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Posts posted by wonderbread

  1. Lack of word from our front office on the direction that they intend to take the team. I am not asking them to show all their cards but I would like to hear what they intend to do to make the franchise better. Pique my interest.

  2. My complaint is.... boyfriends and gift giving.


    So we talked about giving each other something to "celebrate" the three month anniversary (yeah, 3 month's long time at my age).


    So the day comes and he hands me this long box (yes girls, like a jewelry box) so I'm thinking nice bracelet or watch? Nope. Sonofabitch gives me car wash tickets. Carwashfukintickets? Are you serious? That's like getting lock de-icer for your car for Christmas. WTF?


    I stood there looking like it was my childhood hamster in the box and it's not breathing. He was done. His present? Metallica tickets. Yeah, those are mine now.



    wow that is shiity. sorry I would have at least gotten you some new floor mats to go along with the carwash tickets.

  3. #1 - I picked the Devils & Sharks to come out of their respective conferences.


    #2 - My wife's boss....he's blaming everything under the sun on her when the reasons those problems occur are 100% out of her control. She calls me a couple of times a day about this and she's (unfortunately) bringing the stress home with her. I'm ready to break this guy's nose.



    You should just wait outside of her work and when he comes out "have a little talk" with him.



    Look, we get it. There's a new strain of influenza, and it has taken the lives of some people. Just like, oh, every other year. Get back to reporting real news.



    On a side note see how the economy has rebounded while the swine flu has taken control of the headlines.


    Conspiracy theorists unite.

  5. i dont want to play of the 4th line anymore. i deserve more ice time. i want to be called "A Bonafide All Star"


    where is the MOD team who can handle this change? i will walk if i dont get this. what an injustice...slap on the face


    only 9 more posts till youmake a 3rd liner.

  6. Not to mention the ATM fees!

    My complaint. The retards that sit by the glass at Sabres games and feel it's necessary to bang on the glass every time the play is near them. It really annoys me on my surround system. Stop it, retards!


    Also, the jackass on the cellphone who has to stand up and wave when the play is near him. Dick!



    Then you saw me great! I was wondering if you'd know it was me.

  7. here is my complaints.


    People driving that come to a complete stop to take a right turn.


    People that have their briefcases on wheels with a handle that don't watch where the f they are going.


    Strangers that invade my personal space.


    People that don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.And customer service people that are rude....get another f'n job if you don't like the one you have.

  8. Hot of the presses...


    Worked late last night, tried to sleep in a little this morning. Was kindly awakened by my cell phone going off a few minutes ago. Didn't recognize the number on the caller ID, but since the wife and little one are traveling this week I answered it without thought. Phone line had enough static so I could not understand what the woman was saying - she must have been calling from inside a tunnel underwater - so the line went dead after about 20 seconds.


    A little Google search on the number reveals that I was awakened by a telemarketer/fundraiser soliciting for something or another. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

    sorry man that was me i'll take you off the list.


    got up late today no f'n parking spot at the train station. Had to be the guy that parks on the white lines at the end of the row.

  9. Ok heres my gripe. Why do the hughest fattest bastards sit next to me on the train? I don't want you gut/arm/leg touching me. Sorry if it sounds to harsh but seriously. This morning a lady sits next to me today musta been 310. I smelled her the whole way to work. The guy behind me gets the 42C 3rd car hot chick. arrrgggg.


    I guess in the grand scheme of things thats not to bad.


    as Jason Taylor states...


    "Truly blessed"

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