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ct fab

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Posts posted by ct fab

  1. Kulikov won't sign with us. He was devastated when BUF traded for him

    I guess technically that'd be Antipin, right?


    But why not.... And Shattenkirk. He's disillusioned by an early (1st/2nd round) exit with the Caps, plus the Blues inexplicably going to the Final after jettisoning them. So he's talking to fellow American blueliner McCabe in the summer and realizes his destiny is the Sabres. So he gives us a homestate discount and signs for only $5M/season to take Bogo's spot.


    So what level of absurdity are we looking at?

    McCabe - Ristolainen

    Guhle - Shattenkirk

    Kulikov - Antipin


    Sure... there we go.

    Shatt will sign with NYR, certainly not us. Kulikov won't resign, guhle will be protected in bottom pairing and antipin will be a top 4

  2. Hallmark may not be taken, depends on the needs of last Vegas, salary cap or otherwise. Thank God vogl isn't our GM, protecting Ennis over girgs is idiotic as is protecting BOGO over a bag of pucks. He claims he's protecting BOGO due to depth. Well, clear 5.3m off my cap and I'll find a way to get depth. Plain stupid. You could sign 2 UFA dman for the price of BOGO and they wouldn't suck as bad as him. Vogl didn't even mention you can have side deals with Las Vegas. Why not offer them a 3rd rounder to take either BOGO or Moulsen?? They need to take on a ton of cap money anyway

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