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Jävə Keith

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Posts posted by Jävə Keith

  1. 1 hour ago, Randall Flagg said:

    I expect to have zero, and I mean ZERO, people on my side here.

    I would expose Olofsson in a 4-4-1 setup before exposing Will Borgen. The decision would be easy.

    Of course, I would try to move deck chairs so I didn't lose any of those guys, but.

    Agree on Exposing Olofsson over Borgen. Specifically because of the Identity GMKA keeps talking about wanting Sabres to possess.  Olofsson is a one-trick pony with his elite shot, but spends ALL of his time skating around the perimeter. Does he even know how to hit? How to out-compete the guy across from him?  He is useless in 5 on 5 because of this. And is why all of his goals come on the power play (which are also trending down as most teams have figured him out).

    Borgen on the other hand is a solid reliable D-man with some jam & is a real compliment to be lined up with the more offensive D-men. I see more compete & a stronger future role in Borgen than Olofsson. (I still like VO, just see him as more expendable/replaceable)

  2. I was listening too and actually yelled out loud for them to stop!

    Mike Schopp is OBSESSED with Fantasy sports. With Bulldog out, Sneaky Joe is another bigtime Fantasy guy.  Not a hate on them thing, just factual description.

    All the NFL draft talk was primarily in regards to impact on Fantasy & Betting on the Draft.

    Agree totally that this was excruciatingly painful to sit through as I tuned in specifically at 3pm (after Tasker/Brown Bills Show) to hear discussion of such a major & long-term impactful SABRES news day.

    Unless you are a Fantasy geek, Schopp has become unlistenable IMHO.

    So much for the Sabres Flagship Radio Station.

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  3. Samson played a very passive game tonight. Instead of driving to net when he had chance he made drop pass. 1 Shot on net in 3rd P (not counting the other with goalie pulled) is beyond unacceptable. HCDG better rip these guys a new one. It's a tall order to expect a win against the Caps tomorrow night, but I want to see our boys come out of the gate blazing with some piss & vinegar in their game.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Curt said:

    Yeah, I think there will be an interim coach on Thursday.  I wonder who though.  🤔

    Part of me wants to see Kevin Adams step in for a game as HC while the official interim coach (or perhaps perm coach) is put in place.  Kevin could get some front line time both hearing any catharsis from players, but even more importantly, he could instill the fear of God in them as to their lack of passion & compete.  Make it the most miserable practice they have ever had to endure.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Brawndo said:

    From the article 

    If Krueger is Buffalo’s coach in 2021-22, then I will ride a tricycle around Lafayette Square in just a diaper.

    Given that two tweets came out from two different people, I think there is certainly something to it 

    Thanks for the clarification on the diaper reference.  I originally thought he was referencing having to wear a "face diaper" - in response to Gov Cuomo's deceit and lies surrounding covid/wuhan-virus.

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  6. I think the historic nature of how bad we are and how long the Head Coach has maintained his job regardless has something to do with the fact that FANS are NOT ALLOWED at the games.  Kevin Adams would have been forced to fire Kruger long ago if there were fans in the stands.  Can you imagine the volume of boooooooo's night after night after night from the fans.  Even T-Pegs would have to step in and stop this madness.

    I am really looking forward to that first game with fans in the stands.  I actually hope Ralph is still the coach so he (and our GM/Ownership) can hear the boos.  If they fire Ralph before letting fans into games, it will feel like we were cheated out of making our voices literally heard.the princess bride boo GIF


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    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Kronsteen said:

    I am trying to think of one positive thing for the Sabres from this game.

    I cannot come up with anything.

    On a positive note, it is amazing to listen to the Hall of Fame talents of RJ call this game.  Listening to the excitement and tone in his voice on the play by play, shows his superhuman ability to make this horrible hockey game sound exciting.  Just this past minute he sounded like he was about to jump out of his seat calling a Jeff Skinner breakaway and shooting it wide of the net.  Epic Talent, RJ.  I hope you get to call a good team some day soon before we lose you.

  8. On a positive note, it is amazing to listen to the Hall of Fame talents of RJ call this game.  Listening to the excitement and tone in his voice on the play by play, shows his superhuman ability to make this horrible hockey game sound exciting.  Just this past minute he sounded like he was about to jump out of his seat calling a Jeff Skinner breakaway and shooting it wide of the net.  Epic Talent, RJ.  I hope you get to call a good team some day soon before we lose you.

  9. The net result of trades for our assets (including Jack) is to get at least one player with PROVEN leadership skill sets that can be our Captain to lead the turnaround and reset/establish a new appropriate culture.  Yes, we need the best return of hockey talent and the right kind of players that fit that new culture.  Also, obviously a new coach (i.e. Boudreau) to actually coach that talent.  But bringing in a leader who can not only be our Captain, but also with the intentional priority of mentoring/developing the next Captain following his retirement (i.e. Dylan Cozens).

  10. 2 hours ago, Marvin, Sabres Fan said:

    Chemistry is so underrated.  We remember the 1996-9 and 2005-6 teams so fondly not just because they were good; we remember how committed they were to the system, the coach, the team concept, and to each other.

    We also remember that, aide from Hasek, none of the players were considered 1A players at his position when the season started and that both sets of rosters had question marks galore.  Aside from Miroslav Satan, who on any of those teams would have been considered even 1B player heading into those seasons?  No one picked either the 1996-7 or 2005-6 teams to even make the playoffs.

    That's why we dislike teams which are positionally unaware.  We fume when players coast to the bench on a change.  We hate that no one drives to the net.  We yell when no one defends a teammate getting roughed up.  We scream because they lose virtually every puck battle.

    I once agreed with the old assessment that the 1974-86 teams were generally soft.  I have been watching games of them recently.  Nope.  They always has flaws, especially relative to the talent-minimising officiating of the era, but they were never deficient in the fundamentals of hockey or the basics of ensemble play.

    It is all about leadership, and less about hockey skills.  The source of our failed chemistry, passion, battle and subsequent failure in our ability to consistently win and make the playoffs is, as much as it grieves me to say, our team's "Leader", our Captain, our chosen one, our Jack Eichel.  Leadership is proven in adversity, not when times are good.  Jack has been the consistent factor across 3 GM's and Coaches.  He is an elite talent. That is not in question.  Elite talent does not equate to leadership skill sets.  Jack's attitude, failure to be a leader of men in battle, not holding teammates accountable when lack of passion/fight/grit in the face of adversity is the cancer that has metastasized. 

    Jack has failed us as a leader, but I don't think the blame solely rests on him.  We set him up for failure when the C was given to him before he proved leadership skills and earned that C.  Too many coaches/organizations in the NHL choose their C based solely on talent.  Give me an adequate talent with elite leadership skills/abilities as a Captain any day, over an elite talent at hockey skills but poor/vapid leadership skills. 

    Sadly, Jack has been ruined for a future on the Sabres.  I would love for him to remain a Sabre for life, if he was no longer Captain and be removed from having the profound mantle of leadership so he could just focus on being an elite hockey player and a good teammate.  We cannot take the C from him now at this point - it would be embarrassing to him and make his attitude and our poisonous culture worse.  It would take a rare human being with the maturity level off the charts to be self-aware enough to do that successfully.

    As has been stated in other threads, the best path forward to right this rotten sinking ship of a team:
    1) Fire HCRK immediately.   He has proven his inability to coach.  Signal immediately sent to the remaining players.
    2) Trade several "assets" by the deadline - either where valuable returns can be made, or depending on the player - addition by subraction (getting rid of players that have given up or don't have the fight in them).
    3)  In offseason, make the biggest move of them all - Trade your #1 asset and elite hockey talent, Captain Jack.  We need to trade him before his NTC clause kicks in the following year.  Trading him in the offseason will remove emotion from the decision-making and will give us the most options for finding the best trade partner - when Cap questions & team finances will be clearer for all NHL franchises operating in the post-pandemic era.  If we are to maximize our Return on Asset/Return on Investment, this offseason is the time.   
    4) GMKA's goal should be to eliminate & replace the players without passion & compete as he said in his recent Zoom press conference:
    "Competitiveness and passion are a really important part of being a successful team," Adams said. "At the end of the day, it’s about out-competing the guy across from you, and if you have that in the DNA of your team then a lot of good things can happen. But you’re right, it all hasn’t been good enough. The passion hasn’t been good enough, the compete hasn’t been good enough, and you have to fix it.”
    5) The next player selected to be Captain, must be chosen because he has PROVEN leadership skills.  For speed sake, this unfortunately rare quality of genuine leadership, will most-likely have to be brought in from another team.  The longer-term ideal would to be mentor and develop leadership skills with  a player internally for that role of Captain.  The good news is I believe we already have a strong candidate on our team in the kid from the Yukon Territory with maturity beyond his years.  We can't ruin Dylan Cozens by crushing him with that leadership mantle at such a young age and before he has EARNED it.  So I propose we bring in a "Bridge Captain" who has proven his leadership but is on the tail end of his career hockey-skills wise. This guy would be given the primary responsibility of mentoring leadership in Dylan for a couple years out and the bridge captain retires.

    Sorry for the novella of a post, but we are at DEFCON 5 and we urgently need a wise, well-planned solution to our beloved Buffalo Sabres Hockey Club.  I say it happens primarily through removing the cancer of a Captain with failed leadership you have built your team & culture around, bring in a seasoned & successful Head Coach, ID a bridge C from the outside that will mentor Dylan Cozens or a player yet to be identified as our future leader.

    What say you fellow Sabres fans for life?

    - Let's GO Buff-a-lo!  

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  11. I think GMKA should take full advantage of gaining wise counsel from his peer over at One Bills Drive. Bills GMBB has been successful under the same parent ownership as the Sabres. I would also recommend GMKA spend time with Bills HCSM in discussing what to look for in a Head Coach. Ultimately, the greatest Coaching & Leadership principles are transcendent across all sports/organizations.

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  12. On 3/1/2021 at 5:53 PM, Curt said:

    I agree that KA probably can’t fire RK.  It seems like they have pretty equal standing within the organization.  But, if KA feels it’s just not working out, he can probably talk to the Pegulas to encourage them to go in the direction of making a change.

    I believe that is the case too (at least originally) and I hope that is what GMKA steps up and does next. He did not choose HCRK, he inherited him - albeit with ownership defacto making Kruger a part of the deal in promoting Adams as GM.  But now that Adams has had some time in the saddle, he needs to put his big boy GM pants on and state the obvious to the Pegulas - making the call that Ralphie must go.  

  13. On 2/27/2021 at 4:30 PM, PerreaultForever said:

    If those are the bones of a good team I think we have osteoporosis. 

    I'm tired of excuses and losing with the same core. I want a new culture and I think the only way to get that is to tear it all down and start again building around unspoiled new talent. 

    Tonight Dylan Cozens showed this team and its fanbase what genuine leadership, passion, sacrifice, and humilty with maturity are all about. (Ironic it takes a 19 y.o. rookie to show the team that)

    I was always an Eichel defender, but his attitude has begun to disgust me.  He is acting like a woke entitled Boston baby. That is why this core is so rotten and has been in recent years.  This year of Eichel has turned this epiphany light on for me.

    Purge the culturally weak core (especially Eichel - whom you will get the double benefit from the trade of eliminating a negative player while getting a big return of the right kind of players for your perceived "greatest player asset")

    and build around the mature beyond his years kid with a work ethic, passion, humility, and grit from the Yukon Territory!

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  14. You can add the legacy broadcast "news" networks (i.e. CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS) to that same list. All corporate big media that selectively reports on the narrative propaganda of their worldview.  Independent mefia and doing your own homework to read/view ORIGINAL SOURCES (& unedited) are the only way to get news anymore.  It takes work, but truth matters.

    7 hours ago, Radar said:

    Sorry for my sarcasm. Cable news? I'm with you.

    You can add the legacy broadcast "news" networks (i.e. CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS) to that same list. All corporate big media that selectively reports on the narrative propaganda of their worldview.  Independent mefia and doing your own homework to read/view ORIGINAL SOURCES (& unedited) are the only way to get news anymore.  It takes work, but truth matters.

  15. 10 minutes ago, SDS said:

    I completely understand that I am fighting a one person battle here, but it’s much less an indictment on me as it is on the lingering attitudes of the WNY fanbase reminiscing about days gone past.

    Sadly, it is indeed an indictment on you as your posts on this topic have been speaking from a viewpoint that presupposes you have the moral high-ground.  That is a fallacy.  You are entitled to your opinion as we all do.   Just not entitled to position your opinion as if it is more enlightened and implies that those who think fighting is OK, or dare I say it, good, in the physical sport of hockey are somehow neanderthals that go way back to the 70's.  I'm fine with your argument, just think about how you present it and you will receive less guff.  Heck, you may even convince one of us unenlightened neanderthals. : )

    Seriously though, thank you for all you do to make this site possible and God bless freedom of speech (albeit greatly eroding).


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