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Posts posted by chileanseabass

  1. Sounds like our respective upper management staffs went to school together.


    You work for a French guy too? Problem #1 here is that "upper management" consists of two people - Frenchie and his American wife, the EVP, who spends most of her time at their 2nd home in Hilton Head, and really has no clue what's going on. There's another VP who hates Frenchie with a passion. She's been here for ten years, but despite her disdain for the boss and his wife, she doesn't have the stones to go move on to something else. With the new promotion, I'm next in line after her.

  2. Think it's time to start moving on to a new job....the company I am at doesn't seem to value me at all. I consistently hit all my goals, am way underpaid and they keep dangling promotions in front of me that I think they have no intention of giving me - but I keep hearing things like "they really like you and have plans for you." Now when I see a different position in my company they don't want to even consider me for it because it is overseeing the biggest branch in that department and they don't think I can handle it.



    I hear you on that. I just received a "promotion" and got a fancy new title with more responsibility, but didn't get a whiff of a pay increase. Apparently I'm great at what I do, but when it comes time for my boss to show his appreciation with a raise, it's not quite good enough. I'm currently doing the workload that two idiots used to do (and I'm outselling them by a lot), and now I have to oversee the sales efforts in two other departments (we have 3 sales departments) in addition to handling all of the sales in my department, the largest of the three. I straight up told him I didn't have time to do everything I need to do, and he said we could "look into getting a part-time, unpaid intern." Ugh.

  3. we live on a cul-de-sac, and my nextdoor neighbors are kind of trashy. they've been living there for 7 years, we just moved in 2 months ago. i have a huge backyard (.5 acre), and they are in the corner of the cul-de-sac. if you look at the property lines, they don't have anything. well apparently the folks who lived in our house before us used to let these turds do whatever they wanted in their yard. i came home last night to find 4 kids (none of them mine) playing in my backyard and on a swingset that the previous owners put in years ago. the neighbors never bothered to ask us if it was ok, they just sat there and watched, and then brought drinks and snacks to the kids. my parents would have shot me if i did something like that. these parents told their kids it was ok. what the ###### is it with these people?

  4. So you work with a big dookie blasting frenchie and his crazy son? Still sounds better than the jamokes I work with.


    He offered $20K? In Boston? She'd be better off at McDonalds.


    Actually it's in Charlotte, but still, she was making almost $30K as a waitress while finishing school.

  5. LMAO. :w00t: Sorry but that's so honest, real and funny that it made my morning.


    Also lot's of room for side comments like "aren't almost all Bosses full of Shaught!" I now know yours is !



    if only you knew the guy. mid 50's, french, chain smoker. he recently offered a job to one of our former interns (not the one who had to clean up "the great toilet explosion of 2009"), and she turned him down. he wanted her to commit to working at the company for at least a year and half, at a salary of $20K, with a $2K bonus at the completion of 18 months. for various reasons she wasn't interested, and he proceeded to berate her, telling her she had "no ambition in life" and she'd "never amount to anything more than a waitress." so he ended up "hiring" his recent college grad son who was released from a mental institution a little over a month ago.

  6. since there's only 3 men in our company, we have one men's bathroom in our office. problem is, my boss clogs the toilet on a daily basis. so for the last year and a half, whenever i have to use the bathroom, rain or shine, i walk down the street to a gas station for fear of having the toilet back up and shoot turd water at me. this is not an unfounded fear, as it happened to one of our interns, and then he, the intern, was told to clean it up.

  7. I was picking on my brother earlier this week for turning 30 and then the next day I get an AARP membership offer in the mail. Way to ruin my fun. Are they hurting for membership so badly that they have to lower the bar over 20 years?



    yeah, my wife got one of those in the mail on monday. she's 25.

  8. 3) I have been installing AutoCAD and Inventor software on computers for the last two days. This is not my job but I get volunteered for it because no one else is competent enough to do it. Since this takes me away from my real job, I now have people complaining that I havent got my work done this week that needed to be done. How can I babysit an install and still do my other job? I hate installing software. Plus, the interface is different and everyone is complaining to me about it. I need a snow shovel so I can start whoopin some ass.



    oh i hear ya on #3. i'm the sales manager. i handle... sales. french boss's american wife is in charge of marketing and communications. while she's at their "vacation home" in hilton head (at least 3 weeks a month), her work gets dumped on me, and then i get bitched at when sales aren't as bossman would like them. tell your freakin wife to work on her vaycay and email it in, and let me do my damn job!

  9. Need to find a side job, you can't give up hockey... Where are you located? If near NYC, let me know. I can pay a commission % for photography gigs.



    wish i had time for a side job, but i travel a lot. i'm down in charlotte, nc.


    things will be easier when the wife can work, but for now she can't due to some health problems left over from her pregnancy (baby was born last november). boss is still a dick though. and a frenchman.

  10. my cheap ass french boss who doesn't pay me enough so i can't afford to play hockey anymore. all my gear has been in storage for exactly 1 year now. cheap bastard gives out bonuses like hand jobs at a sorority date party to everyone else in the damn company, but his sales manager? not happening. i only want enough coin to get in the local league, but it isn't happening anytime soon, so i guess i'll just have to sit in my office and imagine umburgering him when he's walking through the hall with his head down sipping his coffee.

  11. My wife is 6 mths prego and she is nonstop bitching about everything. I fear I may not make it through this summer alive.


    that was me last summer. it didn't help that i had lost my job and we had to move. i didn't think i would make it through the summer either. luckily i did, and my son was born in november. things get "back to normal" a few months after the birth. i always used to say i wanted 4 kids, but after last summer i think i'm happy with 2.

  12. My first complaint: jackasses who abuse the "reply to all" option on email. A friend of mine from Orlando sent a mass email over the weekend announcing the birth of his first child. So I naturally emailed him back to congratulate him. Some of his other friends did as well, but they chose to share their warm wishes with EVERYONE who got the original email. :wallbash:



    I hate "reply to all" and rarely ever use it. What really gets me, is that I get b!tched out at work for NOT using it all the time. I guess I'm the only one here who is annoyed with all kinds of useless emails saying "ok, sounds good. i'll call you later," when it has nothing to do with me or what I do.

  13. so i started a new job this week. it's supposed to be a pretty sweet gig doing some international sales/marketing, and all flippin week i've done nothing. today i moved some boxes around and put together the new mother effin coffee maker. the vp who i report to has to go over with me the major project i've been hired to work on, but she's been busy all week. today we finally scheduled a meeting for 4:30 (the 3rd time we've scheduled something), but she had to go because she forgot about her hair appointment. company pres is back in town tomorrow and i've got squat done on a project he expects done before monday. what a first week. my wife says to quit bitchin since i'm getting pretty good money for sitting on my duff all day. i want to actually do some work.

  14. just a thought on ryan...


    they're already pushing the cap envelope by having paille and stafford up with peters as a scratch (see today's buffalo news article). now hecht is out short term and they call ryan up. this puts even more strain on the cap number while peters is still getting paid to watch. what's even more interesting is that, if i remember correctly, ryan will have to clear waviers when he gets sent back down.


    i don't know about the rest of you, but this really doesn't make too much sense to me.

  15. We catch a break in that Tampa played and traveled last night. Tampa appears to have been smoked yesterday by the NYR. Hopefully right team at the right time.


    tampa didn't play horribly last night, but they didn't look great either. two of the ranger goals were debatable and they had one that was disallowed. tortorella got tossed towards the end of the 2nd and everything went down hill from there.


    tampa's a hit and miss team. when they're on, they look really good, but when they're off, they've gotta be one of the worst in the league. from what i've seen this season they are easily the least physical team in the league, have a ton of skill up front, and lousy defence.

  16. while driving home i was listening to the game on my xm radio (nyr feed) and the announcers are horrible. it's the damn radio, i can't see anything, and everything is so general - "the sabres bring it in... there's a shot... save by weekes... rangers cross into the buffalo zone..." well how the hell did they get it out of the zone? we are so blessed to have rick and jim.


    also, at the start of the game the play by play guy says "the rangers will be in their home blues, while the sabres will be wearing their road whites, with the gold and black trim. it's taking a little while to get used to this new look."

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