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Posts posted by Marvelo

  1. I know Vanek is a sniper but I could never warm up to the guy. I think he is selfish; it was all about him. Vanish might be able to carry a team on his back for awhile and he has amazing hands but I got tired of how unenthusiastic he always was and his cryptic comments. And he'd disappear for long stretches, his endurance is suspect and I got the feeling he never wanted to be in Buffalo, especially after signing an offer sheet with Edmonton of all teams so long ago. I feel like even though we gave him a huge contract, he was some kind of elitist, like Hasek, somehow above Buffalo.


    FU Vanek. I think a black cloak has been lifted on this team since his departure and the arrival of the much more affable, and very talented Moulson is the same difference and will greatly add to team chemistry.

  2. Sabres need scoring period. It's good to get a Moulson who's a triggerman himself but there are concerns about any player on the wrong side of 30. Hate to be pessimistic but I don't see him returning next year either. He likes it on the NYI and I can see him going back there. Imagine, what a concept. A player actually resigning for anything other than money.


    I can't say this trade energizes Sabre Nation but it's with a sigh of relief that the Sabres don't get stuck empty-handed after the season. Vanek surely wouldn't have returned and I expected Regier to just let the contract expire while a Sabre. So that is good.


    That said Buffalo hasn't had any luck drafting scorers and this is a supposedly weak draft year...

  3. Is it me or does this board have an unhealthy obsession with Nail Yakupov?


    Well I was watching the Oilers the other day with Devin Dubnyk in net...they could use a Ryan Miller to make them competitive...although Yakupov is a bit of a showboat for being such a youngster.

  4. I'm amused that he became an untradeable disaster basically right on cue with the timeline I tossed out there.


    Why did fans understand this two years ago but our GM could not? The Sabres are a fun distraction for me after work, but this is Regier's job after a lifetime of hockey.


    I heard Darcy falls in love with some of his players. :wub:

  5. I'm thinking Darcy got Ristoleinen and Zadorov as a hedge against Myers and others who might not be working out. Myers confidence as a d-man is shot unfortunately. He's doing a lot of standing around at crucial times. Weber, who is also prone to stupid mistakes does not help as his partner...They are awful together. I'd try Myers as a forward for awhile because he seems clueless at D. I like the fact that Weber and Ott are like brothers but I don't think Weber's all that good and Ott, who shouldn't be on the top line w Vanek-Hodgson, is playing as if he's already elsewhere.

  6. CJ! This is a new kind of Bills team that actually hangs in the game even though they get kicked around a little. It's not like other years. I'm a fan of EJ Manuel but don't think the Bills offense are experienced enough to run a no-huddle. With their running game, I'd like to see them eat clock.

  7. They've been working on our souls for years. We are now totally morally bankrupt and unable to tell right from wrong and that's what we're teaching our kids, who are even more of an ethical blank slate that we are. This folks is the last stop in the Twilight Zone.


  8. I know it's slick, cool and fashionable to love Breaking Bad but the whole idea of its popularity, like Dexter, like Walking Dead, totally escapes me. It sickens me to think of what meth really does to people and how people are finding this, as well as serial killers and gruesome images of death hip popular entertainment. Don't want to spoil the party but we're losing our souls.



  9. Right. And you said:


    "I don't think after 17 years he understands that blue collar character that Buffalo fans can get behind."


    So, what is your point?


    The point is, 14 years ago is ancient history and 1999's blue collar team was mainly built by Muckler.

  10. Bull. Plenty of guys have been traded outta the blue.





    You now what i don't get? How come stafford (6'2 225) doesn't throw his weight around? I mean not just with hitting, but he's not very bruiser like either. Same with Vanek. If you got size, use it.



    I was reading the great book about roller hockey "Wheelers, Dealers, Pucks and Bucks." They were writing about the 1994 champion Buffalo Stampede and their character. They said that the Stampede wasn't built on finesse and great goaltending but on brawn and bad behavior.


    Over the years I think Darcy has got these types of flawed skill players like Stafford who stay on the perimeter and don't like to mix it up.


    Darcy doesn't get it...he is an elitist. I don't think after 17 years he understands that blue collar character that Buffalo fans can get behind.

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