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Posts posted by PotentPowerPlay22

  1. Agree, I don't see a lot of options for him. Definitely not getting long term big money contract. Glad Murray won out over LaFontaine and Nolan and traded him.


    It was a no-brainer mandatory trade for the Sabres. The best part was that Miller didn't re-sign with the Blues. I think it is more advantageous to keep the 2nd and 3rd round pick rather than get a late Blues 1st round pick this year. My biggest fear (especially after the McNabb trade to LA) is that Tim Murray is going to give away future draft picks too easily to acquire new players. He gave LA two 2nd rounders plus McNabb in the Fasching/Deslaurier trade and I think he overpaid significantly. Time will tell.


    I hope Murray uses these all these hard earned draft picks wisely. The jury is still way out. I don't think you can accurately assess Murray until he has to operate without all the many assets acquired by Darcy Regier. Regier did a lot of the dirty work toward rebuiding and Murray stands to get most of the credit.


    If this process is done well, the Sabres future over the next 5-10 years looks very promising.

  2. Islanders will be worse next year than us. Count on it.




    I disagree 100%. The Islanders will be at least 15 points better than the Sabres next year. They were 17 points better this year, they have excellent prospects in the pipeline, and they have John Tavares. In addition, they scored 68 more goals than the Sabres this year. What makes you so certain the Sabres will improve and the Isalnders will decline to make up for the 17 point deficit. I don't see it at all.

    It doesn't make sense.


    The Islanders will use the #5 pick this year for sure.

  3. What would you do?? No way would I as a general manager give up a top pick. I think the Sabres will only get one top pick this year and Islanders will do all they can to improve so our pick is really high. How embarrassing to an organization giving up such a high pick


    This is not as difficult as most people think. The Isles will definitely keep the pick at #5 this year. It would be crazy to do otherwise. A top 5 pick is a premium pick and you don't give them away unless you know that you are planning to get rid of your star players next year. I don't see them getting rid of Tavares, Okposo, Strome, etc anytime soon. The only way next year's pick could possibly be better is if they intentionally tank and they have given no indication they will do so.


    The Islanders probability of keeping this year's pick is 98%.

  4. First and second, if the Islanders win the lottery and give us the pick.




    Here are my thoughts on the Islanders decision. The Islanders will almost certainly retain their 1st round pick in the 2014 draft. It is the logical choice. It would be insane IMO to give up a top 5 pick. Politically, it is almost mandatory that Garth Snow produce something of value this year. He may not be around too long if he doesn't have something to show this offseason. The Islanders are not terrible and they have a good chance of bouncing back next year. They have very good prospects in their system. Hockeysfuture has them ranked as the 5th best for future prospects. I would expect them to improve next year and they might not even get a top 10 pick in 2015. It is the smart choice to take a top 5 pick.


    I think there is a 95% chance they keep their pick this year.

  5. The blues first is a pipe dream. I think they get bounced in round one. Jmho.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there conditions on acquiring the Blues 1st rounder this year? I thought that if the Blues give their 1st to the Sabres (conditions are met) this year then the Sabres have to give the Blues their own 2nd and 3rd this year. In essence the Sabres might get the 26th pick but have to relinquish the 31st and 61st. So the Sabres would move up only 5 slots and still have to give up their 3rd (61st).


    If this is correct, it sounds like a good deal for the Blues.

  6. Season low 14 shots for buffalo tonight....... Tank on my friends


    The shots on goal was very noticeable. However, it is completely understandable when you consider the Sabres can't even complete a simple pass trying to enter center ice from their own zone. The passing is atrocious and is very likely a big reason they get few shots and fewer goals. This is what rock bottom looks like!


    On the positive side, rock bottom means the only direction is UP!


    In a couple of years, this could be a distant painful memory that will be forgotten.


    I'm very curious what the Isalnders do with their pick this year. Either way, the Sabres will get a good player. I think they keep the pick this year if it is top 5. Garth Snow desperately needs something to give the fans besides heartache this season.

  7. Miller






    2014 LA 2nd

    2015 LA 2nd

    2015 3rd

    2015 2nd (conditional)

    2016 3rd (conditional)











    2014 WPG 2nd

    2015 MIN 2nd

    2014 WAS 6th

    2015 STL 1st

    2014 STL 1st (Conditional)



    Okay I think that includes everything haha. Sorry it took a few times


    The race to stay at the bottom is in full progress. The Sabres are clearly trying for Connor McDavid and I'm all for it. What I liked was moving the UFA's for something tangible. What I didn't like was the high price paid in the McNabb trade to LA. Murray must think Fasching will be a star. I hope so, but this was a big price to pay.

  8. We should hire back Darcy Regier as the Assistant GM in charge of selling off s**t.


    I was listening to the guys on WGR550 and they are jumping up and down about how great the Sabres and Tim Murray did at the trade deadline. These are the same guys who were ripping Darcy Regier apart for his actions. Regier's trades aren't looking so bad now. Look what he got for Vanek for example. Regier had flaws, but he did acquire a lot of future assets for which he should receive some credit.

  9. It appears that LaFontaine and Murray had a great difference of opinion on what to do with Ryan Miller. It appears that the GM wanted to trade him and PLF wanted to re-sign him to a long term deal. What we have here is a failure to communicate.


    In addition, I believe that Ted Nolan was another point of friction. PLF is a big fan of Nolan and he hired him personally to steady the ship. I think Ted Nolan has done a good job with the available resources. I believe PLF wanted to remove the interim tag from coach Nolan, but Tim Murray wants to bring in his own head coach.


    I think PLF left to avoid a big sh*tstorm public battle between himself and the new GM. PLF is a classy guy. The class level of the new GM is still in doubt.


    I think Ted Nolan's future is seriously in doubt now that his biggest supporter has resigned. I don't think PLF could look Ted Nolan in the eyes if he knew he was going to get canned by Murray. PLF would rather quit than see the look in Nolan's eyes when he gets canned.


    This is pure speculation to be sure, but the truth is somewhere in this neighborhood I think.

  10. More complications on the conditional pick:



    If we get the 2014 first, we give the a 2nd and 3rd back.


    I just found this also and it makes the deal not so sweet for the Sabres. However, what would you rather have a 1st rounder near the bottom (St.Louis) vs. a 2nd rounder in the middle (Minnesota) and a 3rd rounder at the top (Buffalo)?


    We know what Tim Murray thinks. If you use trade value charts, the Blues clearly get the better deal. I thought the Sabres won the trade until the conditional details were revealed. At this point, it looks even pending a lot of unknowns.

  11. The trade deadline is next Wednesday and it is too early to draw conclusions just yet. Here are some preliminary thoughts on the trade market.


    First of all, I am rooting for the Blues to sign Miller so that the 2016 3rd rounder becomes a 2014 1st rounder.


    Secondly, I think there is a fair chance that Ott can be re-signed by the Sabres in the summer. He was the captain and GM Murray has already stated that he loves this type of player. Money will be no object and the Sabres have to spend anyway.


    Thirdly, William Carrier looks like a very good prospect on the left wing (an area of need for the organization)


    Fourthly, Chris Stewart has a decent chance of being a very good player if Buffalo keeps him. However, I think he will be traded for 2 additional young prospects. Halak will most likely become a free agent and sign elsewhere, but will be serviceable the remainder of the year. I think there is only a small chance he will be traded before the deadline due to the limited market for goalies.


    In addition, I think the key point to remember is that St. Louis is taking almost all the risk. The Sabres were going to lose both players to free agency and get nothing in return. The Blues have surrendered very good assets with the potential of receiving nothing in July. Unless the Blues win the Cup or re-sign one or both players, they are the big losers in the deal. If they win the Cup, then they are the big winners. The odds of them winning the Cup are not great.


    If the Sabres can get something significant for Moulson and something respectable for players like Halak, Tallinder, Sulzer, and McCormick, then this painful season might yield a significant long term jackpot. Tim Murray is in position to look like a hero by trading away assets accumulated by Darcy Regier.


    Understandably, a lot of Sabres fans are very disappointed in the team this season, but I am extremely excited for the future of this team in a couple years. The groundwork is being laid for a championship quality team. Let's see what happens before the deadline.

  12. As far as this draft is concerned, here is my reasoning for my thoughts......bare with me please and feel free to flame the crap out of it :P




    Edmonton will most likely finish 2nd to last behind us. ....



    I think Edmonton will draft 1st again by a large margin. The Sabres are slowly improving and will get enough points to achieve nothing, but damage their draft position. They will beat the Oilers by a least 8 points by the end of the year. I wouldn't be surprised if the Sabres fail to get a top 3 pick. The wildcard is the trade market. If the Sabres trade Miller and Moulson and/or Ott, for prospects and picks, then they could succeed in getting a top 3 pick.


    Assuming they get a top 2 or 3 pick, they will get a top player who can help them long term. I lean toward the best player available theory. Who is the best available? I don't know, but I think the scouts and new GM will figure it out.


    BTW, new GM Murray is in position to be the hero in this scenario. Darcy Regier has accumulated a lot of assets for Murray to manage. This is an enviable position for Murray. In a couple years when the Sabres are a playoff team, Murray will get the credit and everybody will forget that Regier did the dirty work to accumulate the assets that turned the team around.

  13. Man, LaFontaine has really transformed our hockey department into arguably the best in hockey. Craig Patrick is a huge addition.


    I hope so, but there is (arguably) no evidence to support your claim at this point.


    The question I wish one of the "reporters" would have asked Lafontaine is, " What did you learn about your team, the Sabres, when you interviewed all these people from outside the organization?" I think this could be significant to Lafontaine since he could get an objective view of the Sabres from the candidates. During the days when Al Davis (owner and GM of the Raiders) was coherent and competitive in the NFL he would interview coaching candidates from other teams in his division to find out what he thought were the strengths and weaknesses of his team. He would then use that intelligence to improve his team. I wonder if Lafontaine learned anything about his team going through this process..

  14. Everybody is screaming for Stafford to be traded, and fail to see why he isn't being scratched. The reason he isn't being scratched is because it would kill any remote value he has. They're showcasing him.


    I honestly see no reason that Stafford is gone before the end of his deal. Nobody is trading for his full contract but Buffalo is going to be using their final "keeping salary in a trade" on Miller. An offseason buyout makes no sense because you need to field a team and there's a salary floor to be met.


    They tried to trade Stafford last year. No takers.

  15. Was just a matter of time. Moulson will be dealt for more picks by Darcy.


    I believe this to be true. Moulson does not have a long term future in Buffalo. He will most likely be traded before the dealine. The Sabres should be able to get a 1st rounder at a minimum for him (plus another pick or player). This would make the deal essentially Vanek for two 1st rounders, a 2nd rounder and let's say a 3rd rounder. All things considered, considering Vanek's age and wages, this is a good deal for the Sabres.


    I was always against the Sabres matching the Edmonton offer sheet for Vanek. I felt the Sabres would have been better served by getting the four 1st round picks from the Oilers at the time. Now that Vanek's career in Buffalo is over, I believe history will favor the view that taking the (4) 1st rounders would have been much better.


    The Sabres are finally heading in the right direction as an organization. All the top teams suffered at the bottom of the league in the early stages of their rebuilding. Pittsburgh, Chicago and others all acquired their top talent when they were trolling the bottom of the league.


    I can see definite signs the Sabres are acquiring the top talent they need to succeed. The young players like Pysyk, Zadorov, and Ristolainen are forming the backbone of a defense that may prosper for many years. Girgensons and Grigorenko are the beginnings of a rejuvenation up front. There are many very promising players in the organization like McCabe, JT Compher,Nick Baptiste and Connor Hurley who will be Sabres in several years.


    The majority of fans at the moment are on the "Fire Darcy!" bandwagon, but not me. I think the change in the organization's philosophy over the last two years is very welcome and promising. It will take a little time, but I believe the rewards will be great in a few years. In the age of "I want it now!" this is not popular, but it is smart.


    I will go with patience and intelligence over emotional overreaction anyday. Emotional overreaction lead to the Sabres re-signing Vanek at all costs the last time and I believe that didn't work too well even though it seemed like a good short term decision.


    I am pretty certain my opinion will be in the minority right now, but in 4 or five years it will be vindicated again.

  16. I think the Sabres had a great draft. Time will tell.


    I believe getting rid of the old dead wood and replacing it with top draft picks is the way to go.


    Well done to Regier and Devine and staff.

  17. I don't understand all the crying about losing toughness by trading Kassian. This team needed a real center. Now we have one. Stop whining.


    The team needs centers because the GM hasn't acquired any previously. Did Regier just wake up from a seven year slumber? Didn't he notice until now that the Sabres were terribly weak down the middle?

    They have to trade away their top prospect who has size and toughness to fill a hole created by the GM. The Sabres drafted Kassian to fill a need: size and toughness. The need still exists more than ever.


    I will agree with Regier that it is easier to acquire tough guys in the summer than it is to get talented centers. I think Hodgson can be very good so I hope this works out. I think trading Gaustad and Kassian makes a soft team even softer. In this respect I think the Sabres are thinking this year is lost because there is no way this team is built for the playoffs. Teams will try to bully the Sabres even more now until the end of the season. It could get ugly.


    The Sabres draft has to be excellent this year. I suspect Regier will deal one or more top picks to pick up proven NHLer's.


    Only time will tell who got the best of the trade.

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