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Posts posted by Drunkard

  1. 13 hours ago, dudacek said:

    I’ve seen the bolded a few times and in a few places and I It puzzles the hell out of me.

    Priority one: re-sign Skinner ?

    Priority two: hire a coach ?

    Priority three: add some scoring depth ?

    Priority four: revamp the defence ?


    Basically to last year’s team we’ve added two middle six forwards (Vesey, Johansson) two 35-40 point mobile defenceman (Montour, Miller) and two excellent prospects (Cozens, Jokiharju) and lost only Alex ***** Nylander. 

    Our NHL free agents are being re-signed to cheap contracts, our depth free agents look to be as good or better than the guys they are replacing, our pipeline is stronger than it was, and our cap situation next year will be among the envy of the league.

    And we’ve set ourselves up with enough depth that it makes somehow addressing our hole at centre almost inevitable.

    We won’t know how successful his moves have been until the pucks hit the ice, but Botterill’s makeover has been extraordinarily businesslike and thorough.

    Not much has happened? You can’t be serious.

    It's a quantity vs quality argument though and unfortunately for Botterill, he can't stick his 15 defenseman into a blender and extract all the amassed talent then inject it into just 6 guys and a spare. He can't do that with his 17 3rd liners to just create a legitimate second line either, but I guess he could get lucky and a few of them will separate themselves from the pack. Unfortunately he's also up against the cap now so it will be tougher to make moves and if nobody separates themselves from the pack we'll be back to one good line and a bunch of mediocrity that fallows.

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  2. 14 hours ago, Weave said:


    This is downright laughable given The Patriot Act, TSA, and everything else that followed in the wake of 9/11.

    The days of Republicans being advocates for privacy started falling away with the war on drugs and officially ended when the 2nd plane flew into the World Trade Center.

    I agree completely but they still talk about getting the government off our backs when they campaign. They usually only bring it up for stuff like school lunches (I remember Sarah Palin encouraging parents to bring cupcakes as a middle finger to Michelle Obama's fit campaign) or when Bloomberg tried to get rid of big gulps in NYC. They definitely seem to favor the police state when it suits them (like the examples you posted) and then rail against it when it suits them (like regulating businesses).

  3. 10 minutes ago, SABRES 0311 said:

    I don’t see Trump supporting this. A guy who was surveilled making it easier to collect on U.S. persons wouldn’t make sense. I think the NSA proved they can track data. I mean ES proved they can.

    It seems to be Trump's Attorney General who is pushing for it though. When you say you don't see Trump supporting this do you just mean in theory or do you think if Barr gets any traction with it that Trump would actually put a stop to it?

  4. 42 minutes ago, SABRES 0311 said:

    What if foreign manufacturers already put software in the devices so they can sift through our data? World gets weirder by the day.

    Yeah, it's definitely possible. I know it drives me nuts seeing apps like google maps asking me to rate the restaurants I've frequented, especially when I didn't even use their app to get there in the first place. It really wouldn't surprise me to find out that Samsung, Apple, Nokia, etc. is selling our data to 3rd parties in exchange for lower prices. I read somewhere a while back that smart TV's are already doing this. That kind of stuff is ok if people are willing to share their data in exchange for lower prices, but it should be disclosed before hand so people know what they are getting and have the choice to opt for the more expensive model that protects their privacy if they prefer.

  5. 21 minutes ago, SABRES 0311 said:

    I’m not going to pretend I am a cyber guy so forgive my ignorance. However this sounds like a slippery slope. There are laws about this kind of thing both in law enforcement and intel. I do not support this.

    Yeah, I'm not a tech expert by any means. I hope the companies that make all the gadgets we use continue to fight against it. That's probably the best thing about the fact that most electronics are being made outside the U.S. Even if they passed a law to require it, it's not like China, South Korea, or South Vietnam are required to follow US laws. But if they are unsuccessful at the manufacturing level they'll probably just put some type of worm/virus that gives them access into the software next though and a lot of that stuff is created/developed in the US.  

  6. 15 hours ago, #freejame said:

    Genuinely asking—if jbott was going to buy-out Vlad why wouldn’t he have done it yet?

    I'm guessing it's because he still thinks Sobotka has value which should make everyone question his ability to evaluate talent. We're lucky Berglund quit otherwise it would be even worse.

  7. 19 minutes ago, shrader said:

    As Curt just suggested, every single thing the NHL does is a money grab.  That's their sole purpose for existence.  This one really isn't a case of introducing new stuff and then immediately replacing it though.  They're more than likely going to wear everything over the course of the year.  I'm not really sure what the need is for this specific jersey, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it stick around as a 3rd if/when they go back to royal blue the following season.

    I guess it's better than raising ticket prices or parking.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Curt said:

    The 50th anniversary stuff is going to a one year only thing.  Supposedly all white special 3rd.  White sweater, white shorts, white gloves, all white.  It’s not really crazy or surprising that it’s for one year only, considering it’s a special 50th anniversary thing.

    Fair enough. It's still a money grab though. I understand celebrating a 50th year anniversary, but if they change the uniforms again after that it's kind of ridiculous.

  9. 17 hours ago, Tondas said:

    Yes, to any of your 4 alternatives.  McCabe and Ullmark are more valuable and I don't think we can afford all 3.  E-Rod goes at $2 mil.

    I'd rather dump Sobotka or somebody worse and more expensive than Rodriguez to come up with the money. I'd keep McCabe and Ullmark as well but there are plenty of other places to trim the fat on this team (Scandella, Bogosian, Sobotka, Okposo, Hunwick, etc.).

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/07/23/us_encryption_backdoor/

    This article popped up in the google feed on my phone the other day so I thought I'd share it. At first I thought it couldn't really be serious but it seems like the Register (United Kingdom) is a legit, middle of the political road news source.

    This seems exactly like the kind of deep state thing that the GOP typically rails against. It seems like they just want back door access to all electronic communication which doesn't really fit with the get government out of our lives mantra they tend to spout to the public. I never thought I'd say I miss Jeff Sessions or the Exxon CEO but I guess this is the down side to Trump going through appointees like Kleenex. Eventually guys like this are put into positions of power for no other reason than loyalty to the President.

    Does anyone really trust them to only perform surveillance when they have a valid warrant?


  11. 13 hours ago, Tondas said:

    It's not my money and I like E-Rod, but paying him more that $2 mil just doesn't feel right to me.  Unless JBOT has a trade lined up for E-Rod, I'd walk away from $2 mil.

    If that happened who is gonna play center for this team this season? Are you bumping one of Girgensons or Larsson up to the 3rd line? Would you put Sobotka up there? Rush Asplund into the NHL when he may or may not be ready yet?

  12. 9 minutes ago, MakeSabresGrr8Again said:

    This is why I think he's still around. So many people think he should've been fired because of that trade and that leads me to believe that it wasn't his choice to trade ROR. Also, seeing that we don't know what other offers were on the table there's no way to know if he didn't make the best of a bad situation. The offers may have been better had we paid the $7MM bonus but were they $7MM better?

    If they weren't then you keep the great all around center who is under a great contract. You don't settle for the shiniest turd you can get at that moment.

    Culture this and that but the way this team packed it in after the winning streak was over shows that the culture here is still pretty much ***** despite Botterill moving out Murray's problem children in Kane, Lehner, and O'Reilly.

  13. 2 hours ago, darksabre said:

    Why not just wait till like... December? Seeing the new coach, seeing where the roster is at, would probably be of some value before deciding that everything is already f*cked on a Tuesday in late July.


    Precisely because it's July. There are no games to watch or talk about and I'd rather discuss Botterill than read the gun thread, the fishing thread, or discuss which shade of blue the Sabres will ultimately decide on for their anniversary jerseys. 

    You equated it to poker earlier but it's nothing like that because there's no financial stakes for posting your opinion on here, unless you play poker without gambling. There's no reason to be super conservative or hedge your bets on a Jason Botterill opinion. In the end, what does it matter if you're right or wrong? We're all pretty much spitballing for now and we'll find out either way as actual games get played. Our opinions don't have any impact on what ultimately happens anyway. 

  14. 56 minutes ago, LTS said:

    I suppose its better to just let people go when they don't achieve immediate success.  I wonder, if your kid didn't make the varsity team if you'd put him up for adoption.

    Not at all, but kudos on the snark. I think even a jerk like me would be more caring and understanding to a family member whom I care about than some guy the hockey team I happen to root for hired as general manager, but if you to raise Jason Botterill to same status that you'd have for your family have at it. I don't equate the two at all.

    I still think he should be fired for the O'Reilly trade though. Destroying our center depth with no replacement was a grave enough sin for me to give him his walking papers, but I don't have that power (which I'm sure most of you are thrilled about). I didn't like his approach in the way he traded Kane or the return he got for him either but I've explained why on many occasions so I'll leave it at that. 

    My response to Dark had more to do with sitting on the fence with regards to the question in the OP though. I think 2 years is enough time to at least start leaning heavily in either direction at this point and he is still on the wait and see approach. The fact that it's a hockey board and the middle of July is precisely why fence sitting is boring. There's no games to watch or talk about so speculating about the upcoming season and the future of the team in general is basically the only thing to talk about this time of the year, so if we all took his ultra measured, wait and see approach and nobody got worked up over anything I'd have to find something else to read on my downtime at work and on my phone.

  15. 12 minutes ago, darksabre said:

    If folding your hand before the flop is fun then, well, have fun with that I guess.

    You're right. We should probably wait another 2 years before anyone decides if we like the direction that Botterill has the team heading in. Maybe by that point he'll have already been fired for a year and we won't have to discuss it at all.

  16. 7 minutes ago, darksabre said:

    Yeah, or just someone who has been scrutinizing the daylights out of this stuff for a dozen years and recognizes the general order of things.

    If you have a strong opinion of Botterill right now you probably just need to calm down.

    Where's the fun in that? If everyone was calm and rational and we waited until the dust settled on everything to make a judgement call there'd be no need to even have a discussion at that point.

    Although I'm sure the conversation would be absolutely riveting as we all calmly and rational discussed the decisions of the 2013 draft six seasons and two GM's later because it's just too soon to discuss anything more recent than that. That 6th round draft pick might actually be ready to contribute now so we'd have to re-evaluate all the metrics.

  17. 43 minutes ago, LTS said:

    The truth.


    These days I often wonder how those who are slamming Botterill today will react if the Sabres are winning and he proves to be a successful GM.  It should prove to be an interesting experience. 


    I'd welcome the Sabres actually winning games even though I think he sucks. There would certainly be no less backtracking needed than the scores of schadenfreuders who declared Botterill as some genius when the Sabres had their winning streak and the O'Reilly led Blues were at the bottom of the standings.

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