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Posts posted by Drunkard

  1. that hit on Rudy was ridiculous, and Rinaldo acting like the victim is even worse. I hope he gets suspended thru the first series of the playoffs if not longer.

    It's a phone hearing so I think the max suspension is 3 - 5 games or something along those lines. I don't know what's the deal with Buffalo but soft and no talent is about the worst combination I can think of.

  2. I don't see Murray trading our pick or the Islanders' pick if they decide not to defer. Personally, I'm hoping we draft #1, select Reinhart, the Islanders don't defer and we're able to draft Dal Colle at 4 or 5. Those 2 along with our top pick in 2015 should go a long way to us finally having a solid top 6 in a few years.

  3. The Bills have said they don't value the guard or safety position. The near death of all their quarterbacks last year showed that they were wrong in not valuing the guard position... We'll see what the safety position has in store for this team. Easier to hide a bad safety.


    It's almost like they're just going to keep saying whatever expensive free agents they have coming up are playing positions they don't value.


    Yeah, it's ridiculous. Until we have a franchise QB who warrants a 9 figure ($100 million +) contract we should never let a star player walk out the door because we can't afford to pay him or we don't think he's worth the money. Hell, even teams that pay out those big QB contracts manage to have a handful or other big money guys and they still manage to fill out the rest of the roster and stay under the cap.

  4. In my mind I'm going to Carolina

    Can't you see the sunshine

    Can't you just feel the moonshine?



    This is a raping, pillaging and baby eating free affair. Drunkard...please be on your best behavior. Let us lay down our arms to fight another day...... this is the tank...




    I'm fully in support of the tank but I still root for the Sabres to win whenever we play Boston and Carolina, especially since we now have an 8 point cushion for last in the standings. That being said, I'll be missing out on the raping, pillaging, and baby eating this evening. I forgot to put in a leave request to leave work early today or take off tomorrow so by the time I get off work and fight all the base traffic, I wouldn't have time to make it to the game on time, let along build a nice healthy base of reasonably priced beer buzz before shelling out $10-$12 per beer at the stadium.


    The sad thing is, I'm not even all that disappointed that I won't make it. I fully support the tank and the rationale behind shitting the bed for a couple of seasons in order to get some legitimate blue chip prospects in the pipeline and players on the team, but it has killed my enthuisiasm for Sabres games this year. So short of us blowing them out 7-0 or John Scott scrambling the brains of both Staal brothers at the same time while Gerbe climbs on his back like a spider monkey until Scott swats him across the arena like a gnat, I won't even really regret missing the game. I'll just watch from home and save my money and vacation time.

  5. You just have to thread that needle between a Derek Roy Slug Jersey and a Tuxedo with Tails. shouldn't be too hard.


    Definitely the Derek Roy Slug Jersey, as long as he makes sure to tuck it into his pants and he makes sure he lifts his arms constantly to show off the gray armpits.

  6. Forwards:


    Lenny Bruce........George Carlin......Richard Pryor


    Dennis Miller......Robin Williams.....Rodney Dangerfield


    Don Rickles........Flip Wilson........Sam Kinison


    Henny Youngman.....Jerry Seinfeld.....Garry Shandling




    Redd Foxx......Louie C.K.


    Eddie Murphy...Chris Rock


    Steve Martin...Richard Lewis




    Bill Cosby


    Bob Newhart


    Healthy Scratch: Steven Wright, Dave Chappelle


    I can't believe you left off Dave Attell. He's a top 6 guy for sure.

  7. I think the underdog move is pairing Erhoff with a vet UFA.


    Erhoff/Moulson or Erhoff/Ott would be a game-changing package to some team ready to separate from the playoff pack. Look West.



    Why Erhoff? Though he is a very nice player, I don't think he is the rugged-two way guy that you want to mentor the upcoming class of d-men. He's just not that guy.


    (personal preference -- I think it would be enough to pry Hertle from San Jose who is locked under a crowded top six. If I'm Murray i'm asking for the price).


    I'd be more than ok with a deal similar to that but not with Ehrhoff. For one, he's own only reliable veteran defenseman and two, I want no part of trading him and risking the salary cap recapture penalty if we trade him and he retires once the he starts earning crappy money in actual dollars.

  8. "Boooo!! He hasn't done anything yet!! BOOOOOOOO!!!!!1!"


    Good luck, Mr. LF. You've got your work cut out for you.



    This uniform sucks. Where's all the gray? Where are the armpit blobs? Why is there no unnecessary vertical piping? And why can I tell that our primary color is blue and not black? Hopefully everyone responsible for this was fired and/or is in jail.


    The Buffalo has legs and isn't yellow either. What a disgrace.

  9. I'd give it a shot. We're the worst team in the league, so it's not like we're gonna fall out of last place. He's an offensive dman already so why not give him a chance to focus more on offense with the added benefit that he would probably end up being our most defensively responsible forward. Ordinarily I wouldn't fathom it but at this point why not roll the dice? if it ends up being a disaster we move him back.

  10. My phone stays on vibrate 90% of the time or more because I always keep it in my pocket even if I'm bumming around in pajama pants at the house. My ringtone is Slayer's Raining Blood though, no matter who calls. I don't have separate ring tones for different people. It also rings for my secondary alarm clock.

  11. I feel like one of the recurring themes on this board the past few years is that the Sabres overpay guys who are glorified 2nd liners.


    But when the topic switches to overpaying someone else's glorified 2nd liner, suddenly it's a recipe for success. Weird.


    We have no right wingers under contract long term at this point and none in the pipeline other than Armia. Right now we have at RW we have:


    1. Stafford - will likely be dumped at next year's deadline

    2. Armia - good prospect but right now he's not even excelling in the AHL so I don't we can count on him to log top 6 minutes at RW in the NHL next season

    3. Matt D'Agostini - may not even be in the NHL if we hadn't picked him off waivers


    Unless we plan on keeping Girgensons at RW and putting Reinhart there we absolutely need to do something at RW. If we don't go after Callahan we need to go after someone. Hopefully Murray will get a RW or two in the deals he makes when he unload's Miller, Ott, and Moulson but at this point it's pretty slim pickings.

  12. This is what I keep coming back to. We are going to have to spend money. I'd rather overpay a good second-liner with captain's credentials than for Marian Gaborik, or two Brad Boyes.


    I agree. You always over pay in free agency. We have such a small number of players committed to long term contracts (Ehrhoff, Myers, and Hodgson) and only one decent pending RFA in Ennis that should be expecting a raise. Everyone else is either young and locked in for peanuts for the foreseeable future or doesn't have enough talent to command a noteworthy contract. Then of course they have to hope Leino is healthy so they can buy him out.

  13. 1) O'Reilly got a 2yr deal and his cap hit is 5million... so no you are wrong. Also O'Reilly has had a 55pt season and is only 22...


    2) Staal makes 6mil and is on a long term contract so you could compare him to Callahan... 6mil X6years would be my max on Callahan and that is in the Staal ballpark. Staal is 3 years younger than Callahan so again another thing to consider.



    Ryan Callahan is not worth over 6mil a year times 6 or 7 years.


    O'Reilly's cap hit is 5 million but Calgary structured the deal so that he'd have to be tendered at $6.5 million since that's what he made this year. They f'd Colorado good on it in hopes that they wouldn't match so now their only option is to sign him long term or deal him.

  14. Well first off Sam Reinhart is a center, as for the rest of the roster we would need to start a new thread. I like Callahan but I don't like him at 7mil for 7years. 7mil for 2 years, sure why not? But for a long time making way to much money, it is just to much.



    I did look at the 7mil a year guys who got contracts at or around a similar cap. We are talking 60-70pt a year guys. Callahan is a 50-60pt a year guy.


    I know he's a center, but most teams break in new centers at winger because the defensive responsibilities are lessened. And I'm sure everyone would rather have Callahan on a 2 for 14 contract than a 7 for 49 (personally I'd prefer a 4 or 5 year deal) but he's not going to sign with us or anybody for just a 2 year term.

  15. Take a look at the players making 7mil per year. Ryan Callahan on a good day falls below 6mil per year.



    I think you could actually do it. There can't be something like 20%(?) difference between years.


    Contracts go up over time. Some of those guys making that money would be getting raises if they happended to be pending UFA's now. Plus who else are we going to spend it on after Miller, Ott, and Moulson get traded away? Maybe there's a chance we can bring back Ott or Moulson, but without overpaying a guy like Callahan the roster is going to be twice as pathetic as it is now. If we go into next season trying to field a lineup that looks something like:


    Adam Hodgson Reinhart

    Omark Ennis Girgensons

    Foligno Flynn Stafford

    Scott McCormick Kaleta

    x Konopka/D'Agostini


    Ehrhoff Pysyk

    Tallinder Myers

    Weber Ruhwedel

    x McBain






    The league will probably make us forfeit our lottery pick. Signing Callahan shows we're at least trying and without Miller the tank would still be on next season. Hell, short of renting out and re-signing Ott, Moulson, and Miller then signing Callahan and adding Reinhart, I don't really see any way other we'll be a competitive team next season.

  16. Fill in the blank:

    "If you ordered __________ from Mighty Taco and don't like it, you definitely don't like Mighty Taco."


    (I've tried it and just don't get the widespread appeal - I may be ordering the wrong things)


    You're probably doing it wrong. You should be drunk first before you go.

  17. I have made this argument over 9 pages in the rumours thread. The only way we can get in cap trouble by signing Callahan is if each and every one of our prospects realized their potential and realizes it earlier than projected. Then we would have just too dang many top six forwards, and for some reason people on this board think that is a problem.


    I'm with you. I'd rather have one overpaid "star" then 2 or 3 overpaid nobodies like Leino taking up the same cap space. With all of our youth in the pipeline and top picks to come, cap space shouldn't be an issue on this team for at least 5-7 more seasons.

  18. We've got kids in the system already who we KNOW we're going to have to pay at some point. I see no need to lock up Callahan for seven years. I'll take him in a trade in 3 years though. I don't see the point unless we're adding him for a playoff push.


    This doesn't make any sense to me. First, I can't think of any of our players who will be commanding big raises in the next few years, unless you think Murray is going to give Ennis a Hodgson type deal and even if that was the case we'd still have plenty of room to fit Callahan and an overpaid Ennis. Secondly, if you don't want Callahan next year, why would you want him in 3 years when he'd be 3 years older, still commanding a high cap hit, and we're 3 years closer to some of our better prospects like Girgensons, Zadarov, Ristoleinen, and our next 2 1st round tank picks heading towards bigger contracts? Even if we paid Callahan $8 million (which I hope we don't) that's still half a million less than the cap hits of Stafford and Leino combined.

  19. My impression, having not listened or watched any of those things :P, was that Miller's point has been enough words, i want to see action. So rather than saying they will build up a young core and trade picks and prospects for young promising guys, go and do it. The fact is that the only trade in the last 11 months was getting rid of Vanek and bringing in Omark. We haven't done anything to make me think we won't be in last place next year. So I don't think Miller is more inclined to resign now than he was 11 months ago


    And for those wanting to tank next year. At best we have a 75% chance of not getting McDavid. There is no point hoping we suck as there is a very good chance we suck and don't get the next Crosby. I don't want a Taylor Hall, I want a Toews or Kane or Crosby.


    Finishing dead last next year guarantees us with McDavid or Eichel who is also rated extremely high.

  20. I meant to indicate bottom half on his team - he's not getting a ton of O-Zone starts relative to the other Hurricane forwards. Semin, IIRC, is getting the greatest # of O-Zone starts.


    Ok, but how is he on the bottom half of his team if his offensive zone starts are above 50% even slightly? The majority of Carolina's forwards can't be starting in the offensive zone more than half the time, can they? Unless Carolina is some Detroit-esque possession type team where the majority of their starts happen to be in the offensive zone. Maybe I'm just getting it confused or maybe I'm missing something like counting neutral zone starts as offensive zone starts or something like that. I'm no statistician but my educational background is in finance and economics so I've done my share of stats work and number crunching but I guess I'm just missing it. Thinking about it more I guess it's possible but that means Carolina as a team must take more faceoffs in the offensive end than the defensive end. Sorry to harp on this with all the questions it just seemed a little counter-intuitive.

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