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Everything posted by 87168

  1. Stafford had a wide open net and a beautiful chance to score but instead....nah
  2. if you're getting internet at all on your PS, then an incorrect hookup isn't the issue. In all honesty it could be the servers. You have to remember the amount of data being sent and received between your console, other user's console and PS' servers. There will be lag. I have the first gen PS3 and I use WiFi only. I haven't experienced dramatic lag or Mbps of 1. So that's kind of alarming. Maybe try a different time of day, just to rule out the possibility of server congestion.
  3. ok, no THAT was the dopest save of the year so far! hahaha
  4. I thought he was directing that towards the Sabre's bench.
  5. Damn, Miller basically smacked him in the face with that save. ...and damn you Ehrhoff.
  6. RuPaul is a famous drag queen, who has this contest on tv involving other drag queens.
  7. but a HUGE improvement from their previous performances.
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