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Posts posted by DR HOLLIDAY

  1. This came on the ipod during the commute home tonight. What a fantastic album. There wasn't a single bar in WNY during the 90's that was worth a damn that didn't have this one in their jukebox.


    Well, I've kissed you in France and I've kissed you in Spain

    And I've kissed you in places I'd better not name

    And I've seen the sun go down on Sacre Coeur

    But I like it much better........




    Great post man, I have seen those guys in concert 4 times.

  2. Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett falls into that historical fiction catagory. Great book. I have the two "sequals" waiting for me on the shelf next to it. This thread has actually got me off my ass to finally read them.


    I read "Pillars" a long time ago and it is a good book, I never thought about reading the sequels, perhaps it is time.

  3. Marilyn Manson - The Long Hard Road Out of Hell


    Previous recent reads are Walk This Way, The Dirt, The Heroin Diaries, and I Am Ozzy.


    Next up is gonna be Anthony Kiedis' Scar Tissue.


    I love rock bios if you hadn't noticed.


    I read Neil Youngs bio a few years back, it is was very good.

  4. Have any of you read The Road? Thinking about picking it up, but would like to have a heads up.


    I read that during Christmas Vacation, I liked it. Some pretty creepy parts and it reminded me of Fallout 3, lol.


    I usually read one book for entertainment value and I always have a history book on the go, usually WW2 related. I just finished "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and it was a fun read.


    I am halfway through "The Third Reich at War" by Richard J. Evans. It is the third book in his series about the Third Reich, and it is very well documented. I am not sure that many people would want to read to entire series like I have, but if you want to give one of them a try I would say try the last one in the series it is what people would find most interesting/disturbing.

  5. Sorry to hear that - did they do an ultrasound to make sure it truly wasn't there versus un-descended? It may be worth a follow up if you are not sure, because if it is undescended, as he continues to grow, it could cut off blood supply and die.


    On the upside, yes, one is all it takes to get the job done and he should not suffer from decreased testosterone. Additionally, once word gets out to the ladies in high school, being a uniballer should be good for half a dozen rear seat groping sessions based on curiosity alone!


    And he has the whole bike thing going for him, too!


    Uniballer, LMAO........ :beer:

  6. I have seen it, but haven't tried it yet. The label throws me off - looks like some new age concoction, not a traditional Irish WhiskEY




    First my apologies, for screwing up the whiskey/whisky. Not paying attention to what the hell I am doing here.


    Jameson is my least favorite of the big names. It's entry level is basically undrinkable for me. Tullamore Dew is only slightly better. Bushmills is better yet, but the upgraded Black Bush is too sweet for me. As I said previously, Powers is th best of the entry level Irish whiskeys I have tried to date - perfect for filling that flask for cold weather events.


    I have to say that I am so turned off by Jameson that I haven't bothered to try their higher end offerings. I have had the 12 year old special reserve Tullamore Dew, and while it is a substantial improvement over the entry level dew, it is not as pleasing to me as red breast despite being in a bout the same price range - $35-40 for a fifth. I would like to try Tullamore's single malt, but haven't seen it in stores yet.


    My tastes run all over the place - I like just about everything. Irish whiskey is a go to favorite, but I love to drink scotch under the right circumstances - for scotch, there are so many options that it gets confusing, and I have trouble remembering what I have tried and liked. I love the heavy peaty, smoky ones, especially at cask strength. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I think I am going to drink my lunch today.


    Try the single Malt ten year old Bushmills, its really good.

  7. I am not a Whisky drinker. My Wife brought home a bottle of Bushmills Single malt Irish whiskey one holiday season. It is by far the smoothest alcohol I ever tasted.


    Thats my Whiskey of choice..........Bushmills black is also good....... :beer:

  8. Is Rivet the worst player to ever worn the C for the sabres I cant think of any other more uninspiring captains


    Satan was captain for a short span?


    I did remember when Rivet fought someone late in a game last year, after he had broke his nose in the first period.

  9. I am not giving up on this team, but I may give up on this board. Somedays I hate being a Buffalo fan. This negativism has GOT to stop. I know this board is a nice tool to vent on, and trust me, I understand your frustration. That being said, we've got to pull together on this. Nothing personal, but I just used your comment to vent my own frustrations with.


    PS - The Buffalo Sabres are going to win the 2007 Stanley Cup. Get used to believing!


    I feel ya man.............. :beer:


    Pommer 3-1 Sabres............ :beer:

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