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Posts posted by StuckinFL

  1. So I've seen 2 games that the Sabres absolutely dominated their opponents and had zero quit but I still find myself a little apprehensive that they're a truly great team that's finally come into their own. Maybe it's a new system that other teams will figure out. Maybe they can only sustain this pressure and athleticism for awhile before they start wearing down. Maybe they get a key injury and the whole team falls apart. I hope none of those things happen obviously, but that creeping doubt after so long is still there.


    But I started asking myself what I need to see in order to truly believe that they might be great. I think I need to see an honest compete level every period with a recorded win above the Deluca .500 in the first 10 games to truly be swept away. I don't think it's an intellectually smart marker, but I think I won't be able to hold myself back from totally believing in this team if that occurs.


    I'm curious what others measuring sticks are...

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  2. 5 hours ago, woods-racer said:

    You say you don't want them to lose, but...


    As a third party to this it does sound to me that you would be happy to be proven correct in your analogies, thus projecting a happy loss.

    So if you warn your diabetic father that he's gonna die if he doesn't fix his diet and stop eating garbage that you're happy when he dies?


    What kind of nonsense thinking is that?

  3. 11 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    So we have...

    Reinhart not running his own line

    Skinner away from Jack

    Sobotka on the 2nd line with Skinner

    Scandella in the lineup at all

    Hutton starting on the road where he has been atrocious (.896sv% last year)


    Evan Rodrigues is on the ***** bench. 


    Oh yea, I am soooo optimistic. I can't get any more excited for this comedy of errors. 


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  4. 2 hours ago, Wyldnwoody44 said:

    Guys GUYS!!!  WHAT THE ACTUAL F...... The Sabres, YOUR Sabres are starting the season, new coach, new attitude.... And it's hockey.... THE BEST DAMN SPORT ON THE PLANET!!! 

    opening day for us, how can we not get pumped....im as pessimistic as anyone at times, but even Vlad the corpse of the impaler and the Carefree Mittlesuck can't bring me down. 

    Let's Go, let's slaughter the endangered penguin and mount it on the wall next to the tin foil hat and the poster series of all the goosebumps books! 

    Too many years of 'here we go again'. Towards the end of the streak I was getting pumped again, but then because Buffalo.

    I'm just not ready to get hurt again. This team has broken my heart too many times and then promised that this year will be different. And then every year it's the same...

  5. 12 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    Other than a period of my life when I took an NHL hiatus (college years plus some shoulder time beyond graduation (it was pre-internet, folks)), I’ve never felt more indifferent about the start of a Sabres season.

    Let’s go, Buffalo? Yeah. Let’s go.

    I'm right there with you. I used to take the night off of work and do a whole Buffalo themed dinner every year for the first game, but this year I'm not even taking off.

  6. 21 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    I’ve said the this before, but I wonder if the Sabres might be better off with ERod starting the season in the 2C role.  I admit that this isn’t ideal and if Mitts shows he can handle the role through the pre-season then we can table this idea.  However early returns show that Mitts might be stronger, but still may not be ready.  

    Erod has improved each season in the face off circle and in points.  He has good speed, good hockey IQ and a reasonable amount of skill.  Primarily a playmaker, I think he’d fit well with Reinhart with any of the potential LWs like Sheary, Olofsson, Johansson or Vesey, although I’d side with Johansson for obvious reasons.



    100%. I need my 2nd line to be defensively responsible, but able to get it out of the zone and be a threat with the puck more importantly. With the improved D I can see that line being able to transition to attack dangerously.

  7. If you can get him for Risto with a bit extra, you do it. Sign him to a short bridge deal and commit to the plan you have. If HCRK is half the motivational force that he's been touted to be he should be able to squeeze more out of guys that have those kinds of issue. You don't get a coach known for analytical openness and motivational strength and then not give him any problems to solve that you can get for cheaper. If you believe in HCRK's strengths you give him the ability to showcase them to better your team for cheaper. 

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  8. On 8/30/2019 at 10:36 AM, ... said:

    I think Tage and Mitts both bring up an interesting part of being a NHL player that seems to get lost in the discussion of the physical game and stats and such.

    I think both of these guys need cognitive development - both need to "process the game" better.  How do they develop these guys cognitively other than by making them play in games?  Are there specialists in this area?  I'm not talking about sports-psychologists, but rather people who specialize in mental training?

    Only thing I can think of is drills. Hammer in enough drills and the body starts moving automatically. I think this is the biggest issue with the rotating coaches. Plays and drills they might have been hammering in them were shifting too often and they had to think before they move.

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