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Just Back from the Game


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Great minds think alike. :D


Whatever, guys. I maintain that it is perfectly responsible and appropriate for a parent to bring a 3 year old to a hockey game. My kid, now 5, asked when he was going to this year's game and he is pretty excited about going next Friday (just as he was last year when he was 4). I have no idea how or why that is being "selfish" of me to obliged him.


NOW, I will say that having a kid who won't sit still and you are running up and down the aisle to appease them because they have zero attention span is another story (especially the 2 year olds). I've seen that before- fortunately not my kids- and it's hell. It can ruin the game experience for the folks sitting next to the kid and it ruins the parent's experience too. There has to be some common sense here (I agree, by the way, that a 2 year old would not be a good candidate for a game-- at least my 2 year old wouldn't).

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