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Posts posted by deluca67

  1. Technically, the puck has to continuously move toward the net but there is nothing in the rules that says the puck must be in front of the shooter.


    After the Malik shootout winner earlier this year, there was a rumor that the rule will be modified to allow for a player to pull the puck back as long as he is moving toward the net. Although the move Malik made was cool (pulling the puck back through his legs and then wristing the shot over the goalie), it was probably technically illegal as the puck probably travelled back toward center ice when the puck was pulled back between his legs. I have not heard whether the change was put in place for the rest of this season or whether it will be implemented next year.


    The other rule regarding the shootout that they need to fix is technically you can not ask for a measurement on an illegal stick during a shootout because there is no remedy available during the shootout if an illegal stick is used.

    Thanks Dave. Before this season penalty shots were so rare I never fully understood the rule.

  2. How bout that move by Vanek in the shootout?! It's called "Around the World," AKA "The Move" from Seinfeld. :) That kid is something special.

    Didn't there used to be a rule that you had to keep the puck infront of you? When I saw the move, for some reason I thought it was illegal.




    I'm glad it was Vanek who scored. Much like the effect a game like this can have on Miller. Scoring a huge goal like that can really bolster the development of Vanek. Each game he seems to be getting more and more confident.


    What a day it was yesterday.


    Bruins - Habs

    Rangers - Flyers

    Sabres - Sens


    I finally knonked out during the first period of the Canucks and Oilers. Alot of hockey, beer and wings. I have nothing left for the 'Less Then Super Sunday'.

  3. This is without a doubt the most important game of the year. If they win tonight, it can give them the confidence they need down the stretch to make a run at first. If they lose, it can set the Sabres back a bit.


    I hope Hasek doesn't bail out today.


    Lets Go Sabres ... errr ... I mean Lets Go Buffalo!

    Today is a great hockey day.


    Wings -Avs at 2:00


    Flyers - Rangers at 5:00


    Sabres - Sens at 7:30


    The beers are cold. The wings are frying. I've been iceing my remote thumb all morning.

  4. If Biron is such a great goalie then why isn't Darcy's phone ringing off the hook? Miller is obviously the #1 guy all the way and Mika should be #2 instead of sitting idle. Biron would be long gone if teams thought he could be a top 10 goalie.

    How do you know it's not?


    Just because the so called "insiders" haven't reported it doesn't mean nothing is going on. You may not have heard anything because the Sabres don't want anybody to know.


    Most of what gets reported as "hot rumors" are rumors put out there by the teams themselves. They use it to gauge fan reaction or to let other teams know that a player is available. Most of the "league sources" are the GM's themselves. It's like that in every sport.


    Peace ;)

  5. three quick points on some of the above posts:


    1. Riter's point is dead on, as is the post about all the obstruction that wasn't called last night. How am I supposed to love the "new NHL" when in some games, the refs are still partyin' like it's 1999?


    2. While I'm no fan of ESPN.com's hockey coverage, ESPN didn't write the game summary. It's attributed to the AP (who may have got it from a CP stringer). ESPN didn't vet the article, obviously, and doesn't review most of its wire reports (which is one reason I don't like that website).


    3. I'm nearly positive that the same replay official is used in HSBC Arena for every regular-season game; just can't think of the guy's name right now, but I remember that he's a former ref. I doubt that he's "provided by" the Sabres, though, in the sense that the Sabres pay him; he's gotta be paid by the league, right?

    First off Brad Riter is never right.


    As far as the other point about the replay official? Goal judges are the same every game.


    Come on guys. It's a bad call. They happen. You can go to fans of every team and they can list you bad calls that compare to the ones the Sabres had to deal with. They just happen. If you want to eliminate them then play every game on an X-Box.


    Before Buffalo fans start to think the world is against us. Take a look at one of this area's greatest sports moments. The Bills comback over Houston. Don Beebe took two steps out of bounds before he caught a huge TD. That call cost Houston the game and their franchise.


    Ask Philly how they felt when Bob Nystrom was two strides offsides before he scores and the Islanders went on to win the Cup.


    They happen. If they didn't then sports talk would be pretty boring.



  6. Thinking about the last few posts some more.  I am worried that he might take too long to trade Biron.  If Biron is traded, Noronnen has to be ready to play, especially after the Olympic break, because he's going to get some playing time.


    Maybe trade Biron right before the roster freeze and assign Noronnen to Rochester for a reconditioning stint during the break?  I know he was opposed to a reconditioning stint earlier in the year, but with Biron out of the picture he might change his mind.  Anyone know if the roster freeze would prevent such a move?



    As long as the Sabres don't trade Marty for a rent-a-player.

  7. Bigger then the 10 goals was that it happened in front of a packed house.


    They have a tough road trip but it's not imposible. 4-2 is not out of the realm of possibility.


    I suggest getting your tickets soon if you plan to go to any games. A solid road trip and the Feb 2nd game against Philly will be a mad house. I'm going to be scrambling to get the day off so I can get to the game.


    Peace :)

  8. Maybe I'm naive, but I would hope players don't go out and party the night before a game. You'd think the professional athlete, in general, is a person with a lot more discipline than the average Joe and with much more awareness and concern about how alcohol affects health, not to mention their performance within 18 hours. Maybe it happens, a guy here a guy there, but enough of the team to explain their listless performance? I don't think so. As for the road team on a business trip per se, do they really hit the Chip Strip the night before a New Year's Day game? Why am I thinking they don't. Am I naive? I think I'm naive.

    You are. And they do.


    I've seen players at the Canadian Ballet during past seasons. These are young rich atheletes. Do you really think they are looking at game film every night. What's the point of being a rich athelete if you can't enjoy the benefits. Just wear a condom and video tape it so the girl can't charge rape. That was Kobi's mistake.

  9. DeLuca, I am not about to go arguing with you about Miro or Z. We have discussed these issues several times and both of our positions are well known. I definitely am not going to argue with you about Z because we are about 90% on the same page on him.


    I think Z being gone is a factor in Dmitri's diminished production but I believe the groin has not completely healed and believe it is affecting his play more than Z being gone. (No, I don't think it is a sports hernia, I think it is a minor groin injury but I do not expect it to heal fully without rest which is why I am not too upset that he has been out of the lineup with the hand injury.) I would prefer he not come back before the Olympic break because if he could get fully healthy and revert back to '03-'04 form, he would significantly improve the D corp.

    Kalinin not at 100% and now the news about Briere? As much as this team needs a Defenseman they may have to start looking at a short term replacement for Briere. The ROC guys have played well but not having Briere leaves a hole upfront. Maybe a rent a player type move?


    If Kalinin does have a nagging injury? The Sabers have been preety good about those things. I couldn't see them ignoring it. If he wasn't 100% I don't think they would risk it.


    As well as the Sabres have played. Kalinin raises the quality of the defense whens he's at 100%.


    Quick question. The Sabres have had success with the guys from the ROC. Why haven't they brought someone up to replace Fitzpatrick?

  10. n,


    I still haven't found any "proof" of Z's offer, I don't know necessarily that we will be able to find the actual offer. But some comparisons that say $4.0MM - $4.5MM would not have been out of the question are:


    Miro was scheduled to make $5.2MM in '04-'05 had the season been played.


    Drury's pre rollback salary this season would have been $3.85MM and his average remaining salary over the life of the contract (I think the contract runs through '07, but not positive) would have been $3.95MM without the rollback.


    EDIT: Also, Z made $3.75MM in '03-'04. Simply offering him a 10% raise would have put an offer over $4MM.

    Is it fair to say that the Miro situation was completly different the Z's?


    Miro aside.


    The Sabres wanted Zhitnik. The plan was to have in on the blueline. IMO it is the #1 factor in Kalinin's drop in play. Z's faults aside, this team would be better with him and the guys in the locker respected his game. Briere was upset when he talked about Z moving on. I don't know if WGR keeps all of their tapes in ther 'Audio Vault'. If they do listen to the Briere interview back before the season started.


    My biggest problem with that whole thing was listening to Darcy talking about how "charm" was the biggest factor on signing free agents. Since money would be even around the NHL it would up to the GM's to sell their cities. He says that, then his #1 priority walks.


    Totally agree on Peters keeping Boulton & the rest of the thrashers honest. When a guy like Boulton (or McGrattan on the Sens) dresses, we need Peters. That's still how it is in the NHL until they ban fighting.


    DeLuca -- I know you've posted favorable opinions of Zhitnik and Miro, and criticized Darcy for letting them go w/o getting anything in return. Did you happen to catch Roby's opinion at the end of the Shootout tonight on that topic? He said that the biggest factor in the Sabres' season so far was addition by subtraction in getting rid of those 2 (whom he named specifically).


    Not that Roby is necessarily right, but I will say that I totally agree on Miro. I think he was mailing it in for about 2.5 seasons, and when the highest paid player on the team doesn't hustle, it hurts morale and overall hustle. Zhitnik's problem wasn't hustle but just an inflated market value. I think the Islanders are regretting paying him $3.5 million by now.


    Other observations on another very exciting game:


    1. Miller is better. Can anyone reasonably dispute this?


    2. Campbell, Fitzie and Lydman each had a few shaky moments in our end. I'm ready for the return of Kalinin.


    3. I really like Connelly-Kotalik-Vanek.


    4. Seemed like a pretty full house. Did anyone hear an attendance #?


    5. Although I appreciate the goal of keeping Miller fresh for the playoffs, I'd love to see him make the Olympic team -- and if he does, I think he'll become the starter, which I would also love to see. I would watch every USA game. I think Miller would also do pretty well as an Olympian, which would just add to his (and the Sabres') already pretty solid confidence.


    6. Connelly might sneak into the Olympics too if a forward gets hurt in the next 6 weeks. He has had 2 great games in a row.


    7. Kotalik has cooled off a little lately.


    That's all. Great win (thrashers were 6-0-3 in their last 9). Go Sabres.

    I will disagree with on Peters. Let Boulton rack up the penalties. And if things get ruff you still have Mair and Gaustad. Sitting Paille is a mistake. The Thrashers are a good skateing team. Seeing how he could keep up is what I would like to see. Peters only had 5 shifts for a total of 2:57. The Sabres gained nothing from it. Paille needs ice time in the NHL to prove if he can do it or not. Play the kid and lets find out. Don't waste anymore time with Peters. We already know he can't play.


    Robi? He tows the company line well. Not to keep beating a dead horse but the Sabres did offer Z the $4 million a year to stay it was his choice to leave. Miro is a different story. If he was such a problem they should have dealt him and gotten something in return before he hit free agency. Even a mid round pick would be something. Wasn't Miller a 5th rounder. You never know. I will never be in favor of letting players go for nothing.

  12. Typically, I would be in agreement with you regarding Peters, DeLuca. In the new NHL, goons have no place.


    But I think dressing him tonight was a good move by Ruff. We all suspected Eric Boulton was going to be looking for some action and I think it was a good idea to have Peters as an insurance policy on Boulton.


    I mean the Thrashers were already playing dirty and chippy enough tonight as it was. I think Peters at least kept them honest, in some respect.



    I say let Boulton run wild and ring up the penalties. For every elbow, high stick or charge it's a power play for the #3 power play in the league.

  13. You ask me, I'd prefer if NO Sabre was at the oplympics. They have a mean schedule coming up right after.


    Let the other teams top guys wear themselves out, and let our guys rest for 2 weeks.


    But that's just the cynic in me :D

    Miller has missed a bunch of time?


    A run in the Olympics might sharpen his Sabre so to speak.


    He is the best USA goalie.





    I hate that Peters takes a roster spot away from a real player. This was a game missed by a player who may someday help this team. But he sits because someone feels sorry for Andjuice Peters. <_<

  14. I can't believe that I agree with someone named pwner, but I do. Grier is a plodding, consistant, "worker bee". He may suck at stick handling and be a bit slow, but he gets open for breakaways a lot, and creates chances for others by forechecking and just being "in the way". He is willing to take the beatings in front of the net and seems to be able to tip shots on goal awful well. In short, he represents everything that makes this team good.


    Fitzpatrick just doesn't do a thing for me. Every time I see him out on the ice, I cringe. That would make him the ONLY player on this team that makes me feel that way (since Peters being out there may at least mean a good fight). Either Kalinin needs to get healthy, (and back to playing well,) or we need another blueliner.

    The "others" you refer to? Do you mean the other team ;)

  15. Grier was injured Friday night and played hurt the rest of the game. He was still injured Saturday and obviously couldn't play through it. He wasn't benched.


    Fitzpatrick is trash (PUT JILLSON OR JANIK IN) and Peters blows, but Grier is an important grinder that will be a huge asset in the playoffs.

    I'm sure Grier was hurt :lol:


    He must have been hurt all season.


    The only thing Grier grinds is the the Sabres offense to a grinding hault. I'm starting to think the reason Drury's +/- is so bad is because he has to play with Grier.


    The best thing about Grier is that his contract is for only one year. I will guess that if any trade is made to bring in a top blueliner? Grier will going the other way to even the salaries up without committing the other team long term to Grier.

  16. DeLuca - last night Grier got hurt, he wasn't benched. Also he is out there most penalty kills, which will lead to his +/- being lower than an offensive specialist like Kotalik. Grier isn't putting up points but i think he is a valuable member of the team in and out of the locker room. He is physical, can play comfortably on both sides of the rink and is one of our best defensive forwards.

    Power Play goals don't count against the +/-. Nice try though.


    DeLuca -- I've become a believer in Grier. The Drury line has become more and more effective and I think a lot of the credit has to go to Grier. He's not flashy but he seems to make the right play a lot of the time. He also is a good checker, with size. We have plenty of nifty small guys -- there is still room for a bigger (albeit slower and less skilled) guy who does the dirty work and can be trusted not to make a big mistake.


    As far as Peters and Fitzpatrick -- I think each is useful to have as a spare part. Once Kalinin is back, Fitzpatrick will go back to being a healthy scratch most nights, but we still need him in case someone gets hurt. As far as Peters -- I know many people disagree, but I think until the NHL bans fighting we still need him at least to be available.

    Grier has 9 points and is a -9. All this for $1.3 million?


    Last night he was horrible and was benched.


    He has a good shift here and there. But those are too few and too far between. I couldn't find a complete stat sheet for the year. But I would guess he has more turnovers then hits this season.


    Grier is big, slow and not very effective. Most of the rallies the Pens could muster happened with Grier on the ice. WHich is why he was benched.


    As far as the other two?


    Fitzpatrick should be in the ROC. He is weak along the boards and makes poor decisions. Like shhoting the puck into the defenders legs instead of dumping into the corner with less then two minutes to play. This resulted in a Pens rush and the Sabres had trouble clearing after that.


    Peters. Compeltely useless.

  18. We didn't have Briere for a good portion of that streak. That has to count for something.

    It does.


    Briere gives the Sabres better 5 on 5 production.


    The point about the schedule is that Yes, many of the teams were top eight at the time. But if they are not now it might be the Sabres caught them on a down turn. I do give the Sabres a lot of credit. You still have to take advantage of the schedule and they have done that.


    The Sabres are on their way to the playoffs. But do you really want them matching up with another team with Fitzpatrick, Peters and Grier in the lineup? Call me greedy. First all I wanted was a playoff spot. Now that I seem to be getting that? I want home ice. Pick up a blueliner, call up Thornburn and waive Peters and the Sabres will be on their way.

  19. I dont have to take a breath when we are on this kinda roll. Its great and I am going to bath in it. It is something i havent seen, maybe, in my lifetime. I know its early, but this is impressive, and Im going to enjoy every minute, and I am going to forget reality and for a few months...I am going to believe.


    There are some impressive victories in this run:


    Nov 15 NJ Won 4-1 9-9-0 Martin Biron Martin Brodeur 13,022

    Nov 17 WAS Won 8-5 10-9-0 Martin Biron Brent Johnson 12,471

    Nov 19 @BOS Won 3-2 11-9-0 Mika Noronen Andrew Raycroft 17,565

    Nov 22 NYR Lost 2-3 (OT) 11-9-1 Kevin Weekes Martin Biron 16,018

    Nov 23 @NYI Won 4-3 (OT) 12-9-1 Martin Biron Rick DiPietro 13,212

    Nov 25 MON Won 3-1 13-9-1 Martin Biron Yann Danis 16,009

    Nov 27 @WAS Won 3-2 14-9-1 Martin Biron Olaf Kolzig 11,658

    Nov 29 @PIT Won 3-2 15-9-1 Martin Biron Marc-Andre Fleury 15,118

    Dec 1 @MON Won 3-2 (OT) 16-9-1 Martin Biron Jose Theodore 21,274

    Dec 2 SJ Lost 0-5 16-10-1 Evgeni Nabokov Mika Noronen 18,007

    Dec 4 @COL Won 6-4 17-10-1 Martin Biron Peter Budaj 18,007

    Dec 8 ANA Won 3-2 (OT) 18-10-1 Martin Biron Jean-Sebastien Giguere 12,504

    Dec 11 @MIN Won 3-2 19-10-1 Martin Biron Dwayne Roloson 18,568

    Dec 14 DAL Won 4-3 20-10-1 Martin Biron Marty Turco 16,575

    Dec 16 @PIT Won 4-3 (OT) 21-10-1 Martin Biron Marc-Andre Fleury 16,648

    Dec 17 PIT Won 4-3 22-10-1

    Of the 16 games you have listed? Only 4 are wins against teams that would qualify for the playoffs today. Only 1 is against a team higher then a 7th seed (Dal#3).


    I'm not saying don't enjoy it. I'm just saying things might get tougher when the Sabres start playing some of the better teams.

  20. We relaxed in the third, and they took full advantage of it. Didnt see the game, just listened.


    Biron made a sweet save at the end to win his 13th straight, and Drury is producing - 18 pts in last 18 games, w/ 9 goals in the last 9. That is en fuego!!


    Roy returned for the third, so it seems he is fine (got first star w/ 2 pts)


    Max w/ 3 pts.


    Connolly w/ 2 pts.


    Gooooooooooooooo Sabres!! Very impressive.

    OK. Evreyone take a deep breath.


    The Sabres got lucky tonight. They sweep the Pens by scoreing 8 goals. 5 on the power play. More so tonight. If the Sabres played that way against any other team all the streaks would have come to an end.


    The Pens were able to jump on the Sabre defense and beat them down low. How many scambles around the Buffalo net were there tonight? A dozen?


    Fitzpatrick was just horrible. I'm not sure who was worse Fitzpatrick or Grier. I'm glad to see Grier get benched. Call up Thornburn.


    And can someone please explain how Andrew "Juice" Peters gets to wear an NHL uniform. There is something wrong with that.


    I'm glad the Sabres took the four points. But I am sure Lindy and the coaching staff will have a lot to go over in the meetings.

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