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Posts posted by HumanSlinky39

  1. 50 minutes ago, GoPuckYourself said:

    I want to believe this but you can't just keep blaming mental errors on his age. He's been our top defensemen since 2018, at what point do we start saying he's super talented but he makes too many mistakes to compensate for his talent? I want to believe it's just because he's young but I don't see toughness, i don't see him getting the puck and clearing it with ease in our own zone, I've seen him numerous times just this season on the power play either give up a puck that goes back the other way. 

    Fair points. But look at the teams he’s played on. He’s played on nothing but awful teams. He’s a quarter of the way through his fourth year and is already on his third coach. He’s never had anything really resembling a mentor and went straight from Sweden to 21 minutes a game in the NHL. The Sabres haven’t exactly put him in much of a position to succeed. 

    Now, it’s entirely possible he’s just not cut out mentally for the NHL. Wouldn’t be the first #1 overall pick to prove to be that. However, my HOPE is that something can re-wire that brain of his and he can put it together. If he was 24 or 25, I’d say he is what he is. But he’s barely legal to buy a beer right now. When I was 21, I was a bonehead. My hope is that at some point in the near future, something “clicks” and he becomes the player he was supposed to be. Hell, I’d take 75% of that right now.


    I don’t know, I’m rambling and maybe just looking for a reason not to push my Dahlin 50th Anniversary jersey into the far depths of the closet. 

  2. Dahlin has the talent…you see flashes of it. He’s just very weak at the mental side of the game. That said, he is 21 years old. There’s still time for him to realize that potential…and it is vast. Doesn’t make it any less frustrating…I find myself focusing on his faults, too; just have to remind myself that there’s probably a pretty damn good player in there…just have to get his head screwed on right.

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