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ska-T Chitown

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Posts posted by ska-T Chitown

  1. Cranked something in my shoulder playing hockey ... feels rotator-cuffy. It is not awful, so we'll see. I know too many people who have had partial tears where they are told to just live with it 😞

  2. 2 hours ago, Mango said:


    Under normal circumstances in most sports, including hockey, if a player as a 2 month long injury with surgery they normally don’t go from zero team participation, to 100% practice practice and playing in a game all within 24 hours. 

    So for me this isn’t just about the last 10 games. It’s the timeline of injury, first practice, 100% practice, to playing in a game. Had Quinn come back two weeks ago and been skating with the team, sure, I get it. 

    You can’t talk about Quinn playing the last 10 games without talking about the entire timeline. In that context I just don’t see the value for the player.  



    Why did you have to go and make all sorts of sense?

  3. It seems if his buyout creates a cap dent so large that we cannot sign a decent replacement <insert dozens of arguments as to what that would be ... a traffic cone could replace his defense>, then the team is not better without him. He is maddening, he is frustrating, he is inconsistent ... he is also their leading goal scorer(ish), electric upon rare occasions, and likely a heckuva guy. I don't think Skinner is the problem with this team and likely not the biggest of the many problems.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Pimlach said:



    He is being honest.  

    The quote shows his youth, and it also reflects on the type of leadership and the kind of comments he hears from whoever the leaders are or were.  It is awkward, but obviously he feels the divide between the team and the fanbase.  The divide is still there in the area, in the community, and on this forum.  

    I guess I took for granted the real love for this team that the community once had.  All it took was great leadership at the top, a real commitment to winning, and some good players that were fun to watch. 


    I think the important bit is at the end of his quote about the team playing better at home and getting the fans on their side. To me, he (and thus the team, assuming they all feel that way) are taking the initial responsibility of winning so that the fans will cheer. Seems legit to me.

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  5. 1 minute ago, JoeSchmoe said:

    At risk of taking this off topic, my biggest thing is why do we still have starting pitchers in baseball? Pitchers should still pitch the same number of innings in a year, but spread them over less innings per game in more games. There are so many benefits:

    -You can maximize lefty/lefty righty/righty matchups.

    -Your weaker pitchers can pitch against the bottom of their order.

    -The batters only see a pitcher once per game and never will time them up the 2nd or 3rd time around or recognize their tips.

    -Your never leave a guy in too long.

    -You should be able to manage and prevent injuries.

    I know some teams like TB do dabble with this sort of thing sometimes, but try telling a Verlander that he's not a true starting pitcher anymore.

    I believe a team could win 10-20 extra games a year if they adopted this full-time. Won't happen though.

    "At risk of taking this off topic" <reaches over grabs wheel and pulls harrrrrrrrrrrrrrd> lol

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