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MODO Hockey

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Posts posted by MODO Hockey

  1. Congrats hope they keep it going big turn around!

    Yea, we needed this, badly.


    Here is an recap of the game with the goals, Sabres recruit Gustav Possler 1 goal 1 assist, really good game

    and he is improving game after game this season, it actually looks like he finally starts to find his way back

    to glory.


    Swedish comments though, sorry.



  2. Anyone bored and interested in watching the game with Sabre players in MODO right now, (V. Olofsson and G. Possler)

    Send me priv message. 

    Currently game, 5 mins, MODO Hockey - Karlskrona 0-1, 5 mins passed.


    Gustav Possler just scored, MODO Hockey turned the game around in 10 seconds, 2-1 now.

  3. Just so you know, the comment about becoming cynical had absolutely nothing to do with you.  Buffalo fans are a very rare breed.  We've all put up with a lifetime of heartbreaking loses and most tend to expect even more.  You'll see it if you are able to stick around long-term.



    I know how it feels, trust me. 7 seasons in a row MODO Hockey has been in the bottom ... zzzZZZZzzzzz.. 

    I've said it before, and i dont mind repeating it, Ullmark will give the confidence Sabres offensive need in their backpack moving forward to playoffs.


    I just wish we could have kept him this season with the offensive we got, instead we have the leagues worst goalies :( .. 18 games, 45 goals made, 71 in our butt  :cry: 



  4. MODO in order to avoid any more confusion with banned posters, it would be good if you met American pre-conceived (chewing gum commercial versions, double mint anyone?) of what Swedish people should look like. You know, blonde hair and blue eyes with 2 bikini clad blonde haired and blue eyed super models hanging on each arm. How dare you bust our TV ingrained stereo types.


    On a serious note.


    Met up with my Swedish expatriate brother in law this past week. Told him he needed to sign on to Sabre Space as we have a passionate Swedish following (I may have slightly embellished on the size of the following). He grew up in a slightly larger town an hour and half south west ( no frikkin way I'm coming close to getting the name right) of you. He's words where "Much like the Sabres, a small city with a more than passionate hockey following". I laughed and said "so their crazy too?" He laughed  a very hardy laugh and we drank.


    Oh yah, the only Swedish I can remember (well besides skol) is brest vorta (hooked on phonics anyone?). I wanted to learn something to impress the Swedish ladies. :ph34r:


    Mrs. Racer and my Sister are not impressed with us.

    Hahaha  :lol: .. well, no worries, i'll get you that picture, but since the cold has arrived, and the snow not far behind, its

    gonna be a tough assignment to achive atm, but ill do my best.


    Yea i guess some of us are as passionate over hockey as you Sabre fans are, and i must say its pretty damn neat

    to find you guys here, this team, to care for and with.  :worthy: 


    I'd say the pronounce of Skål (Cheers, for others in the thread reading) in english would be something like scoul, ill let the actuall nipple word go hehe.


    Much appreciated!

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