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Big Guava

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Posts posted by Big Guava

  1. 5 hours ago, Getpucksdeep said:

    Idk what his portfolio looks like. Is the fracking business entirely sold? If so and like 90% of the family's wealth is tied to NFL franchise value, I think I'd be looking to mix it up a little too.  The end isn't far away for the big man, and maybe this would allow him to give the kiddos each a big nut to work with on their own for their next 30-40 years.  If I'm his kid, I'd like that better than having it all tied to a group decision and complexities of the sports franchise (approvals, blah blah blah).


    His net worth has gone up by 3 BILLION to over 7 BILLION now since he bought the Bills so, I think he is doing kinda alright.

    3 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    This is certainly an interesting development, although it's far from a validation of the random yobs on twitter the other day declaring that everything but the Bills was for sale.

    My guess is that TP thinks the value of the Bills will continue to increase, and in the meantime he can take a big hunk of cash off the table and use it to fund stadium overruns so he doesn't have to come out of pocket for them.

    He'll probably maintain control and the ability to pass it to his heirs.  If they decide to sell the rest though, the 25% owner will be by far the top contender.


    Basically the guy gets to pay an arm and a leg to sit in a cool box and talk to some people but have no control of anything.

    Wonder who will pony up about 750 mil for the right to do that?

  2. 14 hours ago, Sabre The Cup said:

    It wouldn’t be that crazy for Pegula to change his mind in 6 months all things considered. Some people yell NO when it’s really a maybe but they’re just not ready yet. 

    Let's hope this story is true and the buyer is good for the city and the team. 


    Especially if he decided he has too much on his plate with Kim not really able to help much.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Weave said:

    This is somewhat revisionist.  Ruff was the coach during the Miller - Lucic incident and the “fragile little children” comments by Miller.  Ruff is not a panacea.

    Meh, that team was not mentally weak. Lacking some toughness maybe, mentally weak? Never.

    Mentally weak teams don't go on the road in ECF game 7 down 4 defenseman and take a lead into the 3rd period.

    Ended up losing but not due to being mentally weak, Carolina exploited the weakness on D finally.

  4. 1 hour ago, LabattBlue said:

    Not common sense…more like blind loyalty.  

    You can both be good at developing young players and still not be good enough to take them to the next level.

    There is no way to know if that's the case before hiring them. First, you have to get the players to develop. He did a pretty great job at that.

    Then you have to see if he can take them to the next level. He failed at that.

    So be it. I openly said it was time for Granato to go as the season wore on and it was obvious the team was not moving forward as expected.

    That doesn't mean that AT THE TIME he was hired when Dahlin looked lost and so did multiple other players on this team that he was not the right hire to get them back on the right track to develop properly. And for the most part he has done an exceptional job at developing them.

    He was a development coach for USA Hockey after all.

    Unless you have some crystal ball that you are keeping all to yourself, you didn't know either.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, LabattBlue said:

    So they hired a coach that they knew couldn’t get them to the playoffs?  Yeah….that makes sense. 

    To develop young players? It makes tons of sense. 

    Did you see where these same players were under Kreuger?

    And they didn't "know" he wouldn't get them to the playoffs...I mean My God, one point/win away last year and we act like they finished in dead last.


    Get a grip dude.

  6. 1 hour ago, nfreeman said:

    Wow.  I thought it was possible but not likely.

    I wish DG well.  He seems like a good guy but was not the right guy for this job.

    The best thing about this is that it means they are trying to be a real team again. 

    Now KA needs to pick the right guy.

    He WAS the right guy to get us to this point where we are close...now we need the coach that can come in and take us to the next level.

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  7. 15 minutes ago, Pimlach said:

    They won't let him.   Beane allegedly has a no interference clause.  

    They do let him play the boss on draft day.  He sits in the war room and gives opinions.  

    So let me get this straight. I am supposed to believe a pretty smart guy like Pegula sees how successful the Bills have been when he isn't interfering but yet ignores that and tries to interfere every chance he gets with the Sabres?

    Is that what I am supposed to believe based on your opinions?

    I find that stretches the bounds of believability and credibility.

  8. 5 hours ago, Carmel Corn said:

    The key here is that Pegula went with young, less established guys that he could easily CONTROL.  Pegula ended up not liking GMTM's style and then GMJBOT walked because the meddlesome owner became "cheap" JBOT parted ways abruptly.  GMKA was an easy hire because he had no experience whatsoever....easy to control again.

    Funny he doesn't seem to be doing that with Beane and McDermott.

  9. 1 hour ago, Sabres Fan in NS said:

    This is on the players not the coaches, IMHO.

    It's assuredly also on the coaches. It's their job to make sure they are ready to go and if not there needs to be consequences.

    It happening so often tells you the players could care less because there's no consequences to them starting out slow so frequently.

    If your boss told you, the next time you come in more than 5 minutes late I am going to write you up and then the next day you come in 8 minutes late and nothing happens, how seriously are you going to take that "threat"?

    Not very.

    • Agree 1
  10. This has been a thorn in the side of this team far too often the past 2 seasons. They simply are not ready to play at the beginning of the game.

    First period goal differential this year is -33. Second period goal differential is +7. Third Period goal differential is +24.

    There is no explanation for this and it falls squarely on coaches that don't have them ready to play and players who don't have any fear of the coaches because they allow them to not be ready to play without any consequences night in and night out.

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  11. 23 hours ago, K-9 said:


    Levi is a puck eating machine lately. 33/35 tonight for another solid .942 save percentage. 

    He leads the AHL in save percentage at .929

    Well at least the Amerks are in the playoffs...although they tried hard not to clinch today giving up a 4-0 early 2nd period lead to win 5-4 in a shootout.

  12. I would bet if a right handed kid wasn't given any instructions and just told to go shoot a puck most of them would shoot "left handed" because it feels more natural.

    IMO, right handed people shoot "right handed" because they are taught that is the "correct" way, not because it feels normal.

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