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Posts posted by R_Dudley

  1. Okay time to see if anyone on this team remembers the pain of losing to these jamoks last year and at least plays a hard fought give it all you got type of game, not that it will produce a win(aka the @Chicago game) but at least it might be entertaining.


    Let Go bflo only 53 days left till x-mas.

  2. I never will understand why Stafford is on the team, much less in the lineup. Maybe Quinn is a distant cousin or something. There's really no explanation.


    It has become apparent to me that the only reason they continue the status quo (waiting for and signing the same players over and over) is they are convinced they can turn lead into gold.


    What really bugs me although I know this is an over simplification is; having done some stints in managment it doesn't really take that long to see who on your work group/team listens, follows orders and gives a Sheet. Now effort doesn't always produce results but nobody can argue with rewarding effort even if they think they are better they know they aren't working as hard.


    When you do not follow a formula like that as a manager you invariably end up with a dsyfunctional unhappy work team.

  3. The really scary part is, I get the feeling they could be 0-6-5 and it wouldn't change a darn thing.


    Remember that 14-game losing streak in 2007-2008? Nothing.


    It's bad alright. But mostly because Regier thinks it isn't.


    Oh well. At least it's not like these are bad people :wallbash:

    Yeah that article stuck in my craw too. Bad people NO bad hockey players YES!


    It should be LALIME tonight, really I wouldn't mind to see him play two straight, MILLER has to refocus and get on top of his game. I think he has looked a little soft at times this season.

    Yeah even Miller looks unfocused this year. Maybe he is tired of trying to carry this team on his back.


    The issue with walk-ups is real? That may be the catalyst needed to implement some real change.

    Yeah Right, sorry that article earlier in the week from DR just totally disappointed me in this team. Nothing happens till that cancer is gone.


    He talks about passionless players well that comment has stuck with me and watching this team it is true. I see no character or identity for this team right now. Are we a defense first team, puck possesion, up tempo attack, what is this team supposed to be. Certainly no chemistry exists and it looks like real poor comunication, who is taking the man who is taking the puck and positioning is the culprit on all these breakdowns we are seeing.


    So why should it be a surprise to anyone that the team has taken on the personality of it's management? DR oozes passionless in his interviews, in his actions or inactions or more importantly in this case his status quo approach to this team.


    He stated at the end of last season losing to Boston for all including the players something had to change and then it didn't what kind of message did that send? Any wonder it looks like Miller does not want to carry this collection on his back all year again?


    I will close my mini rant around a statement DR made in an article a couple of weeks back when he was trying to make his excuses for this year already. He talked after another Sabres loss about all the parity in the league now across all teams and how hard it is to win in this league. Actually with direct TV's CI pkg and watching a lot of other hockey teams games from what I am seeing he is right. What he failed to see he was also pointing out is that his status quo approach to his own team has them below the parity level that now exisits in the league. Just look at the record.

  4. Sadly the Thrashers aren't a lesser opponent. Scoff if you will they got Better in the off season while Darcy fiddled. Another lackluster attempt @ playing hockey I fear will be the result. Prove me wrong girls.


    Yeppir's a 3-6-1 sabres team going against a 4-4-1 Atl team, who is the lesser opponent on paper and play.


    Whadda I gotta, whadda I got to do to wake ya up

    To shake ya up, to break the structure up

    'Cause blood still flows in the gutter....


    Welcome newbie and nice post.


    Sounds like 70% of the posters here


    Thank you sir may I have another. :beer:



    oh annd about that hockey game, lets see it's been win one lose two so take your pick loss tonight win tomrrow or vice versa but thats all you can pretty much expect from Darcy's collection of passionless players. But keep talking about DR and I'm sure somehow it will get better.

  5. Not enjoying my CI and sabres the way I had planned this season and already he has the audacity to say sheet like this ? Un fricken believable...


    -- Darcy Regier is disappointed. Like most folks in Sabreland, he certainly didn't envision a start like this coming. Buffalo's 3-6-1 record is bad enough, but the way the Sabres have lost -- with unfocused, often-passionless efforts -- also has let down the general manager.


    This one really sticks in my craw as the problem with this team as talk and no action .. :wallbash:



    "We're not talking about bad people," he said. "We're actually talking about good people who, if we talk about focus, we talk about energy level and things like that, then it's well within their capabilities. It's a matter of doing it. That's where the first focus has to come in, and hopefully we get it done that way."


    Nuff said


    Full article My link

  6. Let me see this worked last game when I ripped em.


    Playing Stanley cup runner up, chance to show us what teams for real, I expect the Flyer's to play big while buffalo plays small(gerbe nets one tonight),


    Miller keeps it close but the curse of the uneven eyebrow disease takes another game toll, they lose 3-2 in OT. But they had their chances.

  7. Okay HHmmmm, let's see I think I will hear something like this with Hedberg starting, well he always played the Sabres tough and had a winning record in Atl against Bflo, Goaltender was just on his game , we just need to bear down on our chances better and convert our opportunites. If we start converting our chances we will be okay, I would be more worried if we were not getting the chances.....



    Buffalo makes another back up goalie look olympic and lose to Devils 2-1.


    Lets Go Bflo ....... for next years high draft choice.


    HI DAD.



    i must've missed this. i infer it was a buffalo fan sitting rink-side in atlanta. anyone have a screen capture?



    Decent looking blonde with a sabres hat on and a huge assed sign that said.


    Hi Dad

    Yes, :unsure: yes, :unsure: I saw it, I tried to ignore it, ignore the feelings, the voices in my head, but NO, NO you guy's can't just leave it alone, yes alone, yes young blond, yes hot.....


    Okay I admit it I secretly wished for, thought about it, wanted to be her daddy..... :ph34r: ...


    There happy now.


    Seriously this could be it's own thread.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. Ottawa sees Buffalo as just what the doctor ordered. Despite their recent ills they come in brimming with confidence about their ability to beat this squad as evidenced by their statements in some of the press. The way the Sabres have played at home I don't blame em but if the boys play like they did in Atlanta they should beat them.



    Brian Elliott starting tonight. He's 8-0. Has a 1.89 GAA .937 SV% and a shutout vs. Sabres :(Although he's 4.62 GAA and .863 SV% this year. :D


    Yep that's the poop they consider us their own little whipping boy/beotch , the tonic for what ails them....



    Relief spelled HSBC


    For the Ottawa Senators, Buffalo's HSBC Arena has served as a life preserver, something they've been able to grab onto and help turn around a season......

    "We play well in that barn and we get some goaltending there and Brian has a lot of confidence in that building against that team," Senators coach Cory Clouston said following Thursday's practice in Ottawa. "And, if you combine those two factors, that's going to give you some success.


    Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/sports/hockey/ottawa-senators/Relief+spelled+HSBC/3708794/story.html#ixzz137GPGOn6


    I say if somebody doesn't make this bulletin board material and this Sabres team is not prepared for Ottawa to come out making a statement to turn around their season here tonight then ... :censored: :wallbash: :pirate: :censored:


    Not tonight, not in our barn, not at our fans expense, not season saving for these POS, posers, arghhhh ....if this team has an .5 oz of sack...

    Just win .

  10. For the last couple months, I feel like I've just been going through the motions 24/7. Work, gym, sleep, work, gym, sleep... There's nothing new, nothing I'm enjoying lately.


    Sounds like a good time for "Road Trip". A few weeks back I was actually not looking forward to my annual Bills game roadtrip,(Jags game) we went anyways. It started a little slow on Saturday night and then as night went on we just let loose and it turned into a blast of a weekend, Bills game included, best road trip in a long time.


    My complaint, no roadtrips on my calendar now for the forseeable future...

  11. On paper, the Thrashers don't look scary, but the team is revamped this year. They are much more physical, which as we all know doesn't exactly play well for the Sabres.


    All I need to see is they beat Ducks and SJ on the end of a 4 game roadtrip to know they are for real and playing a different brand of hockey however it should not matter if this team is serious about playing to win.

  12. I agree. This isn't so much a collapse as an indication of this teams true character and make-up. The prognosticators throughout the league have said as much for a couple of years now. Nobody in the know considered this team a true contender. Let this slide continue and if the hockey gods see fit we'll finally be rid of Regier. He sits on his hands and the players simply follow suit. As they say,$hit flows downhill.




    I also think given this teams track record that the coach should never have started the season pronouncing this sadsack collection of losers as Stanley cup ready. San last nights game it looks like this team expected the rest of the league to read their press clippings and just lay down.


    This team lacks chemistry, an identity and focus. I have seen tournament road teams come together on a weekend have more chemistry and purpose than these guy's.


    Just what is the system we are playing?(left wing lock, puck possesion, Offense first, ,,) I know one thing it definitely is not play to the current player strengths because it allows regular breakaways going the other way and has defenseman looking uncertain where they should be.


    How many years now has the PP been broken ? Whose responsibility is it to bring in an assistant coach than can actually help with that? (Lindy, DR, ) No we will save the money and let Lindy and the staff that have butchered it for years Google it or try and copy some team they like I guess expecting they can figure out the logic behind the plan.


    Last tirade point, please do not tell me they cannot trade Timmay because no one would take him, we know that. Who said he had to be traded?


    You want to send a message to this team? Pull a NYR's or EDM move ala Wade Redden, Sheldon Souray and waive his a$$ and put him in Portland. That will send a message..

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