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Posts posted by DR HOLLIDAY

  1. You might be thinking of the wrong guy? Kevin de Bruyne is not a CF. He plays primary on the wing and CAM. Last season for Wolfsburg, he played mostly CAM but did play a few times RM or LM. Thats where he is mostly used on Belgium NT. They will NOT ever use him as a CDM, as he plays zero defense. He is a horrific defender and if he loses the ball he checks out of the play. That will be the big question about him in England. With Wolfsburg, his defensive liability only really effected him vs. Bayern Munich but it was okay as Bayern was always expected to beat them. In the PL, there are several teams and he can get exposed fairly quickly. I am not sure he can be successful for a club such as Man City but i guess we will find out.


    CF and CAM are very close positions actually, if you play with a striker over top.......And when he played LW or RW he is not in his best position, he does not have the lightning speed to play wing.

  2. This topic has probably been beaten to death, but PS4 or XBox One? I have the Xbox 360 now and I am looking to upgrade.


    PS4 is winning the war between the two......But I guess it depends on games you might like........Uncharted 4 is probably gonna be one of the best games for this generation and its only on PS4 only.

  3. I'm not kidding. N64! The cartridge was blue and I believe Eddie George was on the cover.


    Madden 2001, I had it for PS2, it was the first time I went online to play a video game.......Played the living crap out of that game, my favourite Madden.

  4. "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time."


    I found it on the take a book leave a book shelf of a bed and breakfast. 


    I left  Larry McMurtry's "The Last Kind Words Saloon."



    Great book man, very interesting writing style that really puts the reader in the characters boots.

    just started book 4 of the Malazan series and things are starting to fall into place, I see the rough outline of what could be ahead.  It is a very interesting series thus far.


    Just picked up the first two books in that series.

  5. Well the nature of philosophy and perception is obviously subjective, so i SHANT argue with you.


    But.... To me,  the (perceived) transformation of Rusty from an ardent pessimist (resulting from the death of his daughter and the ensuing erosion of his marriage, in tandem with (likely) rewiring of his neural pathways from the persistent use of drugs (most namely meth) causing serious emotional and behavioral disfunction) to slowly beginning to appreciate the mystery of the universe through his obsessive inspection of details pertaining to murders, near death experiences, and ultimately, at the end, an epiphany while he was in a coma that he had shed his body and sense of identity completely, and became one with the "warmth" that he associated with his daughter but with the understanding that it was the greater state of non existence in this realm, and that through his admiring of the stars (metaphorically the great unknown, the great beyond) he had  some sort of incomplete, but newly present awareness of the progression of reality, that it all might be connected, the "oldest story of light and dark", and that in the final moments, he sincerely and openly gestured towards optimism by correcting woody's initial assertion that the dark blanketed the sky, simultaneously signifying his evolution as a character and the infinitely layered dualities of nature... 




    BE to me was really a cold, harsh but honest look into humanity as it pertains to WILLFUL choices and their consequences. 

    I thought the finale was one of the most powerful, satisfying ways to close out an act of expression i have ever seen.

    The way that Nucky, this man of power and control, devolved into wandering the boardwalk in dissolution as he once did as a child, the way that he was burdened with the reality of his failures; the pain of leading so many who looked to him for direction astray, that lack of  anything meaningful in his wake and the resulting sense of purposelessness, the awareness that he was in fact a "bad" person and had been responsible for so much destruction for the purpose of his fickle gain, all cascading in his consciousness as his final moments drew near, really struck me.

    (That final conversation between him and his brother where he essentially endows upon eli whats left of his material self and they examine their lives together in earnest, sent chills down my spine.)

    Then of course, when the young boy who was the son of a woman whose life nucky destroyed before she even had a chance, for the prospects of "advancement"   puts his lights out, as they say, and it literally catches up with him, he fades out realizing in that moment, that at any point along the way, the opportunity for redemption, a "lineage",  was there for the taking and he simply ignored it in favor of perpetuating his empty, Sisyphean, ego driven conquests...

    to me it cleverly made the concept of causality, maybe even loosely sin, or good and evil, come to life in world where those words have oft come to mean nothing more than remnants of myth or lofty ideals.  

    To me that last episode was top 10 of all film or tv I've watched in my life, and I've watched a lot...

    Just my thoughts anyways.



    Good post man, I felt the same way about Rusts last line in season 1.......I think it was a powerful scene......I though the mass deaths of the characters in season 2 was a direct response to all the complaining that Rust didn't die last year.

  6. On Season 1 of TD:  I thought all the Rust Cohle philosophizing was silly BS, and I thought all the mystical yellow king theorizing was just silly.



    I was intrigued by Rust and I like a couple of thoughts that stuck with me........I can be a pretty negative guy at times, so maybe thats why and I like "the silly BS".

  7. No pizza, ribs, briskets, butts, smoked wings, etc. on the Egg?  A reverse sear ribeye on the egg is well worth the extra time.


    Ribs yes and any type of steak is wanted, but I like T-bones the best.

  8. Or since he has been in contact with White Walkers, maybe he wakes up with blue eyes..


    In the books, Mance Raider does not die in the fire, the witch switches him out for the Lord of Bones, with some magic make over......The TV show has combined story arcs for several characters and I think that the witch knows of the Kings Blood in Jon or knows that she needs to latch on to somebody else.......I think she switched him out and somebody else died......My theory, can't wait to find out.

  9. Ever try anything by Erving Welsh ? He wrote Trainspotting, Porno, and a bunch of others I can't remember. I've read a couple but it was a struggle because he also writes in a scottish slang. I found I was constantly calling my friend Peter who's a scot to ask him the meaning of strange phrases and such.


    Irving Welsh has some great books......Trainspotting the novel is even more up then the movie, both are great........I have no problem with the dialect because a friend of mine was Scottish and I grew up reading his comics, which had the same dialect.......Weird, lol

    I have just finished reading, "A Confederacy of Dunces", its a great book, a little off the wall but great none the less.

  10. Isn't that an awfully quick turnaround for Nintendo?  The Wii U hasn't been out very long.  They must be scrambling for ideas, trying to regain relevance in the console market.

     The WiiU is way better then the Wii, its biggest game is coming out this Christmas I think, the new Zelda

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