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Posts posted by biodork

  1. My dog is getting sick of crapping in a 2'x3' snowbound patch of grass. Today, she decided she had enough and made a valiant effort to the back of the yard. On the way back though she looked like the last scene for Elias in Platoon.


    lol my dog, too -- I tried clearing an area for him after each of the storms, but down here it's all been melting and re-freezing so even if it isn't deep, it's icy and hard as a rock. Sometimes he gives up trying to walk on it and just takes a dump on the sidewalk instead. Can't say I blame the little guy.

  2. My mom and brother moved out to Phoenix this past year and I'm headed there tomorrow for a visit. My complaint? Back in October, it seemed like an awesome idea to see the Sabres play the Coyotes Sat. night... now I'm just hoping I won't be embarrassed to have on a Sabres jersey. <_<

  3. It really does make you feel better,.. oh,.. wait,.. that could be the Orange/Black Russian I'm drinking.


    :thumbsup: I'll have to try that, I've only made the standard black and/or white, but orange sounds tasty. And you win -- sorry to hear about your daughter.

  4. I can now (unfortunately) remedy my own prior complaint.


    I have an experiment I've been putting off doing since Monday. This afternoon I finally get motivated and label everything, thaw the reagents I need, etc. etc. I have 44 samples to run, and after the 43rd sample the effing POS laptop we have connected to the instrument taking the measurements decided to turn off (the measurements export to Excel as they are taken). No recovery file, even though it's set to auto-save every 10 minutes and this took me at least 30 min. Thought I could at least manually write down the measurements from the instrument but it only displays the last 20 taken, so I have to re-run the other 24, which also means labeling more tubes and again thawing more reagents. This POS laptop from our department has not one, but THREE levels of secure logins because of concerns over patient data, except it's never used for anything except this one instrument that records nothing close to anything that resembles patient data. It doesn't even have an enter key since the button came off and no one replaced it! :censored:

  5. Did I ever tell you guys about my business plan? It would be based on The Hunger Site, which you can go to daily and click, and with each click it provides 1.1 cups of food to the hungry. The sponsors/advertisements on the site provide the funding, of course.


    Anyway, my site would have a place you can click, and each time you click, it would kill a cat and feed it to a hungry dog. It solves the stray cat problem as well as the hungry dog problem. Think it'd work?


    And yes, I realize I probably sound like a jackass. PA, your cat trap efforts are very entertaining, by the way.


    Not just probably.

  6. So a few months ago I accidentally dropped my phone in my dog's water bowl, and it mostly recovered but a few of the keys stopped working. No biggie, it's a touchscreen so I could get away with just a minor inconvenience of having to copy and paste text for a few letters. I'm finally eligible for an upgrade discount this month, and I decided since I really like the phone I have I would just get another of the same. It arrived on Tuesday, and I got it activated and successfully programmed, etc etc. Except the very next day it starts randomly rebooting itself every so often, and now today I've missed two calls (that I know of) where my phone never rang at all and it won't reliably send text messages. I went through a wipe/reinstall today and it is still doing it. :censored:


    Oh, and congrats to Shrader! :thumbsup:

  7. Not a fan of the boos, huh? What's the problem? Were they not loud enough? They weren't for me. Even with Miller in net they would have had to score at least one goal to win. This team is not very good and those 2 points they need to get to make the playoffs are not going to be easy to get.


    I totally agree and the lack of scoring is maddening, but it was also a night where the lines changed constantly and Roy was out a good part of the game. Adam on the power play was a bit of a headscratcher.

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