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Posts posted by MBHockey13

  1. Holy mackerel. I go out for a killer Italian dinner, with plenty of booze, and this clusterf### is what I come back to?


    MB -- you are so far out of line here that you have lost sight of where the line is, if indeed you ever knew where it was.


    I don't know why a message board moderator needs to tell you this, but you do not, EVER, tell someone, unsolicited, who practices your religion differently from the way you practice it that he or she is doing it wrong. And you also do not volunteer to a bunch of people that you think religious people are generally better than non-religious people.


    Not every thought or opinion in your head should be published. Quite the opposite, in fact.


    Now, this is not to say that I agree with the general liberal hostility towards religion -- I do not. But these are private matters. You just cannot be judgmental like this in public.


    We now resume regularly scheduled programming.


    That's not what I was trying to do, and that isn't what I said. I just said someone who has faith is something I admire. I never said I didn't admire people who don't have faith. How people reacted to that statement was on them.


    But I apologize, because in no way did I want to bring any religious or political discussion into a hockey forum. I also didn't want to see it, either. If I did, I would have gone to one of those threads.


    It is just that there were three great interviews on the sabres.com website, with Blysma, Murray, and Pegula, and the one takeaway was Pegula stated that Blysma was a Christian, and somehow that is the most important thing to question. Hmm...


    Again, please accept my apology. Aud said he was sorry, I said I was fine and probably overreacted, and then on it went. But oh well...

  2. What about those without a strong religious faith? 

    Or a religious faith at all.


    I may admire them for different reasons. 


    Look - I'm not judging anyone. Belief is a choice. We all have free will. I've had people flat out call me stupid for believing in a sky ghost but that's their prerogative.


    I purposely don't go into the politics thread because I'm here for hockey, but I'm uncomfortable when people want to knock others for having faith. Sorry. Comments about that should have probably been posted there, but what do I know? I'm a newcomer.

  3. Females at a Rush show are a rare breed indeed, but I must say that last night I noticed more than usual and many possessed a lot of the qualities prized by the superficial male.


    I was amazed at the amount of women at the show last night and the attractiveness of many of them myself.

  4. This thread got really ugly. This I wholeheartedly agree with. The thoughts that everybody needs faith in religion in order to be a moral agent is a line of thinking that needs to continue to disappear.


    I disagree. That is why we have different religions and different faiths and different opinions. But I have my values and beliefs and it's only natural to admire that in others. But there are many aspects to make me the person I am and the person I want to become and being a Catholic Christian is one of those things. I'm not going to hide or deny that. But I admire people of strong Jewish faith or Christian faith of other denominations as well. I'm not going to apologize for it, either.

  5. Bills awarded Matt Simms off waivers, release Jeff Tuel


    Interesting. I always thought he deserved a chance with the Jets. He couldn't have been worse than Geno and even Vick last year.


    Sorry to see Tuel gone, though I know his time was pretty much up. I might be the only one to miss him, though.

  6. I think I understand it quite well. And I would hope that the Josephites, Franciscans, and Jesuits who taught me from Kindergarten through my post-graduate degrees would agree.


    I know that I live it far less well than I understand it. 


    I'm not trying to cause offense. I just don't cotton to that sort of talk is all.


    I'm not shy about attending Mass every Sunday and trying to be a better Christian/Catholic. I don't go around shouting about it - and I would be the last person to hold myself up as any type of example of how you should live your life - but I don't deny it, either. And yes, even though there are tons of hypocrites and bad people who claim to be Christian, and there are wonderful people who don't attend church services, I do tend to view someone with a strong faith a little more favorably than someone who doesn't. I definitely don't feel uncomfortable when someone makes mention that they're a Christian. Not sure why I would.

  7. I don't want to be misunderstood: I admire all of what you just attributed to him. I just don't like when a guy like Pegula gets out there with the "Christian" label. Makes me think of sh!t like . . .



    My point being: If you're a Christian, and you're into being a Christian, and being with other Christians, just do it (sorry) - just be it. No need to yammer about it. If you do yammer about it, I will question your sincerity and/or authenticity. Or at least smirk and roll my eyes.


    So, you basically don't understand Christianity. You're not supposed to hide it. Of course, saying you are a Christian, and actually living your life as one are two different things.The whole preach often, and if necessary, use words.


    I'm a little uncomfortable to where this discussion is going. Sadly, though, this type of antagonistic relationship with Christianity is becoming more common these days. (sigh)


    And I actually came here because I was excited Duffer asked Dan about the "Disco Dan" nickname and mentioned he's a natural to attend the World's Largest Disco. Good stuff.



  8. So I had tickets for this show for quite some time, then last week it looked like I had a conflict so I had to dump them.  Yesterday morning the work obligation was canceled so I figured I'd try to get a ticket at the last minute.  Floor seats in the first 10 rows were going for $300-500 on the secondary market, so around noon I figured what the heck I'll try ticketmaster.. I scored row A of the lower bowl about 12 rows back stage left for face value.  


    What a show boys and girls.  Rush just keeps getting better and better with age, it's truly a shame that this appears to be their last major tour, but quite frankly I'm amazed that Neil Peart can still play drums like he does at his age.  The show began with another great intro video, a cartoon of the band members and how their wardrobes and looks changed through time set to Rush music.  At the end of the video, it shows a Greensboro, NC road sign with a tagline of "We Do BBQ Better".  Interested to see what they use for the Buffalo show....


    They opened with three songs off their most recent album Clockwork Angels, then proceeded to perform songs from albums in reverse chronological order throughout the show.  As they played roadies in the red Moving Pictures jumpsuits were changing out the stage set to correspond with what their stage looked like for the given time.  So they began with their massive current stage light show, back through the laser era, until the encore it looked they were playing in a high school gym with their amps set up on chairs. Very cool.


    Some highlights..


    I'm not a big fan of the Roll The Bones rap experiment, but they made it enjoyable this time with celebrity guests for the rap section including Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, the trailer park boys, someone from Game of Thrones and a few others I didn't recognize.


    Complete version of Xanadu with Ged and Alex both on double neck guitars.


    Both books of Cygnus X-1, The Voyage and Hemispheres.


    Jacob's Ladder...with the obligatory smell of fine weed in the air


    The Camera Eye.


    Of course the Neil Peart drum solos which are worth the price of admission on their own.


    The encore with video introduction by Eugene Levy dressed circa 1975 announcing " a nice little 3 piece that might need just a little more punch to their sound, and they once opened for Kiss, can you believe that?"  The curtain drops to the sparse stage set made to look like a high school gym and they launch into Lakeside Park, Anthem, What You're Doing and Working Man.


    A show not to be missed.  


    It was an amazing show last night! That's a great recap!


    I actually have a "secret" spot to watch shows there. It works pretty well - I used it for Fleetwood Mac earlier this year and Paul McCartney last fall.


    I've seen Rush three times going back to 1988 and they sound as amazing as always! I wore my Tragically Hip shirt because I knew someone would notice it and of course got into a friendly argument about coaches with someone in a Leafs jersey.


    That set list was definitely one for the real fans. I'm glad you got to go!

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