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Posts posted by Marvelo

  1. You mean, other than Kelly himself laughing (nervously) about it during interviews in later years?


    Thurman lost his helmet against Dallas.


    Right with Thurman. I've heard the stories about the drinking though before SB 25 and IMO there should've been an investigation and if it was found out, then Kelly and whoever else were implicatedvshould've been barred from the HOF.


    There seems to have been a more indepth investigation to this Austrian team fiasco than our SB Bills. I guess that's the kind of journalism we're used to at The Buffalo Snooze.

  2. Let me ask this question: If Vanek were the captain of the Sabres, and the Sabres won game 6 of the SCF on Sunday afternoon to force game 7, which would be played on Tuesday at noon, would you be happy if Vanek and 7 teammates went out boozing on Sunday night and everyone got falling-down drunk and didn't go to bed until 7:30 AM or so (i.e. 28 hours before game 7)?


    I never saw any credible proof in the press that Kelly and Thomas were out partying the night before the Super Bowl with the Redskins but Thomas forgot his helmet and Kelly played like it...has there ever been any substantiated proof of this because there are rumors.

  3. A question I have is why can't the Sabres get more French Canadian players? There's not even one on our team right now. Not sure if we have any in the pipeline either. Many of these players were almost born with skates on their feet. Hockey is in their blood. Montreal/Quebec is synonymous with hockey. They drive to the net like no other. We have a great history with them, Perreault-Martin-Robert, Pominville, Briere...Why can't we have more?


    Murray is John Butler reincarnate. He just doesn't have Butler's "shoeshine charm".




    So far, nothing. Murray has been interviewed and that's the only thing we can go by with this man. I'm starting to suspect that he's a doughier, gum chewing version of Darcy, always with the standoffish double talk. I'm not sure he has the flair to pull off the kind of trades Regier pulled off these last few years, since he himself admitted, he hasn't developed a trusted circle of trading partners yet. Darcy's problem was he could pull off amazing trades but it never amounted to anything. Remember, Murray is a rookie GM we're talking about here. I wouldn't expect too much.

    Btw my prediction: Regier replaces Snow.



  5. I like Ted Nolan and the players have said they like him and he's made a huge difference in their approach to playing the game. They're feeling better about themselves, they understand their roles, blah blah blah.


    But they're still losing almost all the time. I wonder how much difference Nolan has made with this team. If you project RR's record out to this point of the season, it would probably be similar or the same.


    Why can't the Sabres ever get a replacement coach who completely turns the team around immediately? Are the players that flawed/mismatched for each other that a true injection of leadership has no effect in the standings?


    (Note: we're still dead last.)

  6. I'm also old enough to have seen all amateur Olympics before it got hijacked by the professionals and the commercials.

    Spare me these NHL players who long for a gold medal. Soulless robots. Pros in the Olympics is a sell-out and not what the Olympics were intended.


    The only thing that should matter to these NHL millionaires is a Stanley Cup. Screw a gold medal, Players should have their chance when they were pre-NHL. I'm going to miss hockey but not that phony spectacle of the Olympics. My only hope is for no terror. I don't care if the US comes in last. The Olympics are dead to me.


    Well at least the next 3 weeks the quality of hockey is going to be better around Bflo.

  7. Some players somehow can't or won't give all they have or can't fit into certain organizations but when they move to other organizations, they blossom. Maybe they enjoy it there away from B-lo ("the worst"). Maybe a new lifestyle is a breath of fresh air for them. Gerbe mentioned how their coaches and "Mr. Ron Francis" made it a point to show how much they believe in him. Don't know if it's our system, the surrounding players, the coaches, management, the staleness ...who knows? but it seems like when our players go somewhere else, especially lately, they generally do better.

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