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Posts posted by Marvelo

  1. Housley has the right idea, don't think he has the right players to bring that idea to fruition. Or at least not enough of the right type of players (yet). When these guys flounder and fail will they make wholesale swaps or take the easier move and switch coaches - who knows.   Also the question of whether or not he changes his plan to fit the team he has, which will also fail in the long term if he does that. 


    I think it will be interesting to see who can play the Housley way and who struggles with it. 


    Interesting. So he had a plan that he tried to fit the players to as opposed to players that he should have fit a plan to. Bass ackwards... Well it's going to take time.

  2. I do think a larger truth is out there. The incorrect call on the spin of that wheel, corrected; the slaying of a defenseless bat; that 14-4 win over the Leafs. We are paying the price.


    It's a good movie except when the narrator starts with the expletives. He should have done it straight. It would have been funnier and more legitimate sounding. I'm so sick of everybody f-ing swearing all the time, whereever I go. 


    One of the Bills a long time said that Buffalo is nothing more than a glorified Fargo, ND and it is. Really Buffalo has no business being in the big leagues. It's a nice, high class minor league town, that's all. Wins championships in the minors. Does well consistently in the minors. The town just can't support the megabucks things that goes along with being a big league franchise. Just not big enough. Doesn't belong there. Any success here is by accident, not a result of building. 


    There is something fundamentally cursed about Buffalo and the majors. The owners are too cheap or too dumb or both and the franchises show the trickle-down effect. They cant outwit the city slickers. The gene pool isnt high grade enough. And the fans of Buffalo are the yearning ones with Stockholm Syndrome. 


    It's sad but I think there is nothing that can be done.


  3. I hope they keep Kane.


    It's hard for a team like Buffalo, who has been in the dumps for so long, to get and keep players who are already good and doing well now for the team. In the last ten years, Buffalo has had a lot of swings and misses in the hockey personnel department which was set up by unstable ownership and management.


    Presently, I don't know what to expect of ownership and management. There's no track record of being in charge of any successful teams here. All we have is losing with the promise of potential. We have an unsuccessful mix of players who either are potentially good  or those who were good at one point but not now. Nobody is consistently performing well except Kane.


    I think that keeping the guys who are performing and dropping those who aren't would be a good start to achieving the stability the team needs .

  4. Near the time of his trade from the Sabres to the Canucks, Alexander the Great (Mogilny) kept going on breakaways and missing them. Must have gone on at least 20-30 when I started realizing maybe he's doing it on purpose to force a trade...and he did. 


    Seems like Jack is scoring the greasier style goals this year instead of the fancy ones. And he's not the focus of getting passes on his line anymore so he's not scoring as many.

  5. Everything we hold dear and believe in to our core in one YouTube video.


    Thought the youngens might like to hear Ted. Actually, I don't remember him being that wired up very often, then again it was a deciding Game 5 against the terrifying Quebec Nordiques.


    I know it's a tape of a game from 1985, but maybe this is a cautionary tale about going back to the royal blue, at least that shade. It never looked great on TV.


    A Craig Ramsay blunder, Le Petit Tigre and bad, bad goaltending.





    that was great, Thanks! Ted!

  6. Just once I'd like the Sabres to wear the uniform of the 1969-70 AHL champion Buffalo Bisons. It's a red-hot zinger, as opposed to any of the mediocrities the Sabres ever came up with. I don't care if Coke is the concessionaire in the arena, whatever it's called now. Change it to Pepsi. Buffalo has always been a Pepsi town, not Coke.


    The Pegulas can afford anything. Instead, they play with the teams like they're some gardening project. Turdburger or All-red Bills uniform? The Pegulas have bad uniform ideas cornered...while always missing what's obvious, right in front of their face and great.


    Further, I'd ditch the blue and yellow forever and have solidarity with the Bills with the red, white and blue color scheme... What blue/yellow team in any sport ever won a championship? If there was one or two in the entire history of sports, I'd be surprised. Blue and yellow are weak and tired colors. The yellow in particular has seeped into the Sabres character...they should have a yellow streak running down the back of the uniform because that's the ingrained cowardly character of the team.


    Pittsburgh united the sports teams with one color scheme and Buffalo has become Pittsburgh Jr. so why not?


  7. Nylander got blasted by Catenacci last night in the third. Fight ensued with Catenacci getting his ass kicked. Overall Nylander seemed far tougher than last year. Looks a lot bigger too. Stayed on his feet up until the hit. Rang a nice shot of the pipe early in the first. It was just one game but he looked much better.



    Catenacci is like 5 ft - 2...

  8. This is completely wrong. 2014 his first draft was a terrible draft pool, have a look at the guys drafted in the 2nd round and later and who did he miss on? Remember he wanted to trade all 3 2nd rounders to move up? He knew there weren't NHL players available past round 1. POint and Arvidsson are the only 2 guys drafted past the Rd 1 that have had any sort of impact in the NHL


    It's too early to grade the 2015 & 2016 drafts though it looks good with Guhle, Pu, Asplund looking like sure fire NHLers drafted after round 1.


    It's the 2008 to 2011 drafts that are the killers.


    I like Guhle and he's looking good but these other two are vastly over-rated. I'd be suprised if Asplund or Pu actually makes the team.

  9. The tank was planned for and executed with the idea that there were competent people in charge who could put together a good team after the dust settled. The people in charge kept changing like musical chairs. Confusion rules this organization. There weren't competent people then and there aren't any now. Nuclear winter is here.

  10. Hear me out now...don't get all hostile on me just yet. It's only an idea. 


    I'm sure Jack Eichel would get some interest throughout the league and would create bidding wars.

    The right GM would get a boatload for him. I'm not saying that Botterill is the right GM but he's all we've got... It would give the core a jolt, one which is much needed and would be an instant rebuild.  


    I'm thinking of the Oilers/Vanek signing sheet the Sabres mistakenly made...wouldn't all those #1 draft choices have been better? It just wasn't obvious at the time because Drury and Briere had just left.


    Jack is a talented guy but I think he tops out at Ryan Getzlaf territory. He is not a generational talent like McDavid who produces no matter what. He is unhappy losing with the Sabres and it shows in his expressions, posture and play on the ice. He is immature. It seems that there are some nights that Jack just skating around and would rather not be a Buffalo Sabre.


    I think the Sabres have wrecked him anyway so for the right deal, why not just send him on his way? 


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