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Posts posted by biodork

  1. It is Enroth .Kiss this one goodbye. First shot on goal and Enroth goes down when the puck carrier crosses the blue line.Good news is Sabres have some nice posssesion in the offensive zone.


    So negative... where's the faith? We haven't been great against Pittsburgh in the past, but from what I've heard they are having some goaltending issues this season as well. I for one am excited to see what Gerbe can do on a real scoring line... kid's got a real good opportunity, and I hope he takes advantage of it. Can't be any worse than Connolly!

  2. So Weber is now getting a shot over Butler too, right? None of the other defensemen is injured?






    I expect some iffy moments out of that 3rd pairing, but I also expect a fair amount of toughness and hitting.


    Yeah, I guess so -- he doesn't mention Butler but since we haven't heard of any other injuries to the D I'd assume you are correct. The link updated since my original post to include the info on Enroth. Morrisonn and Weber is an interesting option... they are both stay-at-home types, but perhaps that is what the doctor ordered with Miller out.

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