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Posts posted by Cisse

  1. I'd sign Teemu Pulkkinen from the waiver's. He is very cheap and his shot can match Patrik Laine's shot. He needs to work with his skating still but he would be lethal in power play with someone like Eichel. We could get rid of Kane and get the same amount of goals and save with the salaries.

  2. As I understand Ristolainen has only been thinking about staying in Buffalo since the season ended. He has trained extremely hard and I believe he will be taking a step forward as a player this season.

    I have however no clue how much his agent is asking for him. I doubt Risto would go on some ego trip though asking some crazy money. Given his age and work ethic I believe he will develope to an elite player within the next 3-4 seasons.

  3. I love Highland Park 12 year. Jealous of your 18!

    I love all Highland Park whiskies. One of my favourite brands. High quality in all of those I have tasted. They are always done with high quality and they haven't gone too gimmicky with them.

  4. I really hope we trade Kane. He is a flashy player with his speed and he has a decent shot but there are three big nay nay factors I don't like about him.

    His passing game irritated the hell out of me the whole season. It seemed he passes the puck at the right time. Usually it takes him half a second too long to pass the puck for a team mate to score. Sometimes the passes are just too sloppy.

    He takes a lot of stupid penalties which are either out of laziness or just lack of discipline. Often he takes these penalties 50 yards fom his own goal.

    His antics on and off the ice shows clearly that the guy has no respect for his team mates or anyone else.

    Rant over.

  5. Kane has value to us. The net difference between adding Fowler and subtracting Kane is a negative for us.

    I don't see much value in Kane. He has a decent speed and shot but his passing game is awful. Passes come often half a second too late or they are not very constructive. He takes penalties that are simply stupid. Some of them are just lazyness but most of them by lacking discipline. From what I have read he ain't the best person on or off the ice either.

    With the money invested in Kane we could do better.

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