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Sterling Archer

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Posts posted by Sterling Archer

  1. thxs, and good luck to you as well, my brother's wife cheated on him but he forgave her cuz of their little girl so I know what you mean.


    ps: My fiance was a fair weather hockey fan on good days. Gotta find a cute smart sabres fan.


    Or you could show up drunk and uninvited at 3AM and see what happens. That's how I finished things with my ex. Just don't make any threats or bring any weapons and the most they can charge you with is 2nd Degree Harassment, which is a violation in NY.

  2. So, what ur saying is only dudes smile at u?


    It's a good mix. I'm pretty sure this one guy keeps coming through my line at work hoping I'll suddenly turn gay and wanna bang him.


    But frankly, even if I was gay, I could do better than that dude.

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