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Posts posted by RazielSabre

  1. You bet he is. And Boyes was playing better than Stafford when he went down too. Add in what might be a career year for Pominville and Stafford is now legitimately a 4th liner for us. One of the rumors I saw on Spectorshockey last night was that Columbus is looking to move Derick Brassard but want no or minimal salary coming back, really they want a prospect/pick. Brassard may not be the answer to our Cup dreams but he's a natural center. I'm starting to like the idea of moving Roy and Stafford out, promoting Kassian to the 2nd line, and giving up a pick to get Brassard. Two underachievers out the door, a new (hopefully motivated) player replacing them, and let's work on a bigger upgrade at the deadline. There were a whole bunch of us advocating htat very thing last season, even after Pegula took over. Believe it.


    Roy is having 1 BAD SEASON. He's played well for us, including a PPG last season until the injury. Stafford is a different matter, he has underachieved more than achieved so I'd agree. But boy am I getting tired of fanbois lumping those two together like their twins.


    Are you trying to say that if this team makes that move and misses the playoffs you won't say a negative thing about it because you are "ok with it"? Please...



  2. Just found out from mom that grandpa did indeed have a mini-stroke (ischemic) sometime early last week. He went to Strong today and they confirmed it and are running more tests. He will be 90 in January and after all that has gone on this year not sure i can deal with this. As sad and dumb as it sounds the sabres are 1 of the only positive things at the moment...


    Seems like your having a really rough time at the moment, wish it turns around soon dude. :)

  3. Fixed. You had "dealth", not "death". The strikethrough option was barely noticeable over the "l".

    Not all death metal is bad. If it has a halfway decent "melody" such as "Hammer Smashed Face" by Cannibal Corpse, that's not so bad. Some of the early stuff by Mortification (especially on their second album, which was almost 20 years ago) was really good. But if it sounds like an undecipherable cacophony that where even my 2-month old niece could play better than that on her musical playset, then it's trash.


    As for my contribution this time, I may never get these images out of my mind whenever I hear this song. :o


    LMAO thats actually distubing. I am a fan of metal/rock with melody but can't get past the roaring. My mate is trying to get me into Devildriver but I can't, I'll meet him at Trivium/Mastodon, who are ok. Lol.

    Thanks for the correction, I'll go and change the oringinal thing heh.

  4. Sorry. Not buying theirs or anyone else's arguments. I'm not accountable to any papal magisterium, so therefore I do not have to follow their dualistic thinking about Creation and "evolution". After all, who was present all those millions of years ago to write down accounts of what happened? No one. It's all based on assumptions that grasp for straws and seeks to discredit the Creation account. Therefore, macro-evolution is not only science fiction, but it's also historical fiction. To hold it up as fact is disingenuous - and that's putting it lightly.


    I'm going to assume you're not a big fan of Richard Dawkins?

  5. First, apologies, I could not resist. I tried, but i failed.










    It is completely possible to reconcile the fact of evolution with a belief in the Christian creation story. John Paul II and Pope Benedict are firm believers in evolution. And not some watered down version. The official doctrine is that all life on earth evolved from the same organism starting 3.5 - 4 Billion years ago. That this evolution was intended and guided by a god that exists outside of our temporal existence is the only added piece. They, along with myself, do not understand the insistence on the proposed antithetical relationship between evolution and creation.








    Yay Hockey!


    I checked this thread late but you deserve a clap! :clapping:

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