many points as the Sabres. Two teams have three times as many points as the Sabres.


    And now with Edmonton and Florida winning we could go on a 3 game winning streak (probably 1-0 victories in the shootout given our inability to score goals) and still be in sole possession of last place.

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