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Posts posted by Marvelo

  1. For all you nattering nabobs of negativity, I bring you a moment perhaps unparalled in Sabres history, Rick Jeanerett's glorious call of Drury's goal with 7 seconds left. Things will get better, mark it. Maybe not under this ownership, but it will get better.


  2. I don't think the Sabres owe him a favor.




    I will continue to point out when people make ###### up like this. And now he "cracked" Adam on the head? That's an outright lie.


    Depends on what your definition of crack is. Like what you're smokin'.

  3. I would like to believe the Sabres inactivity is due to upper-management putting the chains on Regier in anticipation of a change at the position. Unfortunately it is more likely Regier will make a move at the deadline and maybe another in the off-season. Both moves, individually, will look like good moves. But like most of Regier's moves they will have no positive effect on the overall success of the team.


    I think you're right. Darcy might have a feel for individual players. At times, he makes brilliant pickups. But I don't think he has a vision of how to put together a successful team. The players haven't fit together and it seems we go from GM to GM without a team personality.

    I think Muckler at the end had the chemistry right.

  4. This off the cuff comment is starting to look like a pretty solid prediction.


    If there was a poster child for the need of a change of scenery, it has to be Drew Stafford. The Sabres need to do this kid a favor and move him giving him a chance to start over.


    Problem is maybe to you and me, he's a kid but he's supposed to be a mature player by now. What is he, 27? I don't know if Lindy retarded his game, like so many others (I wince thinking about the time where he cracked rookie Luke Adam in the head with his stick -- what other coach would do that?) but Stafford should be ramping up as a player because he's at that age. Yet he shows the same maddening inconsistency and failure to assume the role of a scorer. And it may be frustrating as h -e double hockeysticks to see him go elsewhere and thrive. But I'm betting against it because to me he's not a serious hockey player and doesn't have the inner drive to excel.

  5. Yep. Roy brought it on the ice almost every game. Let's say 72 out of 82, because we all know that every player has off nights. I'm being conservative here.


    Stafford brings it the other 10 games out of 82. I'm being generous here.


    If Roy needed to go, fine. He's not a potential Hall of Famer. He's not an All-Star. He was a good, maybe even very good, player. And the Sabres got the a quality player--but not the same type of player--in return. It was a good trade.


    But where the hell is the production?! That's what DR failed to return to the team.


    I, too, will leave LR out of it, except to say this: Stafford is no different without Ruff than he was with him. And that's on Stafford, not Ruff, and not Rolston. And I actually had a drink with the guy (Stafford, not Darcy or Lindy) during the lockout, and I like him as a person. I really do. I just don't like him as a hockey player, especially in Buffalo.


    The mouse potatoes should boo him off the ice.

  6. Not sure if it's been posted, but it's a sad day in the Canadian Hockeydom ...




    So, in honour of Stompin' Tom this should be the Sabres Intro Song for the rest of this season ...




    I'm not sure about being the intro song but I'd like to see them introduce it as a new tradition ala Sweet Caroline, which

    has no connection to our franchise whatsoever.


    The Sabres management has "managed" to put a weak product on the ice entertainment-wise over the years. Starting

    with the lame national anthem singer (compare him to Chicago's) followed by Sabre Tooth, the assinine PA announcer

    and the rotten music the organist and music coordinator pipes in, the total effect is completely lame, an organization

    without identity, vision or tradition.

  7. Sounds like Zach's in the doghouse now. I hope he rebounds for his own sake. Meanwhile Cody's doing pretty well and improving defensively for us. He dishes good, unexpected passes and is becoming the bankshot from behind the net King. Last night, he banked one off old friend Sammy Salo. Cody reminds me a bit of Dale Hawerchuk, but he needs to get more consistent.

  8. Sabre Dance??? Please NOOOOOO!


    It's old, outdated, uninspiring and creates about as much excitement as watching the Bill's offense. Those wanting Sabre Dance are too attached to the name vs. how dull & boring the song actually is.


    I'm thinking outside the box here so bear with me a second. Not only has the Sabre Dance become an tired, old cliche, but the Sabres have become a tired organization. The way the Sabres came into existence was the first owners, lacking a coherent vision of their own, threw it open to the fans to name the organization. Fans flooded the organization with names.


    The favorite I remembered was the Buffalo Veni Vidi Vicis...


    So around this one fan's annonymous concept sprung a conservative and boring organization with dull packaging and different gimmicks, like The Sabre Dance, Sabre Tooth, and other things that made up the Sabres identity.


    I'd like a professional repackaging of the Sabres. Throw out the Sabres and start from scratch. The Buffalo Sabres as an organization is a dead end.

  9. Here's one... no one will hire Jay Mariotti, the columnist/sports personality from the Chicago Sun-Times. I know he's a girlfriend abuser but maybe he can reform...I wish Buffalo could get him...he's a national personality and Buffalo needs a gifted sports reporter like Mariotti...Could he be any worse than Bucky and Sully?



  10. A friend of mine got into a huge 3 car collision because some idiot didn't have their dogs secured and jumped all over them and they lost control of the SUV. Her car was totaled and if she wasn't wearing her seatbelt, she would have died. Her car rolled over 2x. One of the dogs died.


    Secure your dogs down if they tend to jump around while you drive and always wear a seatbelt because there's lots of idiots out there. It might save your life.


    I thank you.

  11. Absolutely Prokofiev's "Battle on the Ice"


    Nevsky is a film by Eisenstein, and the soundtrack was by Prokofiev. It's Classic cinema, like Citizen Kane. This was Stalin's heyday, though, so imagine him over the shoulder of both the director and composer... and they came up with amazingly subversive things. Both were too popular to kill, at the time.


    one of the great film of all time.


  12. Personally when I'm at a game I want some rock music to really get the blood flowing, but maybe it's a generational thing. My first choice would have been Unstoppable by Pop Evil, but browsing the videos on youtube it appears the Red Wings either use it or it's an unofficial Detroit anthem. So I settled on A Warrior's Call by Volbeat:




    I'd even pay them to adapt it a little to the Sabres.


    it's not a generational thing, it's a music thing. I think Classical has alot of cool possibilites. Sabre Dance is classical, dontcha think? Night on Bald Mountain, Wagner, the list goes on. It sends a chill up the spine.


  13. I'd like to see the Sabres take a completely different approach to music than the rest of the league and sports in general.


    You want to instill a proper sense of fear, dread and intimidation in the hated opponent, right?


    I think strains of Prokofiev's Alexander Nevsky ("Battle on the Ice") is the right thing to pipe in throughout a Sabres game, instead of the lame pop stuff they've been doing for centuries. It's self-explanatory.




  14. I'm wondering if Hodgson and Kassian were too young, inexperienced and immature to be dealt at deadline in this supposed "blockbuster" trade between two teams. I'm not sure they are mature enough to psychologically adjust to the situation and do their thing. I'm not expecting too much this season frankly.

  15. Hodgson has shown some flair in the first few games and I'm looking forward to him and Ennis teaming up. I'm a bit worried about his previous back problem...All said, I wish we had a chance to see what Kassian-Adam-Foligno could've done. They looked like a potent combination. But no,

    our coaching staff knows better.

  16. It's hard to know where this will all go. We know Hodgson is producing now but when you're surrounded by really good players, you look better. There's a nerve problem in his leg that caused him to ...Then there's Kassian, who's big, mean and has a screw loose. Is he a future Lucic or Bertuzzi or will he be plagued with a string of problems because of his temper? We'll see. Both teams just traded potential.

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