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  1. Beauty, it's official, now let the wild speculation on what's going to happen with the team and UFA's roll on!


    As other's have noted, this new HOCKEY leadership group, on paper, looks like it can become the best in the league. Pegula is certainly making up for the years he kept Regier on...anyone doubt the guy is a fan? These kind of FO moves are the sort that fans throw out on message boards as fantasy moves. It's real for the Sabres...I hope they live up to the expectations.

  2. I can't recall the last time a game was postponed due to weather.


    Wasn't a Boston game cancelled due to weather two seasons ago?


    EDIT: happened last season.


    From TSN:


    "The last time the Sabres had a game postponed was at Buffalo against New Jersey on Dec. 6, 2000. They played the following day."



    Separately: one factor that might inhibit Teddy's ability to reach this kid is that he's a UFA after this year -- so he can bail and go home if he's not happy with how it goes here. Unless he really cares about making it in the NHL, that freedom removes an implied threat (i.e. of being stuck in the AHL indefinitely) and could make him less receptive to Teddy's coaching.




    There could be several ways of looking at this, your way, yes, but he may also see this as a chance to "prove" himself in the "best league in the world." He may look at this situation as a chance to become a star player, and he may also realize that Buffalo has a sh*t-ton of cap room to overpay a player like himself if he works out. I guess we'll have a better handle on where his head is at after a few weeks of being a Sabre.


    We have seen here in Buffalo how players can be mismanaged and can be stifled, I would think having the freedom to "play your game" would lift his spirits a little and give him an incentive to try. If the guy is frustrated at how his career has been going so far, he must see this as an opportunity to get where he wants to go.



    And I get the feeling we won't be standing pat in the off-season either, and with Regier gone and a the old "meh" mentality gone, I don't think players will be as reluctant to come here any more.



    This is going to be one of the most exciting and interesting off-seasons Sabres fans have ever suffered through. Already the GM, the coach, and the draft are on the table. There HAS to be player movement. The coaching staff, coach aside, will probably shake up a little. Harbour Centre will open. Lots and lots going on...

  5. real shootout in the last 5 minutes between Joysey and Monreal.


    All I have is the Philly Detroit game. I made the mistake of thinking NBC would carry more games than they do. I still have to do something about that, I haven't watch too many good games so far this year.

  6. I think Terry gave Patty the keys to the hotrod and said "go!" I don't think there are any limitations on what Patty can/will do, as long as what he does gets them toward a Cup. I mean, I really got the impression that Terry just wants to get this done, despite his loyalties.


    I do not doubt that Terry will question some of Patty's moves - but I think that is exactly why he brought Patty here: to tell him "no" when it's necessary and/or appropriate.


    Patty, being the hockey-mind that he is, identified right off the bat the immediate problem that needs to be fixed now and going forward: the locker room. That's why he thought of Nolan: I don't know of any other NHL-level coach, without research at least, who comes to mind first in straightening out a locker room. Whatever other strengths and weaknesses Nolan has as a coach do not matter right now, and, kind of like Rolston, Nolan gets a chance to gear up for the permanent position. This is a huge opportunity for Nolan.


    So, I think, while Lafontaine may identify players, approve or deny player moves, and have his hand in the pot over staffing, I think his primary objective, right now, is to take over the wheel and steer the ship in the right direction. Apparently, and he would know better than us, the job of righting-the-ship is large enough where he does not want to take the time to learn how to GM a team, and would rather find one so he can get the rest of the operation on track to a Stanely Cup.


    That's it...I think two words that define all of the happenings this week are "STANLEY CUP", and I'm okay with that.



    ...coach either slept with hasek's wife and/or muckler's wife, coach was a drunk, new GM entered a situation where it was either the award winning coach or all time goalie to leave, ...


    Really...really? And what evidence is there that substantiates this claim? You're crapping on someone's rep and family life by just casually throwing that out there without evidence. Where is the evidence?

  8. That article points out, IMHO, that Regier was a yes-man from the get go. No way, at that time, did he have any reason to do any of that and there was little to "heal" unless, of course, you were looking at the situation from the viewpoint of upper management.


    Man. What a ###### hit. I hadn't seen the video until this morning- at first glance it looked like he tripped, then I realized he bulled the goalie over then did a ballerina swan dive that culminated in a WWE finishing move. Seriously, what was he thinking? No one even pushed him! I hope Backstrom is ok. Never want to see a goalie lying motionless in the crease. Kadri... Well, I hope justice is served.


    This is like dealing with a bully at school. You can suspend a player/student, have meetings and such, but the only real deterrent is for someone to beat the hell out of the bully in front of a lot of people. Did anyone beat the hell out of Kadri? There will ALWAYS be players like this as long as the game exists; and the only effective antidote is a good beating.


    One can argue that they could adopt a zero-tolerance stance, and enforce it, but the result will be a game that few people will want to watch. Like it or not, people like their violence and drama; see the entertainment industry.

  10. Okay, someone help me out. The allegations of Nolan having an affair with Hasek's wife, I think that's the set-up, has this ever been proven true? I always thought it was a made-up rumor to justify all of the crap going on at the time.



    This is why I'm not so on board with bringing Nolan back. PR wise it will be a ###### storm if they let Nolan go again after such a short stint.


    Nolan will have to earn his spot just like everyone else. I don't see a problem with that. Again, the past is so far removed from the present, I think a lot of the fogies are over-estimating the nostalgic impact of Nolan's presence.

  12. I can't find the post or thread, but not too long ago we were talking about Pegula and his seeming avoidance of the public lately. My recommendation was to drag him out and just talk to the fans.


    Well, today, we're getting A LOT of communication from Pegula: the moves themselves, the presser, and now on HH with Sylvester. This is exactly what they needed to do and all of it sounds positive to me. We are being reminded by Pegula that he DOES want a Stanley Cup in Buffalo and he is, ultimately, willing to do what it takes to get there. The fans can not ask more than that.


    And Pegula is implying right now that the plan probably is to target McDavid. "You want to see Crosby, you have to get him through the draft...".



    It sucks the venom out. The toxicity level almost disappears. I really don't understand how anybody can boo this team anymore. The arena just got Febrezed.



    The FN Centre will explode when Nolan walks behind that bench for the first time, again, Friday. It'll be like an exorcism. If they introduce Lafontaine at the same time...watch out fabled "Buffalo curse"...you'll be blasted back into the void for a while.

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