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Pokey Jones

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Posts posted by Pokey Jones

  1. you would seriously trade a 21 year old Reinhart for a streaky 26 year old winger ???????????????? this board is madness

    it's tempting, but ultimately would cost way too many valuable longterm assets. so no

    Yup, cause I think Reinhart will turn out to be a bust and Duchene will fit in and make the team instantly better. It's not just about who is "better" on paper but how the pieces will fit together. Call me crazy, but I guarantee you there will be a thread on this board later this year along the lines of "what's wrong with Sam Reinhart?" or "Sam Reinhart scoring drought" wait for it.  

  2. Reinhart goes, Duchene comes here. Juggle some conditional picks and/or scrubs/prospects/contracts to make it work around that.   I would also consider a Kane for Duchene deal but I dont' think Colorado would be interested. Not one for one, again just as the center pieces. 

  3. Well thanks rakish - I have 1 supporter  :thumbsup:


    Honestly around here there are so many over valuing last year's team acting like it is so full of talent it was all just bad coaching so now it's going to be all fixed. Can't seem to accept that so many of these guys just simply aren't very good. You watch, if this team improves and picks up it's tempo as per the design, Reinhart will look worse and start the clock on counting the days until the discussion is on Reinhart's scoring drought. You heard it here first. 

  4. TSN today was talking about Duchene not reporting and forcing a trade. He is apparently fed up with how long this is taking so Colorado will find the price dropping. Thus, it is the perfect time to make them a solid offer and snap him up. At this moment, Nashville and Columbus are apparently making serious efforts to get him. 

  5. He reminds me a lot of Petrice Bergeron. Steady playmaker and smart.

    omg - he's like the anti-Patrice Bergeron. Bergeron when healthy is the best 2 way center in the league aside MAYBE from Toews.   Can still totally shut down #1 centers. Reinhart lined up against a top center would be a multi-point night for the other guy.


    I honestly don't see Reinhart ending up a whole lot better than a David Legwand. Trade him while people still think he has upside.

  6. Okposo is a very different player from Moulson and there is no comparison. I suppose since they both came from the Islanders it seems valid but Okposo has always been underrated and Moulson overrated. Moulson is a soft fair weather player who benefited from playing with a greater playmaker one season. Okposo is a solid winger who gets good and dirty goals no matter who he plays with. Unless there is some hidden issues with that whole brain thing Okposo will be a solid 20-30 goal scorer for several more years.


    Moulson? What's he done besides babysit Jack. 

  7. The comparisons between Eichel and McDavid should stop. Jack is really good, but McDavid is better.  Jack has not shown he deserves the same money as McDavid so I can't fault the Sabres for not paying that if that is in fact what he is demanding. If they did, it screams desperation and they will be leveraged by every single agent and every single player from here to bankruptcy. 

  8. McCabe was our second best defenceman last year and still has upside imo. No way do you trade him unless it is for a better D man. I have wanted Kane gone for a long time. This team has new coaching and needs to develop a new culture in the locker room. Moving Kane would signal that direction BUT he can still get us value and should not be given away for peanuts.  Reinhart has to be moved before everyone in the league realizes that he will always be an underachiever and less than what was expected when he was drafted.


    Duchene for either Kane or Reinhart and some incidentals/picks/etc. would work for me.  Price is probably higher and not worth it. 

  9. I think he could be better under Housley, they all can, BUT the big question will be how fast it comes together and if there will be a lot of growing pains adjusting to a complete change in philosophy. So the question is who, if anyone, will be there to cover when Bogo gets caught up ice? Nashville had Rinne back there and he is good on breakaways and odd man rushes. Lehner? Not so sure. Sucked in shoot outs so.............. Until the forwards also learn to make quick adjustments and cycle back for the D we could be in trouble. 

  10. He's probably already made up his mind. They're just playing teams off of each other now to get the best deal. 


    Antipin, Guhle, Butcher, none of these guys is a sure thing. Best we have them all in the system competing and if they all turn out well then great, we finally have a D and bodies to trade down the line. 

  11. I certainly hope this doesn't happen. huge step in the wrong direction imo. Guy was always a floater who never showed up when the going got tough. Why do you think it is he's still available? Other GMs already know he is wasted money.  Signing him would be very similar to Murray's signing of Fransen. Desperately grabbing at the dregs nobody wanted in an attempt to be better instantly. It would be a huge mistake and bad for the attitude on this team. 


    Somebody mentioned Stafford, same for him. 


    (and of course we should have taken the 5 picks, but that was then)

    I think Tim Connolly is still available too. 

  12. Well I don't see that line up at all. No identity to those line combos.


    Eichel needs speed and offensive skill with him to play to his full potential. Eichel's a shooter first. He is Hull, he needs his Oates. We don't really have that guy but I'd match him with the best speed we have until we get that guy. Try Pominville and Nylander, probably won't work (one too old, one too young and soft) so you end up with Kane and Reinhart for now. 


    Okposo, if he is healthy now (?), with ROR and ???


    Pouliot, Girgensens, and ? Rodrigues/Pominville might make a good 3rd line


    Deslaurier, Larsson, Fasching might be an interesting 4th. Gonna miss Foligno for that line but I'm sure we will find an equivalent eventually but that line has to have grit and more toughness.



    So many holes its hard to make a real line up. Just hoping some young guys will step up.


    Bottom line, if Moulson makes the starting line up you can kiss the season goodbye.  

  13. Vesey was never going to sign here. Buffalo just gets used as negotiating leverage. Do you honestly think any in demand U.S. free agent would choose Buffalo over a major city like New York? Giving away that pick was just dumb even if it was just a 3rd rounder.


    I hope we get Butcher cause he might just be developable by Housley but it's kind of a whatever to me.


    (developable isn't a word is it?  :wallbash: )

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