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  1. I have to say that Harry Potter were the only books I read straight through. Took me two and a half nights to read the last one. So much lost in the movie, like most, I guess I love sci-fi with a soap opera twist. B-)


    Before getting into the books currently on deck, I read the entire series to my kids. They're actually quite fun reads.


    yes, and it was mozart who merely used highly stylized and overly ornamental compositions as a means of planting facile emotions in the listener's mind.


    seriously. gimme a break.


    take issue with the work being needlessly impenetrable, but it's rubbish to say that it's a pointless exercise in linguistic ######.


    as for finnegan's wake, i have tried to get through it several times, each time without any real success. i think that joyce took matters too far with that piece, or at least further than i am capable of going (or willing to go, anyway).



    Goodness, are you a relative of Joyce's? I would never call Ulysses "needlessly impenetrable" - it's clearly penetrable and the style isn't a function of "need", but, rather, personal choice. Joyce chose the style he wrote it in; good for him; and who is to say it's "needless"?


    I never called it "a pointless exercise in linguistic self-pleasuring" ( what is it with this forum and straw men?), but you must admit all of the accolades the book has received over the years suggest the book is more than the style, which it is not. That is all I am saying.


    If you remove style from art then there would be nothing new, fresh, and original.

  3. I do think Stafford has the skill, but he seriously needs someone to kick him in the ass and keep kicking him, someone like a motivator or a coach, maybe Pegula should try to get one of them.




    You are wrong. There are always teams who think they can "fix" the players they are trading for. Roy and Stafford would both have quite a bit of value if put on the market(I'm not getting into trade proposals).


    Just like a woman ready to get married.


    Speaking of jokes, I was awarded my very own copy of Skyrim for Christmas. I know some are tired with that set-up, but, as a result of said gift I have a personal message to Drew: I understand, buddy, I understand.



    Are you suggesting I'm a troll because I call The Stormcloud whiners on occasion? Like I and many others have been doing since Scott started this thing back in '96? When The Stormcloud calls me Kool-aid drinker are they trolling as well? Is chz a troll when she suggests someone will have reason to "bitch" for another couple years? Directly calling into question someone's bona fides as a fan by saying he is apathetic about the team is furthering interesting conversation? Only Team Kool-aid is incapable of understanding an opposing view? Is Team Stormcloud just misunderstood because their message is just too complex? That seems to be your message here. Welcome to the league, Team Sanctimonious.


    GO SABRES!!!


    I don't have the patience to respond thoroughly on the phone, but suffice to say that you're missing the mark by a wide margin on the troll thing.


    Unless, of course, the idea is to take what I said and stir the pot more, rather than allow it to settle down.

  5. By your logic, the only way to affect change on this team is by trading the entire roster, firing all of the Sabres staff, and moving the team to a completely different city. Is that delimited enough for you? Or would you like to act even more ridiculous today?


    So, this thread has advanced based on this straw man post. That others agree with this hyperbole is almost as shocking as the irony of d4rk calling Deluca "ridiculous".


    And then comes some personal attacks because one group feels its point of view is superior to another group's and is therefore justified in their mockery. This passes as discourse in our society today, sadly.


    I guess I'm a full-fledged member of Team Stormcloud because I DO NOT believe that a few player changes will take this club up to next level - a level where they are sincerely competitive and in a position to at least challenge for the Cup. Right now, as far as I see it, they are barely in a position to make the playoffs.


    I'm on record here saying that I don't necessarily believe Ruff is the entire problem, and that he is not tops on my list of changes to be made, but that if he were a casualty in a shake-up I would not mind that. I believe that Darcy needs to go FIRST, and then some players, and then whatever else the new GM decides is in the best interest of a club - a club whose stated objectives is to "win a Stanley Cup, and then go win another Stanley Cup."


    It appears that most people agree this team needs some sort of change. I would call that "common ground" among the various groups, or camps. Okay, going forward from that point, there are, obviously, various ways the Sabres can "change". That is where we all seem to differ.


    I do not see, and I would be interested to see evidence of the contrary if someone can find it, anyone advocating "firing the entire staff" and "trading the entire roster" (should I bother with the "move the team" nonsense?). I do see people suggesting trading SOME players, people suggesting Ruff being fired, or some of the assistant coaches being fired, and that most people seem to agree Darcy should go. Are these not all valid paths to change for a professional sports team? Who here is so super-smart that they know WHICH of these strategies to enact, and in what order?


    Sorry, but NONE OF US are that good. So, NONE OF US should be attacking another because we're thinking about "our" team. d4rk's ideas are no more valid than deluca's - and spndnchz's fandom is no better than dwight's.


    Trolls are very obvious - most of us know one when we see one, eventually. Shame on you calling others "whiners" and "complainers" those who stick around here season after season, whose ideas differ from yours, but whose passion for the team is clearly as hot as yours. Perhaps you don't understand the point-of-view, but then be big about it and admit it, rather than pedestrian and mock it. There's no shame in not being able to relate to what someone is saying, so long as the point in question is lucid and part of the conversation (or, in other words, not trolling or just out-and-out misinformed and foolish). That is where interesting conversations BEGIN - right now some of you are shooting down the interesting conversations before they begin.

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  6. I think the reason you two are differing here is the bolded part. In Sizzle's mind (and the minds of many others, I'm getting closer to agreeing with them) the same mechanic has been working on the car for many years and the car is no closer to being properly fixed. In fact, not only were the wrong parts purchased, but there is evidence that they may have been installed incorrectly. Going to a different mechanic AND replacing the parts with the right ones may very well be warranted.



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  7. When you have a problem with your car, do you ask the mechanic to rip everything out and replace everything? I usually ask him to fix the glaring issue first, and if a problem remains, then I have him fix that.


    Lindy isn't the glaring issue. The players that are lazy are. start there. if there's still an issue, then start looking elsewhere. If you try to replace the entire engine when the transmission is the problem, you haven't fixed anything, you've just left the other issue to continue to get worse.


    This isn't a car we're talking about. This is a group of humans gathered together, ostensibly, to accomplish a singular objective. It's more like a platoon, where if it routinely fails to meet its objective, the platoon commander and his/her officers are replaced, rather than replacing the entire corps.


    If you want to liken the Sabres to machines, or any non-human system, I can certainly oblige with the appropriate analogies, but suffice to say for now that I do not believe your analogy is appropriate.

  8. Doing both is a great way to destroy a team. Either you trade someone or you fire your coach. Each option causes some disruption, but combining the two would make a huge mess.


    Why? They're no closer to winning the Cup this year if they take the conservative approach. Why not get it over with if the pieces they think can do it going forward are available? I'm not saying those pieces are available, however I am saying that if there are opportunities, I would prefer they take them no matter how drastic it seems in the (very) short term.

  9. I guess this "Let's have a Cup-contending team" energy is making me more impatient, along with some others here too. It's like, "Hey, if we're serious about being very good, it's time to dump the dead wood that's overstayed its welcome." I'm on that bandwagon because it is obvious to everyone that changes are needed.



    :clapping: Excellent summary of where a lot of fans are at. "Impatient" is the proper description - and TPegs has only himself to blame for that. I wish WGR would have the Black interview on their site, I'm curious to hear what he said this morning. The promos make it sound no different than last week, but let's hope #1 Sabres Fan Tpegs has lit a fire under his butt.

  10. Stafford does need to go, So does Sekera, so does Boyes. Zassian deserves a spot on this team along with McNabb. I am sick of seeing Ellis out there as well, great guy but not an NHL player. We need scoring from all of our lines, not just one. I am sick of seeing blown coverage when the other team is coming across the blue line.


    I'm not seeing the problem with Sekera, or Boyes.


    Neither have been problematic this season. Boyes, of course, we can't say without a larger sample, but he was clearly getting hot before being injured.


    Sekera, to me, is one of the few players on the roster to actually have a relatively smooth upward progression in his development.


    While I would like to see Kassian and McNabb on the roster now, I'm not holding my breath. I think it's more important the team shed the floaters, as discussed (Roy and Stafford) and see what that does.


    MAGs isn't going anywhere since I think last night confirmed Lindy has a crush on him. He should be high on the list of trade-bait, though.


    Frankly, I would like to see either Goose or Kaleta go, too. Not that I have any emnity toward them, but aside from Gaustad's face-off skill, neither are helping the team right now in terms of offense. Or maybe Ennis, if the pot needs to be sweetened.

  11. I picked up a 12 of Sam Adams Latitude 48 Deconstructed IPA the other day and am currently enjoying a "Zeus". Very interesting, hoppy taste. Kind of dark tasting, too. It's good, though, and actually mellows appropriately as it warms up a little.


    One of you guys who knows beer really ought to host a get-together and turn us dilettantes on to "The Good Stuff".

  12. The older I get the less I can stand garbage beers. Bud, Miller, Coors, Labatt's, Molson, and that ilk are freaking garbage and I won't even waste my time if one is offered free. I don't have an "occasion" beer - crap beer is crap beer no matter when you drink it, and good beer is good beer just the same.


    My absolute favorite is Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold Lager. I like other brews from Great Lakes, but the Dortmunder is the beer archetype for me.


    Samuel Adams lager is a good stand in, and I like some of their other brews; notably Noble Pils and Latitude 48 IPA. Thankfully, if I can't find Great Lakes while I'm out, Sam Adams is usually available.


    Southern Tier Brewing Co.'s Phin and Matt's Extraordinary Ale is good, although I don't like their other stuff for the most part.


    I always try new stuff, most of it forgettable, hence the reason my list is short. I can say that some of the ones people "rave" about, like Dogfish Head and Smuttynose, have been disappointing.

  13. Those first three periods were definately worth it for the OT. But, considering it was a Monday-night crowd, it was a pretty good crowd prior to the OT. It was pretty intense to be in the building - I've never been to a playoff game, but I could imagine that is what it must be like.

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