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Posts posted by Winston

  1. Gio just said that the Jets were running around trying to redeem that hit on Laine. Probably a good point. You see your young superstar like that go down, and the focus probably switches from scoring to settling a score.


    So much happened in that third period that I forget the score when it occurred. What was it?

  2. Edit: Look at the play Zemgus makes on Karlsson, no less, right before Jack stuffs it home. EK makes the poke check if Zemgus doesn't tie him up.

    I've always loved that part of the play. As amazing as Jack's move was, that goal doesn't happen without Zemgus' tie up. An assist that won't go down in the box score, but one I'll remember.

  3. I hate that Matthews ended up in Toronto. He's a treat to watch and a very likable kid. The fact that his success = success for Toronto sucks haha.


    The comparisons between McDavid-Eichel-Matthews are inevitable and will frustrate Sabres fans for years, especially if Jack does wind up the third best of the bunch. But personally, I love it. The young talent is good for the league and should only motivate Jack. If he winds up the third best but #15 winds up in the rafters, I don't think anyone can complain. Crosby and Ovi are better than Patrick Kane. I think Chicago fans are over it. Winning will hush these debates, and Jack's recent reactions prove he hates to lose. I don't care if Matthews and McDavid duke it out for the Art Ross if Jack wins the Con Smythe. These guys have 15-20 years left to write their stories. We're still early in the first chapter. I can't wait to watch them all play out.


    Sabres' lines:






    Sabres' defense:




    Deslauriers used to be a D-man. He's just holding spot till callup.



    Amazing how it takes injuries for Bylsma's lines to make sense, but I'll take it.



    Yeah, I'm incredibly pleased with this look, all things considered. I love Eichel-Okposo, and Foligno has yet to disappoint on Jack's wing. McCabe back with Risto makes me jump for joy. 


    Will we see Fedun again? I haven't heard how long Gorges will be out. 

  5. You should post it here.


    (Oops. Wrong thread. I thought I was in the Scrapbook thread.)


    For those that missed it, I fell victim to some black ice in a parking lot last month. One fibula fracture, displaced ankle, and ruptured ligament later, I wound up with eight screws and a plate in my ankle. Not to be kept down, I made the most of the situation with a once-in-a-lifetime photo op. Here's to hoping I have the same impact on my workplace when I return next week :P



  6. I forgot to say so, but EicheSnipes picture coming out of the doctors mimicking Jack was awesome. Well done :beer:

    Haha, thank you! That got locked away in the old Random thread, didn't it? Oh well, I had some fun taking it. As my "photographer" was starting to get irritated with my multiple takes, I assured her that you guys online would appreciate it and it would all be worth it.

  7. Has Jack ever scored a bad goal? Like a whip it at the net, it bounces off of 5 people and happens to go in goal? I can't think of one. Every goal of his is highlight reel worthy.

    I think his first goal against Boston after Christmas was a bouncer last year. I think he was looking for Kane in front and it went off a defenders skate.


    But you're right. Almost all of his goals are highly skilled, highlight worthy goals. I just remember that cheap one cause it was against Boston in one of his best games.


    Then again, maybe he knew it would go in off Kane OR a defender and made it happen.

  8. For sure. Luckily, graduating early means I have 4 extra months to work!

    Back in undergrad, my fiancée worked with a guy that supposedly applied to over 100 places. Yes, ONE HUNDRED. A whole variety of programs if I recall- med school, PhD, masters. He said he was in the hole over $10K. I never met the guy, but my fiancée seemed to believe it based on working with him.


    I think she applied to 8 places for PhD. 3 upper echelon that she doubted she'd get into, 3 that she was fairly confident, and 2 she knew she had in the bag. Turns out she got interviews at all 3 "reaches" and is attending the top school that she repeatedly told me she had no shot at.


    Hopefully you have a nice mix of those tiers. Don't doubt yourself even if some of those schools seems out of your reach. You'll likely end up with more options than you thought and will have some serious choices to make. Good luck!

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