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Posts posted by Ogre

  1. 13 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    I don’t follow this math.

    Original project cost was budgeted at 1.4B.

    Overruns are already at 300M.

    That’s 20%, give or take.

    For a $300,000 house, that’d be over $60K.

    My apologies.  Tequila and multitask do not mix.



    The original point remains, and I will tell myself to stop being an idiot. 

  2. 3 hours ago, That Aud Smell said:

    Interesting insight. Thanks. 

    Not sure who you're calling "idiots," though. I could probably do without that.

    Firstly, you’re welcome.

    Secondly, let’s evaluate this a bit. 
    The cost of the project increased by .0003%. For perspective, that’s like building a $300,000 house and finding out that the price increased by that .0003%, or $90. 

    What happened with most posters though? Most of them jumped to outrage and conspiracy culminating in the Union’s corruption and greed being the culprit. 

    Sure. Let’s vilify the hard working men and women that devote years into training in their craft and go out there and make sh!t happen every damn day, rain or shine. Let’s blame politicians. Let’s blame every thing and everyone without shutting the hell up and thinking for a minute. 

    That is the very definition of idiotic, is it not?

    And if anyone got their britches twisted sideways by the comment, fret not.

    The state of being idiotic is temporary in most people. You just didn’t shut up long enough to think. Happens to me from time to time and I tell myself, “shut up, idiot.”

    It’s a temporary condition for MOST people. Some are just too far gone down their ideological hole to listen to what they are actually saying. There is a stronger term than idiot for those people but I will not use it here.

    I strive to choose my words carefully. Idiot was the proper term, my friend.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dr. Who said:

    There's an entire race of planted aliens who are here to subvert knowledge of aliens. They undergo a thorough process of memory erasure so that they can't be subject to advanced memory recall by earth operatives. Of course, Timelords know their tells, even if they are unaware of their true provenance. One of them is a penchant to go on message boards of diverse nature -- and when triggered by the proper catalyzing declaration, eg. supposition that there might, indeed, be aliens with advanced technology, they loudly proclaim the opposite. The chief phrase in German they inevitably repeat with contempt and absolute certitude is "Es ist alles Haufen Blödsinn."

    Click clack!

  4. 7 hours ago, LTS said:

    Every UFO is a UFO until it's explained.  One night on a New Hampshire beach I saw a collection of seven light points that were moving out over the ocean. They all acted like they were "attached" almost as if you put lights on a bubble of sorts that was constantly changing shape.  So the lights all moved relative to each other but not necessarily in straight lines.  It was 100% a UFO.

    Or, as the news had later explained it. A collection of some kind of gas that had formed off a something or other oil station and was interacting with the atmosphere.  I dunno, it was a long time ago.  It was freaky when I saw it though!

    More to follow....

    I firmly believe the Universe as we know it is not necessarily the only Universe that exists. We can only see as far as the light that had made it to this planet over the period of time in which we have had to observe it.  As such, each the day Universe(s)? appear bigger because more light will have made it to a location where we can observe it.  Additionally, we build technology that allows us to see further out into the cosmos to see light sooner. 

    Time travel is an interesting concept. Your concept on technology is flawed, I believe. Let's use sound as a relative example because it's easy for us to comprehend. We know thunder is the byproduct of lightning. However, the distance it takes sound to travel means that the lightning strike that created the sound occurred in the past relative to when we hear it.  We don't question if the lightning occurred because we saw the flash (that was instant due to the speed of light). Now scale out to distances where the speed of light comes into play.  Thus light years.  When we observe a light event from an object 1 light year away we are seeing the past. It's in our present, but the occurrence of what we are observing did in fact occur in the past. Naturally if we wanted to observe the phenomena as it occurred then you would have to travel back in time.

    I think the concept of time itself is the problem when thinking about time travel.  But what you are describing would not require time travel.  It would merely be the need to traverse a distance that we measure by using a means that ignores that distance. If you study quantum entanglement and see that entangles particles can instantly communicate over a distance that is beyond the speed of light you begin to scratch the surface of the problem.

    The other constraint we currently have is that we have not yet proven that something can travel faster than light. But, light moves in the third dimension. So, if you consider the possibility of tapping the fourth dimension you are collapsing the distance between two points.  Similar to drawing a line on a piece of paper.. in the 2D world the only way to get to the other end of the line is to move along it. But, if you fold the paper the ends of the 2D line are now brought next to each other and you can jump to them through 3D space.  If you were constrained to 2D you would still have to follow the line even though in 3D we can see it has been folded.  If you can move into a 4D space then in theory you would be able to move to a new 3D point faster because you would be outside of the 3D constraints.

    Quantum physics is a fascinating (and brain pounding) science. I think it will be maybe 20-30 years  before there is an insane quantum breakthrough (given the current accelerating pace of scientific discovery on this planet).  It will change everything.

    I am not a quantum anything. I just read the theories.  https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2017/07/12/first-particle-successfully-quantum-teleported-into-space-are-transporters-next/?sh=18a8ea6596e5

    A well explained example of using quantum teleportation that actually has reference to Star Trek's Teleporter.  The concept that the ability to create a copy of quantum particle information states and replicate them over distances instantaneously.  Theoretically creating an exact copy of the original particle in a new location. The natural follow up to that is that you now have two identical particles in the Universe.  If you expand that a replication of an entire person (we are all quantum particles) then you would have an exact replica of that person (at that instant of time).  They would begin to immediately diverge because they would be in two locations experiencing different things.  So, the concept extends that to prevent that from happening you would need to destroy the source as the new person were being created.

    Anyway.. quantum teleportation is real.  Just not at scale, known to humans. It could very well be known to other species which would allow them to travel great distances.

    By the way, an atom is not the smallest particle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subatomic_particle


    Man, that’s a lot to digest. I agree that some of the theoretical suggestions are enticing to read about and take me down some crazy rabbits holes.

    The quantum entanglement theory has taken me through the warren numerous times. I agree that the current experiments are exciting but they can really only entangle information between two different photon that are spaced at a distance. The record is something like 150 miles and that’s with the use of fiber optic cables. I’d love for it to mean something greater but it’s a pretty long stretch to teleportation.

    Unfortunately, those light years are real distances that it takes real time to transverse. I know where you’re going with the fourth dimensional idea that we could close that almost instantaneously, I could be both here and there at the same time, but we are stuck in 3D.

    Just like that atom being pared down to its smaller elements doesn’t bring you any closer to the second dimension in our third dimension, any theoretical being in the fourth dimension would never be able to pare down their structures enough to each 3D.

    Interestingly, the higher the dimension the smaller the scale, in theory at least.

    Another thought experiment. We all know one dimension is a dot. I can’t move anywhere. In 2D we walk in line. Space got bigger. In 3D in can go in even more directions. In 4D what happens? You create a shortcut. Just like a Klien Bottle, everything turns in on itself so instead of needing a door to get into the next room, I just go through the wall.

    And so on with even higher dimensions.

    If those higher dimensions even exist. They very well may not. How could we ever know?

  5. 7 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    The sequel. It's a prequel, of course. After the incredible box office and streaming success of Ogre: Alien Killer, Ogre and Lucic: The Beginning is a flop. It predictably traces the early lives of Ogre and his nemesis, who had sent his son to earth to torment the humans in their foolish athletic endeavors.

    Ogre battles many demons through a long career in a devastatingly difficult trade, all the while suffering this haunting feeling that he would one day be part of some even greater, epic struggle.

    The film begins with 18-year-old Ogre, already bald as a cue ball and jacked as *****!, making love to his high school sweetheart in a meadow in Elma. Things are proceeding apace until a searing pain enters Ogre's glistening dome. He has to extract himself from the proceedings. Now on his back and staring at the clear blue sky (scenic director was not from WNY), an extreme closeup shows that Ogre's pupils are pinpoint. Rapid cuts show a flashforward to Ogre being grasped, fondled, molested, controlled by dozens of slimy appendages as he is lowered into a vat of fake butter. 

    Suddenly his pupils widen again, the torment over. He turns to his girlfriend, and their eyes instantly lock. In unison, they shout, "Let's make popcorn!" Super fast cut to the opening credits. Storm clouds, flashes of lightning, stock footage of UAPs over the ocean, into the ocean... Black screen. GODD Productions...

    Mainly, the movie is panned for its ending. The director returns to the original pavilion scene. Nothing is resolved, really, and the movie is mocked for a cameo appearance by Jason Alexander's George Constanza, who, having collaborated with the aliens, urges them to dip Ogre again and snorts.

    As the camera leaves the arena and rises, showing the exact same lake scene as in the original, Ogre is heard to exclaim, "Look over there, it's Rick Jeanneret!" The aliens in unison click and clack: "No way! Where!" Ogre cackles, and there are heavy footsteps, the unmistakable footsteps of steel toed boots, pounding toward the Rob Ray Exit.

    Oh yeah, there's going to be a sequel. But someone else needs to conjure it up. I have to go to work.

    George Cantstandya’s appearance fills me with glee. 

    I don’t know how this thing would end but at some point Ogre eats a ton of alien babies. 

    Just for fun.

  6. 9 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    Final scene.

    After a valiant, two-hour battle to survive, with an alien kill list as long as a car rental agreement, Ogre is inescapably trapped in the bedraggled pavilion of the arena, down by the ticket office.

    He smiles a wry smile, then from the depths of his bowels comes a guttural scream... EEEEEEEEEEEAT MEEEEEEEEEEE!

    The alien leader Lucic smugly nods and gestures for the giant tub of artificial butter they found in a concession area as he scurries toward the human "terrorist." Then speaks in alien click clack.

    Translation: Dip his bald head!

    Camera pulls out of the arena and rises. The Cheerios plant is burning. The lake is an eerie orange. The skyway of course stands.

    Oh yeah, this one is going to have a sequel.

    This is excellent.

  7. 9 minutes ago, SABRES 0311 said:

    Some people bring up a good point about aliens being able to or having to travel many light years to Earth. All I can say is that any issue about the time it would take is based on our understanding of physics and the nature of the universe. We humans might be missing some knowledge. After all, flat Earthers are a thing.

    I am a bitch to the unknown. I want more.

    We are missing knowledge, that’s a given.

    Science doesn’t pretend to know things, science works to understand but mathematics are pretty specific. 

    I’m not trying to be a party pooper because I’ve seen things that I can’t explain. 

    I just can’t understand them, not enough as evidence.

    Vidoes? Pictures? AI? Existing all at the same time? Could I interest you in a great time share opportunity?

    It is similar, to me, to be asked to believe  any of the multiple and random religions that exist.

    Lot’s of ask to believe with little evidence and a guy like me that’s been crawling on his belly for 30 years…

    I’ve been waiting for these Mother *****. Come. And. Get. Me. OUT!

  8. 50 minutes ago, Scottysabres said:

    or are dimensional travelers

    I have a tough time accepting the suggestion that it is possible for the other life that I do believe has existed, exists and will exist out there, to be here now because that would involve time travel to transverse the immense distances involved. I do not believe time travel is possible. 

    Just imagine that what we are seeing with our own technology now existed very long ago. Say we do see signatures of life on one of these long ago worlds, we would have to travel back in time to see it.

    As for the quoted, if you are talking about spacial dimensions, that is impossible.

    A simple thought experiment can prove this. 
    Try to imagine something truly two dimensional in our three dimensional world. The smallest you can get is an atom and that is even three dimensional, just really small. We can get smaller and smaller and never get to the second dimension. 

  9. 1 hour ago, inkman said:

    Six feet is fine is you at least look like you are in line behind someone. Most of the people I see aren’t even facing the direction of the line.  So I have to ask if they are in line.  

    I’m starting to wonder if I have encountered the problem that you’re irked by and just didn’t realize that they were in line and just went around them.


    That’s an easy fix, pretend that you had no idea they were in line and go around them. 

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  10. 28 minutes ago, inkman said:

    I’ve reached my breaking point with mother ***** lines at stores or fast food joints. Can people just stand 2-3 feet behind the person in front of them like the good ol days?  I realize COVID had an impact on how we do lines as a society but this was happening long before the pandemic.  

    Almost every single time I go somewhere where there is a line, I have to ask the person who is 10 feet away from the next customer if they are in line.  

    The lady I got behind at Aldi today was a solid 20 feet behind the customer in front of her.  The cashier from a different line had to tell her to move closer to the rest of the line.  What is wrong with people? 

    I’m having the opposite problem. Every mother ***** that gets into line behind me needs to be so close that they’re breathing down my neck. Or the fabric from their clothes is actually touching me. 
    I turn and look at them, mostly to assess whether they’re special or not, because I really have to tell them that their breath stinks and that they need to stop touching me. Thanks a million!

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  11. Beach week with my wife’s family ends tonight with a long ride home tomorrow. That’s not the complaint though.

    I’ve been here all week with my MIL. She was ok the first half of the week but has since fallen back into her habit with liquor and has devolved into the person that no one likes.

    Allow me to provide a sampling:

     Yesterday afternoon I’m chatting with my BIL about these steamer pots that the wife and I are having delivered for dinner. You pick the seafood, they make up the pots, you steam them. 
    We’re talking about the lobster that his wife wanted in the pots and were basically noting that the lobster we are getting off LBI in NJ is probably the same lobster that Danny Wegman is selling back home.

    She chimes in from across the room “You don’t know that! There could be a species of lobster right out here that no one knew about that they’re catching for  that pot!! Now, I don’t know that for a fact but you don’t know that isn’t true!”  

    Huh!? Say what now?!

    Thanks for butting into the conversation that I was having with someone else to tell me that I could theoretically be wrong. Put the science aside, dear. While you’re at it, but the damn vodka aside with it!

    So glad to be going home tomorrow. One more day of hiding from that beast!

  12. I have OCD, a very messy wife and two cats.

    Today the robot vac took flight.

    The one cat is terrified, the other slightly concerned.

    I LOVE it! It ran around like a moron for an hour and a half but it is learning the landscape, and teaching Mrs. iT the value of tidiness.


    • Haha (+1) 2
  13. 9 hours ago, TheAud said:

    At one point there was the owner who put in the nice video scoreboard, and there was a fan/community group who tried steering the ship, but neither was enough to make it.

    The same entity has owned the arena from day 1. There was an owner of the Jackals but that owner had nothing to do with the entity that owns the arena although they did manage operations.

    There are numerous problems with the place. Chilling/air circulation is defective which lead to outrageous utility bills, in the $100s of $1,000s.

    Corning Inc paid a $100G of the bill as a public relation plan but most people that I know in the area would like to be rid of it by now. I hear “A parking lot would be better at this point.”

    To be clear, the entity that owns it has no idea how to manage it, I’m not even certain how they are even able to own it. 

    There is no way they could have any success with this endeavor. I won’t go into detail because I have interests in the eventual outcome but God help us if our E affiliate ends up there.

    It’s a shame really. Elmira was a very nice place. I built that GD arena. Fell in love with the girl that worked in the office building next door. We had a fabulous summer.


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  14. 5 hours ago, TheAud said:

    On the other hand, probably too small a market to support it. 

    I don’t necessarily disagree. The troubles of previous teams was due to management though.

     The entity that is going to be involved is far out of their league with this (literally) so it wouldn’t shock me.

    But then, poor management again.

  15. 5 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Maybe they want to bring an E franchise closer to Buffalo. Elmira? Binghamton? Maybe Buffalo and have them play in Harborcenter?

    I have business that I attend to frequently in Elmira. Known fact that a team is coming. Speculate, we must. The information came in a meeting on a related topic from someone that doesn’t know hockey. The acronym for the league quoted was gibberish to me. I dismissed it at the time.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Scottysabres said:

    It's the hardest hit I've taken yet, and I've lost a couple in the inner circle.

    In ten days it will be 6 years since I lost mine. There is not one of those days since that I haven’t thought about her.

    Again, my condolences.

  17. I was reminiscing a bit this evening. Remembering a gig that I did in a gate house for a hydro turbine (on the river).

    The gate house filters debris before it gets to the turbine, including dead bodies.

    On the first day the facility rep met me at the door and unlocked it, then he said, “Let me know if you find a body.”

    They had found one a week earlier. Apparently the finder has to fill out paperwork. 😱

  18. 5 hours ago, Scottysabres said:

    My mom passed away last Thursday @ 1:21AM. Thanks in advance to all for the condolences, she's the one who introduced me to hockey from birth. She was a fanatic, the apple never falls far from the tree.

    My complaint? I am going to buy a jersey and name plate it with my moms maiden name, Linda Morgan (you can see her obit on wattengale.com), but, the cemetery where she is being interned won't let me erect a 20' flag pole with a Sabres flag over her.....

    So, I get it, rules is rules, not even veterans get flag poles, but that doesn't mean I can't vent about it.

    Thanks all for hearing me out.

    I’m sorry for your loss. Losing your mother is profound.

  19. 10 hours ago, SwampD said:

    But you have to factor in relativity. The time that the actual travelers would have experienced, given the near light speeds that they would have to achieve to make it happen, means that the time they experienced passing would be way less than  for us and whomever they left behind.

    Let’s say that they did discover the ability to travel at the speed of light, they would still travel the same thousands of years that light would travel.

    The individuals in the craft would not experience much of that passage of time but the society that sent them would experience the thousands of years that they were gone on the voyage to Earth as well as the thousands of years to return.

    This is all dependent on the ability to travel at or near the speed of light. Without that ability that same journey would be in the range of hundreds of thousands of years.

  20. 8 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    I'd sure like to see some evidence too, but 2 government officials stated publicly this week that the US government has these alien spaceships.

    This is after the government in 2021 released records of over 140 reports by US military aircraft of UFO sightings, only one of which was proven wrong, plus footage of something in the sky that no one could identify.

    I don't see how anyone can be sure of anything on this.

    It’s impossible for me to believe that a politically motivated, loosed lipped politician, of which there is a bouquet of,  would not have spilled the beans by now.


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