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Posts posted by wonderbread

  1. Just leave it open all weekend so everyone can blow off the steam.


    New Darcy interview: he was busy last night


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlUc78NE_mI&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlUc78NE_mI&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>



    You are one twisted chick. I love it :blush:

  2. If you're calling them buffalo wings, you're already doomed to failure. I will not buy any product with that name.



    True. I was making a play of off the guys screen name only. Although When i say wings it is inferred that they are "Buffalo" style in nature. Sometimes in other cities you get dry rub wings or wing dings. Neither are ever going to be confused with the saucy deliciousness that I love and crave.

  3. I guess my point wasn't clear. I was asking him to drop everything and help me. I can pick out the right ones, but I'd much rather have Buffalo Wings do it for me.



    I got you. :thumbsup:


    I'd just rather have Buffalo Wings in general! B-)

  4. I need some help over here with a file I'm putting together. I need you to look through this list of medications and pick out one's that are diabetes meds.



    I can help. My little girl has diabetes. I am not unfortunatly an expert. :thumbdown:

  5. Those late starts are brutal. I had a 10:20 last night. I'm still not completely awake today.


    Oh yeah, I just remembered another thing. My roommate's girlfriend is living in the apartment for the summer. I really don't mind all that much, except that they're not around a lot more than they were before and have this nasty habit of changing the tv station on me whenever they walk in. But anyway, I was a bit late for work this morning because she was in the shower when I woke up. Ok, it happens sometimes, but since the roommate and I are on completely different schedules, I've never had to wait for a shower. The strange thing though, she took the shower and then immediately went back to sleep. What the hell is that?



    maybe she felt....dirty.

  6. People who hijack complaint threads with stories of their happiness in expecting children. Start an OT thread or something.


    "OT - I knocked up my wife again... now what?"

    My new co-workers aren't very friendly. I've been here 3 months and it is hard to even talk to them. It is so clicky I feel like I'm in high school.


    At least I have a few friends here but not people I work with.



    no wonder, you miserable bastage. :rolleyes:

  7. Congratulations! My wife hit the 36 week mark yesterday. Our baby, a boy, isn't due until July 5th or so, but we already have the bags packed! This will be our second child, so we have the much needed experience as well. There is one catch, though. Our first kid, a girl, is only 19 months old! I hope she lends a hand. ha ha


    *Just thought I'd put out this isn't a complaint. It is complete excitement!



    Good luck to you! congrats as well. :thumbsup: Mine says that she will help out but she is beginning to get a little jealous about all the goings on in the house as far as getting the room ready and buying stuff for him.


    Sorry to hijack the complaint thread. :chris:


    Back to your regularly scheduled complaints. :thumbsup:

  8. Congrats. However, if it's your first, you're going to be a frequent contributor to this thread over the next year or so. But it's well worth it.


    It will be my second. I have a little girl that is turning 6 in Oct.

  9. Everyone has their hobbies I suppose. Crosschecking's seems to be keeping up on anything remotely related to religion which is fine, honest.


    But there's the idea that when complaining about something to a group of people you don't personally know, you want to connect with them on a mutual level. I play paintball, and hockey, and disc golf, and like RIT hockey, and obscure music and muscle cars, and wrenching on my vintage Honda motorcycle. If I come in here complaining about how Anton Kharin didn't show up in the last game, people might have a vague idea what I'm talking about, but there's no real connection. No one knows who Anton is. If I complain about how I'm pissed that Smart Parts keeps suing people over bogus copyright claims again, no one knows what I'm talking about. If I start b*tching about how much of a pain it was to clean my centrifugal oil filter, no one knows what I'm talking about.


    I may have a completely valid complaint that has me all heated, but this isn't the place to express that particular complaint. Here is where I complain about life, and the Sabres. I save paintball, motorcycle stuff, legitimate life problems, etc. for mcarterbrown.com, and RIT hockey for USCHO.com. I guess it's just a matter of making the point, once again, that in depth religious discussion really doesn't fit on this particular forum. This isn't a large enough forum to have enough people willing to discuss it. And even on most large forums I frequent (mcarterbrown.com), they have sort of a "don't touch this subject" policy when it comes to religion and politics.


    What am I getting at? I think it's a matter of taking a moment to think about whether the place you're posting something is the appropriate forum. In this crazy world of internets, it does sort of matter.



    They'd eat you alive at TSW... :chris:

  10. Sunday I was outside working around the house and I was walking up the back porch steps and my foot kicked the top riser and tore my big toe in half it required 7 stitches to put the mofo back together. It is pounding today.


    Thats all I got.

  11. My complaint is when you go to scrape the last of the peanut butter out of the jar and the knife scrapes the side and you get plastic shavings in your PB & J. Also when you reach all the way down low you get peanut butter all over your hands.

  12. So do I have to wait until November to find out if that is actually you or will the anonymous poster who inquired if you were spndnchz please come forward. Either way this needs to be resolved! :chris:


    Ooooh... I added my pic to my profile. Now all the ladies will come flocking. Or is that running...away...



    dude your hot. :ph34r:

  13. Ok, now that I think about it, after having written all of that, I do have a complaint: I-81 in Virginia. Most parts of that 324-mile stretch of highway are death traps.



    make sure you watch especially around Roanoke. That stretch right there is brutal. Everytime I go by I see at least one accident.

  14. My complaint is that as much as I want to like the guy, Crosschecking still doesn't get that politics and religion are issues that are best left unmentioned in the world of the internet. I'm a member of a few boards where the mods try to keep it mature, and if there's two things that makes forums turn to sh*t shows, it's politics and religion. Grown men, who could be best internet pals, posting in fits of rage, slinging insults at one another.


    Here's the way I see it: If you can't post with out mentioning either of the two, then don't post at all. Because there is no way either topic can be discussed in a mature manner, anywhere on the internet, because someone will always be offended or take it too seriously.



    You really have come in to your own. I enjoy your opinions. That is my anticomplaint.

  15. Not to sound like I am out of touch and an old fart(which I am on both counts), but what is up with this "+1" crap that is popping up on message boards. I am not sure if it is supposed to mean that you agree with another poster, but if so, can't you just type "great post" or even easier, insert the thumbs up smiley. <_<









    jk :ph34r:

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