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Posts posted by wonderbread

  1. Buying beautiful impatiens at the garden center, bringing them home and realizing they grew straight up in the little containers. Too leggy -- when is that ever a problem in real life. Not a problem with women. Not a problem with a certain rookie defenseman. So you gotta pinch em back and hope they grow more rounded in the ground. The flowers, not the rookie defenseman.



    Just bury them a little lower in the ground Pa they should grow well that way.

  2. This seems as good a place as any to post this. We just released Echo Chamber, my wife's second album and I'm hoping that some of these songs get stuck in people's heads.




    This is blatant hawking off my wares. Please remove if inappropriate



    and i wished you a happy birthday.

  3. Dude, you are the chick of the relationship after 3 dates? Start running...now.


    hahahahaha. hilarious! Inky let it play out. Chicks dig that sort of thing. Play the i'm not really that interested in you game. It'll drive her away or drive her wild for you, Either way you'll know where you stand!

  4. My lower back started hurting last October. It really stresses me out. I have some mild disc protrusions that occasionally press against my spinal chord. Now I have to put all kinds of pillows under my legs, etc... when I sleep. :(



    You should see Dr Reebs. he's got your back.

  5. 6:40 hockey games. They're next to impossible to get to on time during Boston rush hour traffic.


    I hate this scenario when I'm cashing out at a store. I had the bills to the cashier while holding a handful of change in clear site. I'm doing this to show the cashier that I intend on giving some change, but don't have the free hand to start digging through for correct change. Sometimes I'll say something along the lines of "I should have the 19 cents", but other times I forget. I'm always holding the change right next to the cash though so the cashier can see that I intend on using it. Most of the time, they just immediately cash out and start digging through the change in the register. It's annoying, especially when you get the clueless one who can't figure out what money to give you back since they already hit that $10 button on the register and are totally reliant on the machine to know the correct change. That last part is a whole rant on it's own, but the first part about them ignoring that I'm about to give them change is my main complaint here.



    You should tell them that you will beat them like a Buffalo cabbie if they don't make the correct change for you. :ph34r:

  6. I just saw a guy standing outside a store, begging for change. Once he got enough, he'd head inside, buy some scratch offs, then immediately head back outside. Could there be a more worthless move? At least with alcohol or smokes, he gets something in return.



    Did you see this while you were going by on the train?...

  7. My complaint is extra loud clapping guy. You know the guy who cups his hands and torques his elbows just right so the sound emminating from his clap is near thunderous proportions. This person also persists on clapping 10 seconds after everyone is finished. At sporting events said schmuck is somewhat tolerable, being it's a large arena with thousands of people. So why does this a#$^$#!e have to sit directly behind me evertime I go to the bar to watch the Sox? :angry:



    I do that on purpose just to piss guys like you off.

  8. When the pickle spear makes the hard-roll soggy in the takeout tray.

    Hate that.



    My tuna sandwhich's bread got soggy yesterday and its texture was gross. I almost couldn't eat it. Except I forgot my wallet and I was starving so I sucked it down. It was nasty as hell

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  9. I missed my vehicle passing 100,000 miles. I feel your pain... :cry:



    Mine is at 99987, as of 7 this morning!!! Of course it has two bad sensors for the transmition, needs the transmition fluid flushed and a new flex pipe on the exhaust. All to the tune of 550. Hell though its better than a car payment!

  10. If only he had told you to find a better way to spend the next 3 hours. But hey, at least you attempted to cover your tracks by saying you brought a girl to the movie.



    :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:


    Real suspect right.

  11. This guy behind me on the trolley decided that everyone on the train needed to hear his cell phone conversation with a coworker about how important he was at work. After the gets off the phone he starts clipping his fingernails. I almost lost it.

  12. That's the attitude of people these days, too. That statement is one thing if you're talking about moving to a new job to better your income, but not when you're talking about common courtesy. One idiot coughed w/o covering, knowing full well I was two feet from him...I was sick for a week & a half.


    My complaint: my dog is 13 and it's not looking promising. She's already stayed at the vet one night and will be there again tonight...she's not eating and her kidney enzymes are almost off the chart - this after about 2-3 years of kidney and liver problems. We may be making a difficult decision today or tomorrow.



    sorry wings that sucks. :unsure:


    BTW as far as you complainers about being billed the incorrect amount. Let me give you a tip. be proactive. Get a sixer of cold cream ale sit down one night and call everyone you pay money to and start bitchin up a storm about rates and charges etc etc etc. I do this about once every 6 months and save tons of $$. Plus it is sort of catharcic. Last year I saved about $240 dtv, $180 on internet, $160 on phone and untold amounts on gas bills, credit card interest rates, and overdraft charges, bank fees, health insurance billings, etc. It does take some time but thats what the cream ale is for. After one or two calls you put your pride aside and get down to sticking it to the man it feels great. Try it maybe it can work for you. :thumbsup:

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