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  1. The place I had the Stone IPA is easily in the top 5 of restaurants I have ever dined in (food wise), which is saying a lot. There are at least three places I know of here with CIA trained chefs.


    Anyway, the unfiltered wheat beer turned out to be...wait for it...Adirondack. I would recommend that to anyone looking for something different.

  2. He does that a lot. The qualifier to Peters' statement is that he's Peters.


    "Grigorenko has elite talent... Stafford is a very good player..." It goes on and on.


    Well, I guess it might be useful to add that he went into that little narrative after saying if the Sabres are going to get a UFA forward that will take away a rookie's roster slot, it'd better be an elite guy to pair with Vanek. Because Vanek is elite...and you know who else can be elite...(pickup Leino narrative)...



    Well, at least post the rest of his sentence.


    "Leino can be elite, I'm not saying he will be, but he can be. He can be a solid two way player."


    You can bust on Peters for being Peters just about all of the time, with no effort required.


    What other context do you need? If he had any significant qualifiers I wouldn't have bothered. His point was simply that Leino could be an elite player...period.

  4. I can't believe the beer thread keeps getting buried during such a lame off-season!


    I walked into Beers of the World yesterday and before me stood a display of Shiner Bock and Lone Star. I can't even describe how excited I was to finally have a Shiner Bock again. Best thing Texas ever made.


    Back in the early to mid '90s in Austin, Shiner Bock and Rolling Rock were the hipsters favs. Every time I drank that sh*t, my head would pound for days.

  5. The High Tech style of interior design is old and boring. Looks like some Post Modern elements, but not as much as the F'N Centre is - which isn't a lot to begin with. It is, however, an incredibly optimistic design: clearly, one idea is to provide a place where the (more well-to-do) fans who hang out outside the F'N Centre during playoff games can go and watch the game and spend their money. I guess for that, I welcome it.

  6. Aristotle - "Look, Democritus, I tell you the world is spherical..."


    Democritus - "You drunk fool, everyone knows the world is flat! Can't you see yonder hills gently laying upright upon the horizon?"


    Aristotle - "That is but an illusion, something you can not see unless your perspective has changed..."


    Democritus - "And how, Aristotle? Travel into space? Surely the gods would swat us down, or demons would feast on our flesh, long before we were to fly into space, as if we could fly. Your nonsense is overwhelming, Aristotle, perhaps Alexander should discuss these traitorous musings with you before you frighten the people."


    Aristotle - "You would not!"


    Democritus - "Remember your grand-nephew?"



    My guess is that Rhuwedel is about the 10th best of last years class.


    Would that be just college free agent class? 10th best D man? How large is that particular class on average year to year (D or all)?


    Just curious; I have been meaning to figure out some sort of rank for Ruhwedel for my own edification.



    I think if all goes according to plan, the tower will find a use and a pretty attractive option. First, however, there will definitely be a reshuffling in the office market but I'm optimistic that the city will be better in the end and with little government support.


    Can you provide more detail? I always thought that, at worst, they can turn it into residencies.

  9. Oh, I get it. chz thought sizzle was literally calling Darcy a woman, and thus assumed sizzle doesn't think a woman can be a GM. I took it to mean Darcy is a man who's been de-nutted — thus he has been behaving like a woman. Chz, you could have nailed sizzle with chauvinism, use of stereotypes and so forth. I don't think he was saying a woman couldn't be a good GM. He'd just want a woman with balls, figuratively speaking.


    A serious question. Who are some of the leading female managers in women's hockey? Any in men's hockey?


    For the record, I'd have no problem with a woman taking over in Buffalo, as long as her first transaction was waiving Pegula's grapes to Boca Raton.


    Wait a minute, are you saying people are taking this thread and that banter seriously? No way.



    I just finished a conversation with a former co-worker from that place. My exact words were,"I'm just glad I have a full time gig and could tell them I don't need no stinking contract job".


    So maybe there is more awesome there than I am giving credit for. :P


    I just remembered a bit of foreshadowing from my interview with my current employer. He asked me if I was going back to my old job when they offer it to me again in two months. He said "when", not "if". I was laid off 9 weeks ago. Dude was pretty close to on the money.


    You should bring in some donuts as a prize.

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