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ct fab

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Posts posted by ct fab

  1. 2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    I been thinking for a while that during trade deadline the groundwork for a ristolainen trade was made already.

    Risto + Scandella of the books makes room for Karlsson ?

    Love karlsson but who's taking Scandella? Plus that's leaves BOGO And McCabe as the only enforces on d. Would need to sign/aquire a stay at home tough damn. Borgen won't be ready yet

  2. 4 minutes ago, North Buffalo said:

    The focus of a young team lulled to sleep almost like my teenager when he gets bored... cant and wont do *****.  Someone literally needs to lite a fire under their ***** on the bench.  Phil needs to pull out a big old 2x4 and start wacking some heads, Dahlin's especially.

    Ok- oh wait it was risto and Scandella who forgot how to play d on goals 2 and 3.  But let's blame Dahlin for those. Funny. Goal 4 went in off a skate

  3. SDS - yeah I'm compulsive too to the point I know the dean of admissions of his favorite schools.  The one thing I know is you can take any scholarship he gets from a school and try to get the same thing at his preferred school.  Might not work but worth the try, as they can't take the acceptance back, if you know what I mean.  For instance, My son got $60k from Tulane (over 4 years), and if he gets accepted to a college he prefers we'll try to get the preferred college to match.  It's all a game really.

  4. Location is also a big question as is accessibility to transporting. If he wants to be close to home, Rochester, if not....if going away, VTech has Roanoke airport nearby but that's a small airport. Tulane has New orleans, UVA is sort of close to Richmond. W&M is an hour from Richmond but also has Amtrak in town. We visited w&m last week, gorgeous campus, students are known to be a little quirky. It's near the top of my sons list.



  5. We all know risto from a corsi rating, etc looks really bad BUT he always plays his best vs. TB, so that might help. I think it would be something like JT Miller and Foote. No desire for Callahan and his contract and I'm not even sure TB would do Risto for Sergachev straight up (certainly wouldn't fit cap wise for them anyway)

  6. My son is going through it now, he has great stats, 99% SAT, very good GPA, excellent EC's. SDS, the best two on that list I think are Florida (great alumni network but they have dorm problems and are forcing some students to take summer classes and skip the fall semester). If your son is going for engineering than Vtech is hands down the best on the list. My son got a nice merit scholarship to Marquette (safety school which he won't be going to) and a nice merit scholarship to Tulane. He's a  month away from hearing from 8 remaining schools: Notre Dame, UVA, USC, Michigan, Wake Forest, BC, William & Mary and Richmond. Half of these are long shots and the other half 50/50. The competitiveness in top 30 colleges is ridiculous. Everyone seems to have a 1500+ SAT, a 4.5 GPA and has saved the world 2-3 times. My guess is he ends up at Wake Forest, but no real clue at this point??



  7. Most importantly Antipin still agreed this was his best opportunity was the Sabres. Even after Murray and Bylsma were fired and the Hockey World declared the Sabres to be everything from the League Laughingstock to a Giant Sh!tshow Antipin still signed in Buffalo.

    Antipin also signed before we made the two trades I think. Right??

  8. It's not Buffalo

    Insider on another site, who's been right a lot, thinks it is buffalo. Housley and jbots expect him to sign with BUF.


    Now...It is easy to say it's not Buffalo when there are 31 teams in the NHL and only one team will sign him. Odds are pretty stacked that you'll be right.......

  9. Still think one of Nylander or Reinhart get traded

    They won't be moving either. Both can play wing, which is a need on this team (especially LW). A lot of hate for Reinhart, a guy with 50+ points as a 20/21 year old. And if Nylander follows the trajectory his brother William Did, he'll have a breakout year in 2018/2019

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