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korab rules

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Posts posted by korab rules

  1. swamped at work, no time for a post of consequence on a topic I hold dear. Love brown liquors, not clear. Can drink vodka, but Gin makes my eye turn in. drinking a lot of irish whisky lately. not too many real high end one available. Powers is the best of the <$25.00 bottle crowd. Red breast is as good as any that cost more than that. Black bush is interesting, but too sweet - is it sherry barrels that does it? can't remember.

  2. Open for business.



    My grandma died on Tuesday. Although it was her time, and she went peacefully, it's been a bad week.


    My condolences, Corp. It's never easy, even when it's time.



    I've never complained on here,at least that I can remember but now its time. March 1st my son woke up and had trouble peeing. He's 13. He'd been having aches in his lower abdomen for about a month but our general practitioner misdiagnosed the cause. Went to a urologist and he did a rectal check with the finger and his exact words were " oh my god,he's got a mass blocking his urethra " Worst thing I've ever heard. Long story short he had an mri at the local hospital and was rushed to vancouver to bc childrens hospital by ambulance. Catheter inserted,cat scans,more mri,pet scan and right into a regimen of chemo that will run till dec2. Just finished 6 weeks of radiation treatment that ran 2 minutes a day and is still getting chemo.Turns out he has (pardon my spelling) a rhabdomiosarcoma. I've been told they see about 30 cases a year in Canada. Its a growth thats wrapped itself around his urethra,prostate,rectum and has grown into his bladder lining. Lost his hair so i shaved mine but thankfully after 3 months he's finally had the catheter removed. He's been poked,prodded and had what seems like every indignity a 13 year old can have but all in the name of his survival. Doctors and nurses are amazing and top notch for their fields. Drugs, medication coming out of our ying yangs. Back and forth to the hospital,probably 2 months stay so far between the bc childrens hospital and the easter seal house down the street from the hospital. Countless ferry rides back and forth to and from Nanaimo to vancouver. He's doing ok and another mri coming up on the 17th of june to gauge the shrinkage of the growth. All I can say is I've got lots to complain about but I thank god every day that I live here and am under Canadas medical system because this treatment,the hospital stay,the travel, all of it. Mri's,cat scans,pet scans x-rays,medications, its all been absolutely FREE. Not a cent spent and what I have spent is a tax write off for the year. So you will never hear me complain about our system or my sons treatment. Thats all i got.


    Prayers for father and son. Can't imagine what your family has been through. My greatest blessing has been two happy healthy boys. Your nightmare is every parent's greatest fear.

  3. Corp, my condolences.


    I do still have a complaint though. My little sister had a "cardiac episode" at school on Tuesday, collapsed and blacked out, is having heart palpitations, with a sinus arrhythmia. We've taken her to 2 doctors, and an ER, and they don't have any idea what's wrong with her, just that she has an irregular heartbeat right now, and had low potassium levels. She's not getting better either. It is so nerve racking not knowing what's wrong. We are trying to see a special cardiologist in Syracuse, and if we can't get in soon enough, we're driving out to Buffalo's Children's (we're in Dryden, NY). :unsure:


    How young? I wouldn't screw around. Get her to see a pediatric cardiologist ASAP. Don't wait.


    Dr. Finnerty in Elmira is an excellent pediatric cardiologist.


    965 West Church Street

    Elmira, NY 14905-2049

    ph.(607) 737-0200

  4. Most of the time I really don't care, but was that really necessary? Clean that one up a bit.



    Anyway, I've got some birds nesting above my car and they love using it for target practice. I really need a carwash, but I wonder if there's any point. The second I park it, it'll need to be washed again.


    You don't need a car wash, you need a pellet gun.

  5. i disagree, all western new yorkers can drive in the snow, that's pretty damn impressive.


    It may just be because you live near UB and are as a result, surrounded by foreigners of the not very good driver stereotype.


    Is a stereotype still a stereotype if it is universally true?

  6. Either of you guys know this place? Finger Lakes Distilling


    I didn't get a chance to try their whiskey but it's supposedly quite good, and I can tell you their vodka is fantastic. Wish I lived close enough to get their stuff more regularly; it's a beautiful tasting room, too, so if you find yourself in the Seneca Lake area, I recommend it!


    Yes - its in my neck of the woods - pretty decent stuff. I'm not a gin fan, but their gin is pretty good as well.

  7. It is what I always turn to when the bar is out of good bourbon.


    And I've never found a better whisky with which to make a Manhattan.


    There aren't many good sour mash bourbons available, and the only bar you will see them in is a fine whiskey bar.


    Luckily, there are many more great bourbons that aren't sourmash. They are much more readily available. I don't care for sweet or dry vermouth, so I drink both my brown and clear liquors neat, or with a little ice if the good stuff isn't available.


    As I get older, I have become quite the whiskey snob. I now prefer to assault my senses and liver with cask strength whiskeys.

  8. Please, Jack Daniels isn't even that good. It might be the most overrated liquor on the market.


    Jack Daniels is not a whiskey I enjoy neat. It should not be consumed under any circumstances, much less mixed with Aunt Jemimah. There are, however, a few fine examples of sour mash whiskey available.

  9. I want to point out that the JD Syrup has been systematically taking its revenge on me all day long, Montezuma style. :bag:


    What made you think this was a good idea? Any whiskey you can't enjoy neat should be avoided at all costs.

  10. You are complaining about being a bachelor for 10 days?

    I will be working long hours for most of it, so yes. Would rather be in Fl with the family. Gorgeous weather there right now. It would be nice to have to work to keep the beer cold for a change.

  11. The family left for spring break, but I've got things I can't leave at work right now so I am a bachelor for the next 10 days. With no kids at home, I went for an extra, extra long work out. Now I am too tired to cook, and eating blueberries and almonds for dinner.

  12. Typically yes, because when the knee cap comes out of the channel, it typically slides to the outside of the knee (leg) and results in an MCL sprain. Fortunately I was down in the butterfly so there wasn't as much room for the leg to bend as it would have been if I was standing, so I didn't strain the MCL too bad. It wasn't as bad this time as the first time and really only resulted in minor swelling.


    Apparently in my case the chance of dislocation is increased because my knee cap not only sits up higher, but is also shorter than it should be. The knee cap, by general rule, should be the same size as the distance between the bottom of the knee cap and where the patellar tendon attaches to the Tibia. By strengthening my quads it should strengthen the quadriceps tendon holding the kneecap in place and prevent it from sliding as much.


    This stuff gives me the heebie jeebies. I hate talking about ligaments. :sick:


    I suffered from knee problems my entire life. Knee cap dislocates and the MCL sprains. I was told everything at one point or another - my knee caps were too small, they were shaped funny, I needed to strengthen quad tendons, etc, etc. Lived with it, kept playing sports, and destroyed my knee. Hockey is particularly hard on the problem, and I would guess goalies especially so, because of the amount of time and weight and pressure spent on the inside edge - placing the knee in that position primes the knee cap for dislocation.


    About 4 years ago, after yet again spraining the knee, I went to see a local orthopedist. His son and mine played hockey together, and he was the team doctor for the local ECHL team, so I figured what the hell. He did the x-rays, took my history, did an MRI, and then told me that the reason this happens is because the anatomical alignment of my suprapatellar lligament wasn't quite right, so my knee cap was always primed to come out of the channel it is supposed to ride in. He recommended a procedure known as a distal relocation of the tibial tubercle. It involves an arthroscopic release of the knee cap - they cut some of the connective tissue holding it in place so it can move to its new location - and then an open procedure where they cut off the tibial tuburcle - the part of the tibia where the suprapatellar ligament attaches - move it medially into an anatomic location - and screw it back down.


    The surgery was not fun at all - but after the rehab was completed it's like I have a brand new knee. 4 years later I still haven't dislocated the knee cap or sprained the knee. No problems at all. Running, skating, hunting you name it, never once a problem.


    My knee was bad. It was to the point where I could step off a curb wrong and sprain it. I walked on the outside of my feet because I was guarding so bad, and that made the problem worse. Go talk to a top flight orthopedic surgeon who has a good deal of experience with knees. Preferably someone involved with professional athletes. I wish I had this procedure done 15 years ago.

  13. I dislocated my knee cap for the third time on the 10th playing hockey. Did it 5 minutes into the game but played the remaining 45. Went and got x-rays the next day. I've recovered mostly. Went to the sports med doc yesterday and it was a different doc than last time. He told me I should stop playing goal, because my kneecaps are abnormal and prone to dislocation and that if it keeps happening I'll need knee surgery. Needless to say, I'm crushed and pissed that the other doc never told me what this guy did.


    He did say that by strengthening my quads I could reduce the chance of injury, but that's going to take time. Guess I'm hanging up the goalie pads for a while. :-/

    Do you sprain your MCL when you dislocate your knee cap?

  14. Bring the kids to the bar.



    What? Dress them up like leprechauns? :lol:


    It is a family friendly bar - Irish singers all day, the little Irish dancing girls are there now.


    Kids are almost as good as having a puppy with you, right?

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