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Everything posted by hopeleslyobvious

  1. Agreed. Max interfered, but it definately wasn't a high stick. I think the officials need to be more careful, or we will start seeing calls just because someone fell down.
  2. For what it's worth here are my thoughts: Miller: Looked shaky in the first, pulled it together a little in the second, and really came on strong in the third. I think he can continue to build on it on Thursday. I would definately give him the start since it looks like he is finally coming out of this slump. Officials: Absolutely terrible. The phantom high stick call on Max, the tripping call on Tallinder, plus a bunch of missed calls. Also did anyone else think the hit on Connolly was knee on knee? I didn't get the best look at it, but it looked like a knee to me.
  3. I love how that caught Rick and Jim by suprise.
  4. He has had a bit of trouble getting back into it since the break. But down the road it could still prove to be beneficial. I would be just as willing to blame 2 awful giveaways as the lack of big saves.
  5. They need to stop trying to skate it in when Philly is lined up along the blueline. Dump it in and outskate their slow defense to the puck. They're going to get one soon.
  6. Let's hope we can get a goal 4 on 4 here.
  7. Grier is here because he is a PK specialist and a good forechecker...don't judge his contributions by the scoresheet.
  8. Roy has 2 goals, an assist and is a +4 tonight...I think he is ok.
  9. Funny thing about that is, he is probably having one of his weaker nights of the year, and he still showed up Grahame. :D
  10. Um, you're counting the empty netter against him too? Just a side note for everyone complaining about our D...Lydman and Tallinder have been on the ice for all 4 Tampa's goals. They are usually not our problem. Besides, I didn't see many guys traded today that really would have made our defensive corps that much better. http://www.nhl.com/scores/htmlreports/20052006/PL020929.HTM
  11. Yeah, the defense hasn't had their best night, but we all know they have played better. What should be more of a concern is our PK. They do not look like themselves tonight.
  12. Yeah, that's a much more appropriate description!
  13. What an awful play by Tallinder. What a great goal by Kotalik!! Grahame lookede foolish! They need to keep that aggressive forecheck going...TB can't handle it.
  14. Didn't Grier play against Washington the day that we got him last year?
  15. I am not denying that there should have been a penalty on Briere. I even will go along with 4 mins. But it's the crying about it, and accusing him of being dirty that drives me nuts.
  16. I was talking about the push on the earlier play. They're still crying about it. I am not claiming Briere shouldn't have been called for high sticking. But on the replay it looked like it was accidental. For penalty purposes, it doesn't really matter, but these guys are really crying about it. Now on the breakaway the quote is "Briere mows into Thomas in typical fashion." Give me a break!
  17. Wow, these guys are really crying about that. I am not saying Briere was in the right on this one, but that doesn't mean he dove into Thomas when he was pushed. These guys accuse everyone of diving, they need a physics lesson. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you push a player, he will move in the other direction. EDIT: They just showed the replay. While a penalty should have been called on Briere, I don't think he took a run at Thomas. His back was to him. I doubt he knew exactly where Thomas was. Thoughts?
  18. I think they took the cake with this one "The Bruins need to turn their PP into a weapon here." Yeah, I meant was there actual language anywhere that says "The standard of review is..." Ok, I am convinced these guys are fools now. The guys talking during the period break talked about how the call on Boynton was too important of a situation to make a call like that. They need to get it through their head that clutching and grabbing is going to be called whenever the penalty takes place!
  19. Haha, my 2 personal favorites. They accused Briere of not trying to avoid Thomas, in fact they said he tried to make more contact then necessary. Because, yeah Briere wanted to kick him in the face. And, that the call on Boynton was a gift PP. Have they read a rulebook? They also thought Hecht grabbed Boynton on the play...um yeah!
  20. Hey, is anyone else sick of Tanabe? That is the second player he's knocked into the goalie that's taken a penalty. Granted the Briere one is matching, but come on!
  21. You know I just went ahead and double checked the standings. Someone should tell the Bruins announcers they are in 10th, not the best team in the league!
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